Ï Priorities of the state development are discussed at the session of the Government

Priorities of the state development are discussed at the session of the Government

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers in video conference mode. The agenda included priority issues of home and foreign policy of Turkmenistan.

First, the Head of the State called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet pf Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who reported on seasonal field works. The Vice-premier addressed the Head of the State to appoint the date of the start of wheat harvesting.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State called hyakims of Ahal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary Velayats. The Heads of regional administrations reported on seasonal works in agricultural complex including on the readiness to the grain harvest campaign, care of the cotton and other crops. Information on the measures for social and economic development of the velayats and realization of National rural programme was also given.

Addressing the participants of the session, heads of the regions and all compatriots, the President of Turkmenistan noted that responsible period – the wheat harvesting, is coming. Having highlighted that the main objective of the grain growers is to collect the wheat harvest fast and without any loss, the President ordered to start harvest campaign on June 6 in Ahal, Lebap and Mary Velayats and on June 13 in Balkan and Dashoguz Velayats.

After, the Head of the State called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision as well as on the preparation of the State budget for the next year. It was informed that priority objectives outlined in the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2018 – 2024 would be taken into account during elaboration of the main financial plan of the country.

At the same time, it is planned to develop the drafts of the main directions of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and Investment programme for 2019. The order and timeline of preparation of necessary data and calculations by the hyakimliks, ministries and departments have been outlined. In addition, it is planned to develop methodological manuals and to conduct consultation for relative specialists.

Summing up the report, the President focused on the significance of the State budget, which is important instrument of implementation of economic policy. Having noted the necessity of bringing of the volume and structure of the State revenues and expenditures in accordance with the capabilities and requirements of national economy, President Gurbanguly Berdimhamedov signed relative Resolution.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the increment of the funds used for the improvement of social and living conditions of the citizens, increment of salaries, development of education and health protection, Turkmen leader highlighted, having requested the Vice-premier to present the Draft State Budget for 2019 to the review by the Cabinet of Ministers.

After, the Head of the State listened to the report of Minister of Economics and Finances B. Bazarov on the participation in the 74th session of the UN Economic and Social Committee for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP). The agenda of regular session of one of the largest division of the UN unclouded realization of the Goals of Sustainable Development until 2030 in Asian and Pacific region.

The main objective of National rural programme is to bring the quality of life of people to new level, to make the conditions for the improvement of wellbeing of the population what matches with one of the objectives of the GSD, the Head of the State highlighted. In this regard, it is important to hold under attention timely fulfilment of the activities outlines in this document, the President of the country pointed out, having requested the Minister to analyse thoroughly the implementation of the above-mentioned Programme.

Addressing Vice-premier G. Myradov, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of making of the conditions for the increment of the longevity, which was declared as the main value in all countries. Longevity indicator is one the main indices of economic growth of the country. In this regard, the provision of high life level, improvement of wellbeing and social protection of the population are among urgent objectives of the present, Turkmen leader continued.

These objectives were defined as the main Goals of Sustainable Development in the UN Millennium Development Programme. Turkmenistan adopted relative national programme under realization of this document of the United Nations. Our main goal is to protect and improve the health of the nation what is directly reflected on the longevity.

Provision of peace, prosperity and ecological safety, which are basic principles of the State policy, are the main factors in this matter, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having addressed the Vice-premier with the number of specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers m. Meredov reported on the work in different sectors of fuel and energy complex as well as on the outcomes of IX Turkmenistan International Gas Congress in Avaza National tourist zone on May 23 – 24. It was noted that representatives of more than 100 foreign companies and international organizations took part in the forum.

Such topical subject as the development of the world gas industry was widely highlighted at the Congress. Special attention was paid to petrochemical projects in our country as well as to the improvement of the efficiency of business processes in distribution and use of gas and training of qualified profile specialists.

Round table session was held during the forum, which participants familiarized with the course of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline. Priority directions of cooperation were discussed at the business meetings between the heads of national fuel and energy complex and foreign businessmen interested in the improvement of the partnership with our country.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with the number of specific assignments on further realization of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030. The Head of the State pointed out that utmost attention shall be paid to the attraction of the investments to large infrastructural projects in the sphere of deep processing of hydrocarbon materials as well as to the expansion of sale markets of petrochemical production made in the country.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision, fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State for the increment of import substitutive production.

Having highlighted the importance of rapid solution of the objectives on import substitution set to industrial complex, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity of continuation of works for formation of high technological production infrastructure in the country, establishment of processing facilities producing wide variety of quality goods and items from local materials that are not yielding to foreign analogues.

It is necessary to provide high competiveness of domestic production in internal and foreign markets in the sphere of production of construction materials. In this regard, the Head of the State focused on the priority objectives of further development of this key segment of national economy that occupies important place in industrialization of entire national economy of the country. Having ordered to work over the subject of modernization of Turkmendemironumlery Plant thoroughly, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice—premier with the number of specific instructions.

Having highlighted that the Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel would be observed in the country on coming weekend, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution of conferring of the State awards and honoured titles to the personnel of the branch who made considerable contribution to the development of national handmade carpet production and textile industry by their selfless work.

Having pointed out that it is necessary to organize coming events on high level, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with relative assignments.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the work for construction of automobile bridge across the railway on Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy highway on the territory of Turkmenbashy etrap.

Having focused on the utmost objectives of the programme on road construction, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of provision of high quality modernization of existing roads and construction of new highways, their maintenance in ideal condition. All of these allow optimizing transport routes taking into account increasing number of motor vehicles.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the State made special mention of automobile bridge, which opening would support transport and infrastructural development of the country, establishment of favourable conditions for local residents travelling to surrounding settlements.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the activity of the structures under his supervision, development of trade and foreign economic relations, realization of the measures for the state support of small and medium business in the country, measures for the expansion of import substitutive and export oriented facilities with the involvement of the capabilities of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State focused on the improvement of the mechanisms and forms of international cooperation in promotion of national production in foreign markets and creation of the conditions for activation of business initiative.

After, Deputy Chairperson of the cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the programme of the events on occasion of holiday and remarkable dates of national calendar in June, opening of social and cultural facilities. The Vice-premier also presented the Draft Resolution on the Contract with foreign company on broadcasting of international sport competitions by Sport Channel for approval by the Head of the State.

The Programme of the events in June includes the concerts of art masters of Turkmenistan, theatre performances, exhibition and contests, scientific and branch conferences on occasion of the World Children Day, World Environment Protection Day, Day of Science, Day of Art and Culture as well as the Day of Magtumguly Fragi Poetry, opening of school summer holiday season and the World Bicycle Day.

Final round of artistic contest «Talyp joşguny - 2018» will be held in June followed by qualification rounds of TV contest «Ýaňlan, diýarym!» in Ashgabat, Ahal, Balkan and Dashoguz Velayat.

Festival “Music of Nury Halmammedov: Everlasting melody of epochs” and the concert of the State Symphonic Orchestra will be timed to the 80th anniversary of famous Turkmen composer Nury Halmammedov.

Big programme of events is prepared to the Week of Culture traditionally timed to the professional holiday of the personnel of this sphere. In addition, cycling, tennis, football, wrestling and other sport competitions, conference “Traffic Safety – Peace of our Life” will be held in June.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to provide high organizational level of coming celebration events and cultural and mass celebrations, which would be held on occasion of the opening of new facilities. The importance of high level organizations of planned international cultural events and forums, which are to improve the relations of Turkmenistan with foreign states, was highlighted.

Having focused on the work of national mass media, the President noted that it is necessary to organize TV and radio programmes as well as publications in printing media about the centenarians of our country.

Having highlighted the necessity of the improvement of work of Sport Channel and taking into account coming big international competitions in the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved presented document.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the projects of construction of bus station in velayat centres – Balkanabat, Dashoguz, Mary and Turkmenabat. Slides with the sketches of new facilities and maps of their location were presented to the attention of the Head of the State.

Having highlighted that today, national transport sector is provided with modern vehicles, which is involved on city lines and intercity routes, the Head of the State approved presented projects in general.

The session was continued by the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers on the work for introduction of new digital technologies to the sphere of medical services. It was informed that at present, electronic documentation system is operating in medical facilities of Ashgabat and velayat centres. Telecommunications allowing exchanging medical information for consultation and medical assistance to the patients were also arranged.

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organizations, the practice of special SMS messages for improvement of the awareness of the population in health sphere, remote consulting and control of health conditions, dialog between the doctor and patients is widely used in developed countries of the world. According to the instruction of the President, the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry together with relative departments studied the practice of sending of similar messages via Altyn Asyr cellular operator.

Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry N. Amannepesov reported on the same subject by direct video call. Proposal on introduction of new service aimed at the improvement of the coverage of the population with preventive work, popularization of healthy life style, stimulation for quitting of bad habits, spreading of the knowledge on the basis of healthy nutrition was presented for the review to the Head of the State. Targeted SMS information will also support timely medical check ups.

Having noted the importance of presented proposal, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of proper organization of this service. In this regard, the Vice-premier was ordered to work over all issues related with the introduction of new SMS informing thoroughly.

After, the floor was given to Chairman of Supreme Control Chamber G. Mushikov who reported on the measures for better activity of his structure.

After, Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed on the preparation to regular session of the Parliament of the sixth convocation. It was informed the agenda of the session would include the discussion of new laws, which are too provide progressive social and economic development of the country and consolidation of its democratic foundations.

At the same time, steadfast measures for the expansion of Inter-parliamentary relations and study of advanced practice in law-making activity are taken.

Having listened to the information, Turkmen leader highlighted the necessity of modernization of the legislation regulating the activity of different spheres of the state and public life taking into account modern realities and strategic priorities of the development, universal standards of international law. The Head of the State oriented the parliamentarians on the solution of practical objectives in the context of large-scale reforms in the country, consolidation of civil institutions and improvement of life level of the nation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the measures taken for the implementation of international initiatives of Head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on sustainable transport.

Under the expansion of interregional and international economic cooperation in Eurasian space, Turkmenistan made several proposals on establishment of transport and communication corridors, which efficient involvement would give the opportunity for further increment of the volumes of cargo and passenger transportation along North – South and West – East directions. Integrated modernization of national transport system is carried out under the leadership of the Head of the State along with the construction of new infrastructural facilities.

Cooperation with the International Association of Freight Forwarders (FIATA), which leader took part in International forum “The Great Silk Route. Toward New Levels of Development” on May 2 in Avaza National Tourist zone, is consolidated. As for today, national profile structure of 150 countries of the world are the members of the FIATA, which headquarter is located in Glattbrugg (Switzerland).

In this regard, the Vice-premier, the Head of the MFA submitted the proposal on the foundation of Turkmen National Logistic and Freight forwarding Association with its further joining to the FIATA for the review by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted active position of neutral Turkmenistan in the issues of international cooperation in transport and communication sector, consolidation and expansion of efficient partnership in this strategic direction in modern time is integral factor of sustainable development on regional and global scale, stimulation of positive and integration processes.

Having approved the proposal on consolidation of the cooperation with the FIATA and foundation of Turkmen National Logistic and Freight forwarding Association, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed the Vice-premier to take appropriate measures for the support and practical implementation of constructive initiatives on sustainable transport.

Addressing all members of the Cabinet of Ministers and compatriots, the President noted that the Day of Turkmen carpet and Textile Industry Personnel would be widely observed on coming Sunday, having stated that great success has been achieved in this direction together with other industries for the years of independence. Huge finances are invested for the development of this sector, new textile complexes and carpet production facilities with modern equipment were put into operation.

Production of high quality goods and Turkmen carpets impressing with beauty and finesse has been arranged at these facilities, Turkmen leader noted, having highlighted that the State would continue taking measures for modernization of textile industry, world popularization of carpet making art that was passed down from generation to generation for centuries, improvement of social and living conditions of personnel of the industry.

Having congratulated the members of the Cabinet of Ministries and all residents of the capital and compatriots on the Day of Ashgabat as well as on coming Day of Turkmen Carpet and Textile Industry Personnel, the Head of Turkmenistan wished everybody strong health, happy and wealthy life and great success in work.