Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds the session on the development of fuel and energy complex

The President of Turkmenistan holds the session on the development of fuel and energy complex

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held the session with the management of oil and gas complex where the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030 has been analysed and its parameters on number of the main directions have been corrected taking into account current situation in global economy and in the world energy market.

Assessment of the activity of structural divisions of fuel and energy complex and its management was made during the session as well as topical objectives for the leading branch of national economy for the future was outlined.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to the State Minister, Chairman of the State Concern Turkmnegaz M. Archayev, who reported on the outcomes of work of gas industry in January – May 2018.

In this regard, it was reported on technical and economic indices achieved in gas production and export by the departments of Gazçykaryş of the State Concern Türkmengaz and on the contracts with foreign partners.

Information on the planned objectives approved for 2018 was also presented.

After, Chairman of the State Concern Türkmennebit D. Hajiyev made report on production and business activity of the oil branch and on the situation in the structure.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was informed on the indices in oil production as well as on the work for support of proper operation condition and further modernization of industrial infrastructure, exploration of new perspective hydrocarbon deposits, their development and increment of production volumes.

In his turn, Chairman of the State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa Sh. Abdrahmanov reported on the field geophysical surveys and deep exploration drilling aimed at the finding of new oil and gas deposits.

In addition, it was informed on the drilling and hydrogeological imaging, which are made at ground water deposits, as well as on geological works performed under the contracts with the State Concerns Türkmengaz, Türkmennebit and Türkmenhimiýa.

After, general Director of Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex reported on the situation in the structure under his supervision, on the fulfilment of production objectives from the beginning of 2018, uninterrupted supply of oil products to local market. In addition, he informed on the work for overhaul repair of the facilities of the complex and realization of the investment programme.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the outcomes of IX Turkmenistan International Gas Congress on May 23 – 24 and on the work for development of oil and gas complex of the country.

Numerous meetings of the heads of national oil and gas facilities with representatives of foreign business circles were held during the forum. Wide range of objectives of cooperation set by Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in energy sphere, diversification of export gas supply from the region, development of new routes of gas pipeline in Europe and Asia were discussed during the talks. Number of proposals on realization of joint investment projects in processing of oil, gas and condensate, development of the fields of Turkmen sector of Caspian Sea, exploration works, introduction of new technologies, advanced practices and scientific inventions, which can be applied in different branches of oil and gas industry, were made by foreign companies.

The Vice-premier also reported on the measures for increment of oil production by speeding up the rates of drilling works at oil deposits Uzynada and Ekizak, construction and putting of new wells into operation.

Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan on oil and gas matters Ya. Kakayev reported on the realization of the number of big investment projects on gas processing sphere and on the results of work of fuel and energy complex facilities.

It was mentioned in the report that construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline is carried out as per the schedule.

Summing up the reports, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that oil and gas complex occupies the leading position in the economy of the country. In this regard, the Head of the State demanded to increase the works related to the development of fuel and energy complex and outlined the number of important tasks related to energy policy of the country. The Head of the State pointed out that special attention shall be paid to the attraction of the investments, improvement of the potential of oil, gas and geology infrastructure, increment of volumes of production received from the processing of oil and gas.

The President of Turkmenistan requested to continue working on integrated modernization of oil and gas industry, to provide successful realization of the projects on exploration of new oil and gas deposits, their development, production and processing of hydrocarbon materials.

The Head of the State gave specific instructions on speeding up the rates of the realization of the state programme of import substitutive production, efficient technical rearmament of the branches of fuel and energy complex, development and putting into operation of opened oil and gas deposits as well as establishment of beneficial cooperation with foreign companies that have good experience in these spheres.

In addition, the Head of the State requested to continue the modernization of the structures of oil and gas complex.

At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to take actual measures for fundamental change of standards and order, which until now were used in the management system, introduction of modern international standards. The Head of the State also noted that it is necessary to take all necessary measures for increment of oil production as well as production of oil products and liquefied hydrocarbon gases by the outcomes of the first half of the year.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested to prepare properly to the opening ceremony and putting into operation of petrochemical complex for production of polyethylene and polypropylene in Kiyanly.

The Head of the State ordered to activate the work on attraction of foreign investments for the development of Galkynysh gas field where Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline starts and to speed up the construction of this transnational energy bridge.

Heads of structural departments of fuel and energy complex were instructed to continue the works on increment of production and export of liquefied gas, fulfilment of the objectives for supply of certain types of oil and gas products to foreign consumers, speeding up the construction of new petrochemical facilities, development and putting into operation of new hydrocarbon deposits.

Turkmen leader noted that it is necessary to achieve efficient research and practical activity of the institutes of oil and gas complex and to make environmental impact assessment of the projects in fuel and energy complex.

It is necessary to arrange service for improvement of the production of oil wells and to expand geological surveys of new oil deposits, the President highlighted.

The Head of the State gave specific instructions for improvement of quality and increment of production and further activation of works at Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex.

Finishing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished great successes in work to the heads of oil and gas complex.