Ï Social and economic issues are reviewed at video conference session

Social and economic issues are reviewed at video conference session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference session with the participation of the heads of some ministries as well as hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat. The agenda included priority objectives of social and economic development of the country, seasonal agricultural works and number of other issues of the state life.

First, the President called Minister of Internal Affairs I. Mulikov who reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision. In particular, the Minister reported on the works for provision of fire safety of the grain harvest campaign in the country as well as in the offices, facilities and living houses during hot days.

The Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported on completion of the construction of automated driving range provided with electronic equipment for issue of driving licenses and motor vehicles as well as technical diagnostic centre for the motor transport of the police department of Balkanabat.

Having listened to the report. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov mentioned the necessity to hold fire safety under permanent control during hot season including the provision of the readiness of relative equipment as well as explanatory work by publishing of the booklets on fire safety and wide coverage of these subjects in the press.

Having highlighted the importance of further improvement of equipment and facilities base of law enforcement agencies, the Head of the State gave specific instructions to the Minister concerning high organizational level of the opening ceremony of new facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Balkanabat.

Having noted that the Day of Internal Affairs Personnel is widely observed in our country on May 29, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the congratulations to them. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that supporting the order and providing social stability, personnel of internal affairs of Turkmenistan make deserving and considerable contribution to successful realization of large-scale reforms.

Every employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has to be the sample of honesty, patriotism and respect, the President highlighted and wished strong health, longevity, family wealth and great success in noble and responsible service to the personnel of the Ministry.

Head of capital administration Sh. Durdyliyev reported on the measures for further improvement of Ashgabat, situation at the construction sites as well as on preparation to the World Children Day.

Having highlighted the importance of works carried out under integrated modernization of the capital, the President of Turkmenistan noted the significance of coordinated work of engineering, technical and municipal services as well as permanent monitoring of ecological condition of urban environment.

Taking into account coming summer heat, the Head of the State requested to hold under strict control the compliance of fire safety in Ashgabat and its outskirt, having demanded the Hyakim to provide optimal comfort conditions for life and work of people.

The President addressed number of orders concerning the construction works in the capital. Speaking of the preparation to the World Children Day, the Head of the State requested to hold all events on high organizational level, having given the instructions to the Hyakim to hold the organization of summer holidays under unremitting attention.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Sh. Amangeldiyev who reported on current agricultural works including the preparation to the grain harvest season, care of cotton crops, fulfilment of the assignments on production of the cocoons as well as on the situation at the construction sites of the region and organisation of celebration events of the World Children Day.

Having highlighted the necessity to increase the rates of seasonal agricultural works, the Head of the State instructed to foresee all conditions for successful wheat harvest, provision of uninterrupted operation of the grain reception facilities and related equipment, harvesters motor vehicles that would be used in the campaign.

The President of Turkmenistan pointed out the importance of the care of cotton crops in set agrotechnical time as well as efficient use of available agricultural equipment. The Head of the State gave relative orders to the Hyakim on the provision of fulfilment of contractual obligations for production of silk cocoons, which are important feedstock for textile industry.

Due to coming hot days, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to provide strict control of compliance with fire safety rules especially in the fields. Also, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to organize the events of the World Children Day on high level.

Next, the President called Hyakim of Balkan Velayat S, Satlykov who reported on seasonal works in agricultural sector including on the readiness to the grain harvest campaign, care of fruits, vegetables and other crops, sowing of beetroot and fulfilment of contractual obligations for production of cocoons. The information on the measures for social and economic development of the velayat as well as on the programme of the World Children Day was also presented.

Having highlighted the importance of increasing the rates of seasonal agricultural works, the President noted that it is necessary to hold under strict control all matters of the grain harvest, growing of fruits, vegetables and other crops in the region according to agrotechnical standards. Particularly, the Head of the State gave relative instruction to the Hyakim on qualitative and timely sowing of the beetroot.

The President of Turkmenistan highlighted the necessity to hold construction works in the region especially in Avaza National tourist zone as well as the process of industrialization of the velayat under control

Speaking of coming hot weather, Turkmen leader focused on the importance of strict compliance with fire safety rules especially during the harvest campaign.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also gave relative instructions on proper celebration of the World Children Day in the velayat.

After, Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat M. Bayramguliyev reported on successful solution of the objectives on the improvement of the activity of agricultural complex, particularly on the reediness to the harvest campaign, modernization of social and industrial infrastructure of the region as well as on the fulfilment of contractual obligation for production of cocoons and rice sowing.

The President highlighted the necessity of timely fulfilment of all agrotechnical activities for the care of cotton, which is very important for rich harvest and gave specific assignments to the Hyakim.

In addition to comprehensive preparation to the wheat harvesting, the Head of the State also demanded to provide high-quality sowing of rice, which has to be done on time in organized manner. The attention of the Hyakim was focused on quality and compliance with the schedule of construction of industrial, social and cultural facilities built under National rural programme.

The Head of the State also ordered the Hyakim to hold under strict control the issues of fire safety in the fields, organizations and facilities. Special instructions were given on the provision of high-level organization of coming events on occasion of the World Children Day.

After, the President called Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyevwho reported on the measures for organization of seasonal works in the fields of the region according to agrotechnical requirements, care of cotton crops, preparation to the wheat harvesting and arrangement of uninterrupted operation of harvest conveyor, production of silk cocoons. It was also reported that construction of the largest in the region hospital and living houses for 1,000 families is in the final stage under new edition of National programme of the President of Turkmenistan on transformation of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020.

The President of Turkmenistan focused on the necessity of unremitting control of important agricultural campaigns, active implementation of advanced technologies and the best national practice in agricultural complex.

The Head of the State requested to carry out the care of cotton crops in the set period on high quality level and to prepare comprehensively to the wheat harvest season as well as to provide the fulfilment of the state order on production of silk cocoons, completion of rice sowing in accordance with agrotechnical standards.

The President gave number of instructions on increasing of the construction rates of social facilities, organization of the events and provision of fire safety in the fields and other facilities as well as addressed the Hyakim with the instructions on celebration of the World Children Day.

Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev reported on the situation in agricultural complex of the region, measures for increasing of agricultural production, organization of seasonal agricultural works in accordance with agrotechnical requirements.

It was mentioned that at present, the care of cotton is continued, preparation to the winter crops harvest, inspection of technical condition of the harvesters and transport for timely delivery of the grain to reception facilities are carried out.

The information on the rates of construction of various facilities, measures for proper organization of coming celebration events was presented.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested to provide coordinated mowing of the wheat, unstoppable work of all involved structures and equipment. Having focused on the fulfilment of other agricultural works, particularly qualitative care of cotton crops, the Head of the State addressed the Hyakim with the number of instructions on introduction of advanced technologies and management methods to agricultural complex. The President also requested to hold the provision of contractual obligations for production of silk cocoons under control.

The Hyakim of the velayat received relative instructions on compliance with fire safety rules in the fields and other facilities in summer period as well as proper organization of the events of the World Children Day.

Summing up video conference session, the Head of the State noted that current activity and future objectives are aimed at the prosperity of the country and provision of wealthy life of people.

Finishing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished great success in work to all participants.