Ï Special session of the Government is dedicated to sport development

Special session of the Government is dedicated to sport development

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Special session of the Government is dedicated to sport development
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held special session of the Government in the Olympic village dedicated to the development of sports. Preparation to sport events of the year as well as number of topical aspects of the state policy was brought up for discussion.

Representative of international organizations, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, deputy hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat, directors of the universities, editors of newspapers and magazines, heads of non-governmental and sport organizations, other management level personnel were invited to participate in the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State noted that recently, our country pays great attention to the development of sports. Billions on investments in national currency have been used for modernization of the profile infrastructure. Numerous sport schools and facilities as well as the Olympic village in Ashgabat, which arenas successfully hosted V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, are among the facilities that have been built and still under construction.

Turkmen sportsmen actively perform at international competitions where they win medals including gold ones. This year, Turkmenistan will host important big sport competitions very soon. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly to these events, the Head of the State highlighted.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave floor for report on the work performed in this direction to relative leaders, having noted that today, the world community expresses great interest to International rally Amul – Hazar 2018.

Reporting on the preparation to the above-mentioned rally, Minister of Internal Affairs I. Mulikov informed on the events held according to the Resolutions of the President of the President of Turkmenistan from February 17 and April 22 on popularization of the history of the Great Silk Road and opening of its importance in modern age and on the development of motor sport in our country. It was also informed that session of organization and working committees reviewing the issues of conduct of coming competition on proper level have been held.

The Head of the MIA also reported on signing of the Agreement and outcomes of the talks with Africa Eco Race Company for successful organization and wide highlighting of International rally in mass media and participation of famous sportsmen. At present, special trainings were organized in the Motor Sport Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for pilots, navigators and technical staff who would represent Turkmenistan national team.

Information about the presentation of the project of rally Amul – Hazar 2018 to the International Automobile Federation with the participation of famous racer Jean Louis Schlesser.

The Head of the MIA also reported on the presentation that brought together around 50 representatives of leading magazines held in Moscow on May 16. Video on preparation to International rally, qualification tournament and other events was demonstrated at the meeting.

After, Deputy Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, Chairman of the Motor Sport Federatio of Turkmenistan G. Agamyradov made report on the preparation to this big sport event.

It was mentioned that at present time, technical provision of national team fully complies with the requirements of the International Motor Sports Federation for participation in international rally. Training of Turkmen racers aimed at the achievement of high prizes at rally Amul – Hazar 2018 is carried out according to the programme approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs and Motor Sports Federation of Turkmenistan.

Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs D. Gulgeldiyev reported to the President on the preparation to the World Powerlifting Championship in Ashgabat this autumn.

It was mentioned that composition of relative Organization Committee was formed and approved according to the Resolution on the 2018 World Powerlifting Championship in Ashgabat. The Committee held two sessions, during which organizational issues of the tournament have been reviewed in details.

At present, profile ministries and departments together with the Ministry of Sports And Youth Affairs carry out relative work. Working group, which includes specialist in different directions related to the organization of this prestigious competition, has been made under the Ministry.

It is expected that great number of athletes as well as the official representatives and high-rank guests from the number of states will come for the participation in the World Powerlifting Championship, which will be held in Turkmen capital on October 28 – November 10. The winners of the World Championship will be qualified to participate in 2020 Summer Olympics in Japan.

Cooperation with International Weightlifting Federation, with which the agreement has been signed and the Provision on the World Weightlifting Championship has been approved, is successfully developed.

According to the Agreement, representatives of the IWF inspected preparation works and gave high appraisal to the provision of Ashgabat Olympic village. It is expected that specialist in different spheres will come to our country soon for organizational issues of the event.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the preparation to the events timed to the World Bicycle Day. The Vice-premeir informed that proper work with the participation of Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat, heads of ministries and departments, military and law enforcement agencies is carried out for high-level organization of the events on occasion of the World Bicycle Day.

On occasion of the holiday, it is planned to organize various competitions, cycling races and tours in the capital. Cultural events and performance of the art masters will be held in the starting points. In addition to mass events, it is planned to organize the tournaments among profession cyclists.

After, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who made special mention of the international importance of World Bicycle Day established by the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan by relative Resolution of the UN General Assembly. 56 countries were the co-authors of this document.

The World Bicycle Day will be observed for the first time on June 3 this year. In this regard, as well as in the context of realization of the Goals of Sustainable Development and optimum use of the capabilities of cycling, number of proposals including on organization of this sport events on international, continental and regional level as well as international methodological conferences and professional sport seminars, master classes, etc. in Turkmenistan was presented for review to the Head of the State.

It was also proposed to hold International Conference dedicated to the importance of bicycle for urban transport system together with the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport and the UNHABITAT programme in 2019.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved presented proposal, having requested to take integrated measures and involve existing potential for their practical realization.

After, the floor was given to President of Russian Cycling Federation, world famous sportsman Vyacheslav Ekimov who highlighted that it is great honour for him participate in the session and make speech to such esteemed audience.

Taking opportunity, first, the guest cordially congratulated Turkmen leader on unanimous adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution on declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day initiated by the initiative of the Head of the State.

It is generally known that this sport has old traditions in Turkmenistan – the first cycling society was established in Ashgabat in 1894. However, the cycling received special impulse recently owing to one of the most sporty Presidents in the world and Turkmen cycling gained second life, - the guest highlighted.

V. Ekimv noted that the roads running along the Kopetdag Mountains hosted numerous national cycling competitions for many decades and today, serve as the place for international training camps for leading sportsmen. This is enhanced not only by wonderful climate of Turkmenistan allowing cycling in open air practically all year around but also by unprecedented quality of these roads in the country.

For example, one of the best professional cycling teams of the world Katyusha, which was founded and sponsored by President of ARETI Igor Makarov, periodically comes to Turkmenistan in winter for training to big international tournaments.

The guest said that excellent indoor cycling track built according to all Olympic standards deserves highest appraisal. Construction of this sport facility is important step in the development of cycling in Turkmenistan. According to foreign experts and specialists of International Cycling Union, all related requirements has been observed and all necessary infrastructure has been made in cycling track what makes the condition for organization of the highest level tournaments in Ashgabat.

At the same time, special mention was made of the merit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who is active promoter of the cycling, initiator of regular cycling races holidays where the Head of the State takes active part.

Russian Cycling Federation as well as ARETI Company have always been and would continue to be reliable partners, allies and friends of Turkmenistan, the guest assured, having noted that Russia Cycling Federation took active part in the development of the Programme of development if cycling sport in Turkmenistan in 2013 – 2017, which was approved by the Head of the State and gave strong impulse to this discipline.

Taking into account excellent organization of V Indoor and Martial Arts Games demonstrated by our country in 2017, which programme also included track cycling races, Russian Cycling Federation, using its positions in the World cycling Union, will work actively on the idea of the World Tournament on this sport in Turkmenistan in 2019, V. Ekimov said.

The guest also highlighted that road infrastructure of our country matches excellently for organization of road cycling races, what he personally saw during his current visit to Turkmenistan.

V. Ekimov expressed the willingness of Russian Cycling Federation and ARETI to assist in solution of the objective of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Turkmenistan on making of the opportunities for going in for cycling by young generation in each velayat in order to form strong teams in the future, which would stand for the honour of the country at international competitions.

Development of sports in Turkmenistan is one of national ideas and priority objectives of the Government, which leaders put all efforts for the realization of set targets, the famous sportsmen said.

In the end on behalf of Russian Cycling Federation and personally, V. Ekimov expressed sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for personal input to the development of cycling sport and wished Turkmen leadertrong health, excellent physical condition and success in new noble deeds for the sake of the country as well as further prosperity in all spheres of life to Turkmenistan.

Having expressed the Head of Russian Cycling Federation for substantial speech and good words, President of Turkmensitan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused again on the fact that recently, the UN General Assembly declared June 3 as the World Bicycle Day initiated by Turkmen side. Following this, the Head of the State signed the Resolution on celebration of this date for further development of national sport.

Summing up the outcomes of detailed discussion of the points of agenda, the Head of the State outlined specific measures for their successful fulfilement.

The President of Turkmenistan gave instruction to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov to organize high level of events timed to the World Bicycle Day on June 3 together with relative officials and hyakims of Ashgabat and velayats.

In this regard, the Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to provide proper organization of cycling races and marathons in all regions of the country, having noted that cycling race that would unite numerous supporters of cycling has to be organized in Ashgabat, the President said that he would also take part in this big sport action and ordered to take all necessary measures for preparation of mass cycling race, to outline its routes and to present the report on performed work at the next session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Taking into account numerous requests of the population, the Head of the State continued, it is necessary to hold mass ecological event – the day without motor transport, on June 3. It will make special effect supporting the provision of favourable atmosphere for life of people.

The President noted that according to relative Resolution from 7 June 2013, it is necessary to take immediate measures for modernization of existing infrastructure in this sphere, to carry out the work for attraction of the population to cycling.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered Minister of Internal Affairs I. Mulikov and Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev to take the measures for reduction of the traffic in the capital on June 3 from 7 am to 7 pm limiting it to only public transport. The same order is related to the velayat centres.

The President of Turkmensitan addressed the Head of the MIA and Deputy Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, Chairman of the Motorsports Federation of the country G. Agamyradov with the instructions on successful organization of rally Amul – Hazar 2018 including high level of ecological safety of the vehicles participating in the competitions.

Addressing Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs D. Gulgeldiyev, the President noted that special fund was established in the ministry according to the Resolution from 24 March 2018 for the provision of high organizational level of sport competitions held by our country and for financing of the expenses related to the training of Turkmenistan national teams.

Having highlighted the necessity of targeted and efficient use of this fund, the Head of the State requested to take measures for wide popularization of cycling among the youth and for establishment of the Youth Cycling Movement, which is to organize interesting events as well as competitions with the participation of young generation, which results would be summed up annually on the World bicycle Day.

Speaking of the World Weightlifting Championship in Turkmenistan this year, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the Provision on its organization needs to be adopted after coordination with International Federation. Special attention is to be paid to the provision of the sportsmen with quality food and proper organization of medical service of the athletes.

In short, they have to stipulate everything for deserving organization of this prestigious competition, the Head of the State said, having requested to hold the session of relative Organization Committee as soon as possible. It is also necessary to review all objectives related to the participation of Turkmenistan team in the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the State ordered National Anti-Doping Agency, National Olympic Committee, Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry to take all necessary measures for efficient organization of doping officers during the World Weightlifting Championship.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva with the assignment on wide coverage of international sport competitions in the country by mass media as well as on organization of cultural events on the camping sites of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally for the recreation activity of the particpants of these competitions.

Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry N. Amannepesov received the assignments on the development of the standards of permissible loads for sportsmen and amateurs, mass explanatory work on the effect of bad habits on organism and on the benefits of healthy life style.

Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev was requested to foresee additional construction of small sport grounds and physical and health improving complexes in heavily populated areas together with construction of big sport facilities and stadiums.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers have to make all conditions in their ministries and departments for involvement of their personnel to do physical training and sports and to encourage their participation in mass sport movement.

Finishing extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State strong health, family wealth and great success in work to wished all participants and prosperity to the people of Turkmenistan.

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Sessions with the participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, deputies of the Mejlis, heads of ministries and departments, non-governmental organizations, representative of velayat and Ashgabat administrations, mass media as well as foreign guests were held in sport facilities for solution of the objectives given by the President of Turkmenistan during extended special session of the Government.

Participants of the session assured that they would put all efforts for successful organization of the events on occasion of the World Bicycle Day, World Weightlifting Championship, International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 and other coming big international competitions, which are to bring the prestige of national sports to new levels.