Ï The President of Turkmenistan: Growing generation is our happy future

The President of Turkmenistan: Growing generation is our happy future

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I congratulate you on International Children Day widely observed on the first day of summer! I am confident that the events of this holiday embodying the ideals of peace-loving, friendship and humanity will improve the pride of young Turkmen citizens, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to compatriots says.

Growing generation is our happy future. This year, international Children Day is traditionally observed as a date symbolizing the commitment of Turkmen State to the fundamental principles of the United Nations in the children’s rights and interests sphere.

The significance of this international day and the events timed to it will be multiplied by summer holiday season starting in Gyokdere and Avaza National tourist zone, in modern children health-improving centres.

Turkmen people have always paid great attention to the improvement of physical and spiritual health of children, instilling family values, hardworking, respect of the elders to them. Our ancestors have been improving moral and ethical standards of children behaviour throughout the centuries passing them from generation to generation.

We deservingly continue centuries-old traditions, which made the basis of wise principles of education and family prosperity. We build great future for educated, spiritually rich and physically fit generation, which will improve the authority of the country, - the message mentions.

Large-scale national programme and integrated reforms are successfully carried out for the provision of wealthy, healthy and happy life, harmonic and comprehensive development of children. Kindergartens and schools provided with modern equipment and multimedia technologies are built and put into operation for these purposes in Ashgabat, velayat centres, all cities and villages.

Sport complexes, mother and child health centres providing specialized medical services of the highest level were opened all around the country. children health improving and entertainment centres are spread all over picturesque Kopetdag Mountains and Avaza National tourist zone.

We take integrated and responsible approach toward the issues of legal protection of maternity and childhood, support of the family, provision of harmonic physical, intellectual, spiritual and moral, artistic development of young generation. We fruitfully cooperate with the United Nations Children Fund in health protection, protection of children’s rights, their education in accordance with universal moral and democratic principles, protection of the rights and interests of women and children and urge for consolidation of the efforts of the world community in this direction.

In this regard, our independent neutral state joined number of fundamental international legal acts like the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The election of our state to the Executive Council of the UNICEF in 2018 – 2020 and the UN Commission on the Status of Women in 2018 – 2022 indicates the recognition and consolidation of the role of Turkmenistan in the world, - the message of the President highlights.