Ï Realization of social and economic programmes and foreign initiatives are discussed at the session of the Government

Realization of social and economic programmes and foreign initiatives are discussed at the session of the Government

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers in video conference mode where realization of the programmes of social and economic development of the country as well as some priority objectives of the state life have been reviewed.

Having announced the agenda, Turkmen leader gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov for the report in the sphere under his supervision. The Vice-premier informed on the measures for the improvement of of competiveness of national economy and efficiency of management of the state property, consolidation of the role of private sector, stimulation and support of entrepreneurs, support of small and medium business.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that control of rational use of the funds allocated for the branches of national economy for successful implementation of national programmes is the utmost objective of the organizations of this sphere. It is also necessary to take measures for improvement of financial and reporting disciplines of the ministries and departments, improvement of the methods of budgetary documentation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, having addressed the Vice-premier with the number of specific assignments.

After, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov who reported on the work for the improvement of activity of structural divisions of oil and gas complex.

It was reported on the measures taken for further increment of the volumes of production, processing and export of oil and gas, improvement of material and production potential of oil, gas and geological branches, speeding up the rates of realization of the projects of exploration, development and commissioning of new hydrocarbon deposits. It was also mentioned about the work for intensification of production of import substitutive petrochemical goods demanded in the world markets as well as technical and technological rearmament of fuel and energy complex facilities, establishment of beneficial cooperation with leading world companies having good experience in these spheres, attraction of foreign investments.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with specific instructions for realization of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030. The Head of the State pointed out that it is necessary to pay utmost attention to further diversification of fuel and energy complex, modernization of its infrastructure on innovative basis as well as to implementation of big investment projects including the activation of construction of new petrochemical complexes and Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line and to the development of Galkynysh Deposit.

The President demanded to continue implementing strict control of the fulfilment of the plans by the facilities of oil and gas sector, which management system requires rules and regulations common in international practice and modern international standards.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal field works in the velayats, in particular on the care of cotton crops continued in the regions these days.

It was also reported on the events on occasion of the World Environment Day on June 5. It includes International Scientific and Practical Conference “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road. The Region of Ecological Wealth”.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the importance of seasonal agricultural works in full compliance with agrotechnical standards, having requested to hold the wheat harvesting and provision of the planned volume of grain production under permanent control.

Having highlighted the utmost attention is paid to ecological issues, the President noted that large-scale projects, which are to protect the beauty of unique Turkmen nature and to provide rational use of its treasuries are realized in this sphere. These are the measures for protection of biodiversity and natural landscapes, realization of water management projects and large-scale tree planting programme.

Having made special mention that our country makes considerable contribution in solution of environmental issues under international conventions and agreements and actively cooperates with numerous international structures in this field, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to provide high organizational level of the events dedicated to the World Environment Day.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov reported on the situation in the branches of the sphere under his supervision, measures for acumulation of production potential and industrial facilities for increment of the volumes and variety of goods made from local materials. The report included the information of the work carried out in this direction at Turkmenabat Chemical Plant of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa specialized in production of potassium fertilizers, sulphuric acid with yearly output of 225,000 and 500,000 tons accordingly.

It was mentioned that at present, number of additional productions was developed at the facility, which are oriented to produce new import substitutive chemicals used in different branches of national economy. It includes the facility for production of 1,100 tons of environmentally friendly oxigumat – the pest control product. The plant also developed the production of liquid glass from Turkmen quartz sand with annual output capacity of 100 tons, which is used in construction of ore dressing. From the beginning of the year, the facility made 20.6 tons of this product, 14 tons of which were sold to local consumers.

In addition, it is planned to open the production of chemical coagulant used for drinking water purification, which is procured from abroad at the moment.

Railway tank carriers were purchased for unstoppable and safe transportation of sulphuric acid from the facility to the destination point – branch enterprises of energy sphere, agriculture, oil and gas sector, textile and chemical industry.

Having noted the scale of the objectives for development of chemical industry as major industry of national economy, bringing of it to new positions in high market competition, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of wide involvement of local material resources, implementation of efficient scientifically grounded methods of deep processing of natural resources. Together with provision of the needs of relative branches, accumulation of production capacities would allow increasing profitability of chemical industry and its export potential, the Head of the State said.

Having highlighted the importance of combination of production with the training of specialists and improvement of professional level of personnel, the President noted that this is direct way for practical implementation of advanced practice and innovations, active development of high technologies, having given specific assignments on this account.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev spoke with report on the work for urban planning of Ashgabat.

It was mentioned that integrated measures for improvement of architectural and urban construction image of the capital and planning of the streets are taken in Ashgabat. Great attention is paid to further development of transport infrastructure. Coordinated work for modernization of social, living and engineering infrastructure is continued in all etraps of the main city of the country.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that construction of new and reconstruction of existing roads is important direction of creation of modern road and transport network on the capital and the country. I addition to the use of advanced technologies in this sphere, the beautification of adjoining territories and necessary communication have to be considered, the Head of the State noted. The Vice-premier was requested to provide high rates of the reforms in construction complex and energy sphere.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the situation in the spheres under his supervision, measures for the increment of trade turnover as well as on the improvement of activity of Trade and Industrial Chamber.

Having highlighted the utmost objectives of the Trade and Industrial Chamber, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined the realization of the state programme in support of entrepreneurship and development of the economy, foreign affairs among them.

Support of the enterprises in establishment and expansion of contacts with business circles of foreign countries, practical help in arrangement of export, relations are very important, the Head of the State noted, having given specific instructions on this account to the Vice-premier.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. CHakiyev reported on the situation of the branches under his supervision, measures for provision of the population with public transport. The Vice-premier informed that it is planned to put additional various buses into operation for the provision of high quality services to the passengers.

In this regard, the President made special mention of the role of public transport in passenger transportation and requested the Vice-premier to take all necessary measures for organized and proper service of the population as well as for efficient operation of available equipment.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the preparation to festival “Music of Nury Halmamedov – Ceaseless Melody of the Ages” in Ashgabat on June 18 – 21, Cultural Week in Ahal Velayat on June 22 – 27 and the events on occasion of the Day of Cultural and Art Personnel as well the Day of Magtumguly Poetry, having presented relative programmes for review to the Head of the State.

Having listened to the report and noted ceaseless importance of musical heritage of Nury Halmamedov in the context of development of national and world culture, the President of Turkmenistan gave relative instructions to the Vice-premier on this account.

Having focused on coming Cultural Week, which is traditionally timed to profession holiday of the personnel of this sphere and events in honour of the great master Magtumguly Fragi, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that all planned events have to promote the popularization of national spiritual heritage and modern achievements of the country.

After, the President of Turkmenistan drew the attention of the Vice-premier on quality of national Television. In particular, activity of Sport and Yashlyk channel, which were made for popularization of national sports, wide coverage of sport achievements of the country and success of the best athletes, education of young generation on their example, has been criticized. Having stated that none of these channels manages to deal with set objectives, the Head of the State demanded the Vice-premier to analyse the situation.

The session was continued by the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov who reported on the activity of the spheres under his supervision as well as on the programme of International Scientific Conference “Science, Technology and Innovative Technologies in the Epoch of Might and Happiness” in Ashgabat on June 12 – 13.

The forum timed to the Day of Science gathered teachers and young researchers, representatives of scientific circles from dozens of countries beside Turkmen scientists. The agenda of the conference included topical objectives of development of different spheres of knowledge and innovative economy, perspective directions of research activity and cooperation in the development of technologies.

Having addressed the Vice-premier to conduct the forum of high organizational level, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that coming conference has to be actual input to the integration process of fundamental science, high education, business and economy as well as to the development of international partnership in this sphere and to the realization of joint projects in development and introduction of efficient technologies.

After, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on the preparation to the participation of Turkmen delegation in coming session of the Heads of the Governments of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.

It was mentioned that our country, which according to its neutral status is associated member of the CIS, take active part in the activities of the Commonwealth, developing fruitful partnership both in bilateral and multilateral formats. Participating in different forums and big events of the CIS, Turkmenistan repeatedly hosted important meetings and forums of the Commonwealth.

Constructive proposals of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aimed at consolidation and activation of beneficial cooperation in different spheres find wide support of the CIS members. All necessary conditions were made under support of the Head of the State for successful realization of the status of cultural capital of the Commonwealth by Mary and Dashoguz in 2012 and 2016 accordingly.

The agenda of the session of the Heads of the Governments of the CIS states will include the number of actual directions of the partnership in the Commonwealth including in economic sector. In this regard, the delegation of Turkmenistan will propose to discuss the subjects related to the implementation of the initiatives of the Leader of the Nation given during the CIS Summit in October last year in Sochi and aimed at the participation of CIS states in large-scale infrastructural projects in energy, transport and communication spheres.

It is also planned to make the number of other proposals on more efficient involvement of Caspian infrastructure, especially Turkmenbashy International Seaport, by the CIS members, on intensification of the cooperation in such fields as industry, technologies, agriculture, business contacts, cultural and humanitarian sphere and other.

In his report, the Vice-premier also informed on the work for the Draft Concept of the CIS Chairing of Turkmenistan in 2019.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that taking into account the cooperation in the CIS format as one of important vectors of our foreign course, our country invariably builds the relations with the Commonwealth’s states on free will, historically formed traditions of friendship, mutual respect of the interests, principles of equal open dialog and long-term partnership.

Neutral Turkmenistan holds initiative position in the subjects of cooperation in the CIS and is willing to render comprehensive support to successful realization of existing versatile potential in wide spectrum of directions, the Head of the State noted. Our country also committed to the cooperation with the CIS states in the development of balanced solutions of current objectives of regional and global agenda, especially those related to the provision of universal peace, safety and sustainable development.

Speaking of this, the President requested to provide high organizational level of preparation to the participation of Turkmenistan delegation in coming session of the heads of the Governments of the CIS in Dushanbe.

Continuing the session, Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mamedova informed on the work for consolidation of national legal framework and on preparation to the regular session of the Parliament.

The Head of the State highlighted the importance of the Mejlis work for the improvement of legal basis of Turkmen society. Speaking of the necessity of direct relations between the deputies and the electorate on the sites, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov mentioned the significance of active participation of the deputies in patriotic education of young generation and propaganda of healthy life style.

Summing up the discussion of the subjects of the agenda, the President of Turkmenistan focused that International Children Day would be widely observed in Turkmenistan on the Government level on June , having congratulated the participants of the session, young generation and all compatriots on this wonderful holiday.

Addressing the participants of the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on other remarkable event – the World Bicycle Day initiated by Turkmenistan and announced by the UN general Assembly, which is to be marked on June 3.

The President congratulated all Turkmenistan citizens on this holiday, which is marked for the first time on international level, having expressed the confidence that it would be special date in Turkmenistan.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers held in direct video conference mode, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished great success in work to all participants.