Ï The President of Turkmenistan presents gifts to the fosters of the Orphan Palace

The President of Turkmenistan presents gifts to the fosters of the Orphan Palace

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The President of Turkmenistan presents gifts to the fosters of the Orphan Palace
The President of Turkmenistan presents gifts to the fosters of the Orphan Palace
The President of Turkmenistan presents gifts to the fosters of the Orphan Palace
The President of Turkmenistan presents gifts to the fosters of the Orphan Palace
Turkmenistan have observed the World Children Day. Upbringing of young compatriots is one of our main objectives, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. This is the childhood period when fundamental merits, moral landmarks and values, viability and determination of the individual are laid.

All of these is formed in the family where the child feeling love, care and attention learns to sympathize and be glad for someone, to be accountable for himself and relatives, urges for knowledge. The State takes care for the children without parents making all conditions for them to gain big and friendly family and to feel themselves necessary for our society.

This is not just social support of the most vulnerable layers of the population but also one of the moral principles and everlasting foundations of Turkmen nation. Today, this humane tradition implies the complex of legal guarantees of the provision and rights and interests protection of the child as well as the system of economic measures, targeted activities aimed at full involvement of the orphans to social environment, their preparation for independent life, development of socially important and creative activity, educating of high moral merits, patriotism and citizenship.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays great attention to the state provision of the orphans and renders comprehensive support to the activity of the capital Döwletliler köşgi, which fosters receive the gifts from the Head of the State on regular basis.

Charity contribution of the President of Turkmenistan to Döwletliler köşgi Fund in 2015 was another evidence of care of growing generation. Back then, to mark the World Children Day, the Head of the State transferred all his royalties for the books, which are very popular among the audience of our country and became known abroad after translation into foreign languages.

This year, the President of Turkmenistan took part in the ceremonial event on occasion of the World Children Day organized in Döwletliler köşgi. Members of the Government, the Chairperson of the Mejlis and deputies of National Parliament, representatives of the Ministry of Education and other leaders, fosters of the Orphan Palace have gathered there.

The Head of the State, who arrived to the Palace, which white-marble facilities were erected in picturesque Kopetdag foothills, was presented with the flowers. The performance of Joşgun dance group started. The ensemble, which team brought up several generations of the fosters of the Palace, is the winner of numerous artistic contests in Russia, Turkey, China and other countries.

Having enjoyed the talent of young artists performing stirring choreographic composition, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the educational section of the Palace. The Head of the State inspected one of the classes provided with computer equipment with advanced educational software. In the conversation with the fosters, Turkmen leader expressed the interest in their wishes and dreams, learnt about their life, study and asked about their interests and hobbies.

In their turn, the children told with the pride about all conditions for the recreation, useful time spending, study of various disciplines and recited the poems. They also informed the Head of the State that they learn foreign language with the great interest.

Since 2018, the Concept of improvement of teaching foreign languages, which stipulates the creation of uninterrupted, gradual and interrelated system of education in this sphere including the distant format, is realized in the country.

The Head of the State told to the children that grandiose changes expanded in the country, their innovative orientation require creative thinking of the youth, mastering of new information technologies, foreign languages and advised the children to study hard.

The children also told that together with the lessons and creative classes they pay the attention to the sports. The President noted that sport has to occupy important place in life of the nation and young generations, having expressed the confidence that children brought up in Döwletliler köşgi would make deserving input to the improvement of Turkmenistan authority in sport arena together with the athletes of our country.

The girls told that they are doing art handcraft, they love reading books including the works of the classics especially Magtumguly Fragi. Having encouraged these aspirations, the Head of the State told them about the originality of national decorative and applied art and wished them to continue opening the world of classic literature for themselves, having mentioned that this year the Day of Cultural Personnel is observed for the first time together with the Day of Magtumguly Poetry, which have very deep meaning.

The President of the country also expressed the interest in what professions children like. Having heard that some of them wants to be an artist, someone a doctor, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave good wishes to the children to master chosen speciality and to achieve high level. One of the fosters of the Palace, who likes painting and wants to be an artist in the future, presented her work to the Head of the State.

The President of Turkmenistan told that he is pleased with the youth with such versatile interest and advised the children to strive to make their dreams come true through the opening of their abilities and constant gaining of new knowledge and skills, having noted that the State would continue making all necessary conditions for realization of the potential of boys and girls, revealing their talents, good education and acquiring of chosen profession.

Having expressed the gratitude for fatherly care, the children asked the Head of the State to have a photo with him for the memory about current event and after, invited President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the celebration concert prepared by the artistic collectives of the Palace and their teachers to the World Children Day.

Musical performance with the participation of young singers, musicians and dancers was held in the meeting hall of Döwletliler köşgi. In the end of the concert, the song written by Turkmen leader “GO! Go! Go, My Beloved Turkmenistan!” was performed by the children. By the request of the children, the author of the song, which became very popular in the country, has joined the singers.

When the music stopped and the final chorus of the song was finished, the Head of the State addressed the children, having expressed the gratitude to the children for their inspired art and to their teachers and tutors for their huge educational and pedagogical work.

Having again congratulated the foster of the Orphan Palace on the World Children Day, the President cordially wished them to be educated, clever people in the future, to contribute to the development of the country and to be its deserving sons and daughters.

Under long-lasting applauses, Head of the State said that he came with the gifts for the children and it would be presented right now.

The children and graduates received notebooks, bicycles as well as textile garments and other. The youngest ones received toys and sweets. New desks were presented for the classrooms of the Palace.

On occasion of the World Children Day, the Head of the State presented giant cake and tasty treat was an excellent final of the celebration.

Having said warm goodbye to the fosters of Döwletliler köşgi, the President left the place of event that gave start to numerous events held in the capital and all velayats.