Ï President of Turkmenistan congratulates compatriots on the World Bicycle Day

President of Turkmenistan congratulates compatriots on the World Bicycle Day

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“I cordially congratulate you on the World Bicycle Day that is widely celebrated at the international level as well as in our country for the first time! I firmly believe that this international holiday that symbolizes the festivity of such universal ideals as peace, friendship, humanism will occupy a worthy place in the national calendar as a special date that enhances our unity and cohesion”, says President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his Address.

“Cycling is very popular all around the world and one of the most popular sports included into the programme of the Olympic Games. Its history started with the first cycle race covering a distance between the cities of Paris and Rouen in 1869. At present, cycling not only demonstrates the progressive changes in the sports field, but also embodies the triumph of the peace-loving aspirations of mankind, friendship and solidarity. We pay significant attention to making peoples closer to each other, strengthening peace, good relations and positive cooperation on the planet, including the development of international cooperation in the field of sports”, the President says.

“In this area, Turkmenistan builds up partnership with the International Olympic Committee, the Olympic Council of Asia, the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace, the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport, the World Health Organization, as well as the other international and interregional sports organizations. The adoption of the resolution declaring June 3rd as the World Bicycle Day during the 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly testifies to the undisputed recognition of our country's initiatives on strengthening peace, friendship and constructive cooperation.

“This historic event vividly demonstrates the growing international authority of our state, committed to the principles of peacefulness, humanism and fruitful cooperation, striving to use its geopolitical and geo-economic potential in the interests of all mankind. The organization of a mass bike ride, as well as colorful social and cultural events in honor of World Bicycle Day will contribute to strengthening Turkmenistan's reputation as a country of health and sports.

“Physical culture and sports stand as the priority vectors of the state policy of Turkmenistan. The government has adopted the state programmes and launched fundamental reforms to support the development of physical culture and sports, train high-class athletes in the country. Sports facilities, stadiums, equestrian sports complexes, specialized sports schools, health-improving and entertainment centers, and sanatoriums were built in all regions of the country, including the Avaza National tourism zone.

“More than 40 facilities, equipped in accordance with the requirements of the International Olympic Committee, including the Olympic Village that includes 16 facilities, designed for various sports, were erected in Ashgabat. Successfully holding the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games at the high level in Ashgabat in 2017, Turkmenistan has appeared before the world as the country capable to host international sports events.

“The government pays significant attention to the development of many sports, including cycling, training of high-class athletes and coaches. Bike rides are organized on the days of national holidays and significant dates. Currently, the cycle race and track-and-field cross-country race along the route of the Great Silk Road are held in the Lebap velayat. We believe that participation of our national team in the 18th Summer Asian Games in the cities of Jakarta and Palembang (Republic of Indonesia) and the XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo (Japan) will further enhance the international authority of the Turkmen state”, says the President in his address.