Ï Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day

Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day

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Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day
Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day
Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day
Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day
Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day
Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day
Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day
Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day
Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day
Turkmenistan marks the World Bicycle Day
The World Bicycle Day instituted by the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly by the initiative of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was observed for the first time in many countries on June 3.

The Resolution of the UN general Assembly greeted and support huge work carried out in Turkmenistan for support of sport, physical training and health improving movement, formation of ecological culture of the society and cooperation in this sphere between the states and nations.

By the suggestion of Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Vehicle-free Day was timed to the World Bicycle Day in Turkmenistan. The Head of the State took part in mass action together with the compatriots, which became an exemplary input too health-improving movement in the country, to support of cycling, popularization of sports in general as well as the call for assertion of new ecological understanding, for improvement of responsibility of the society for the environment.

According to the President’s opinion, such actions support the improvement of health of the population, growth of ecological wealth and popularization of cycling. Such events motivate the participants for further going in for favourite sports more systematically. In addition, sports mass actions together with health-improving and educational direction bring positive emotional charge combining entertainment and propaganda functions.

Participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in this event highlights the status of not only current event but also all projects related to health of the nation, serves as vivid evidence that formation of integrated national system of physical, spiritual and moral improvement is the government political dominant.

These days, cyclists of all ages can be seen everywhere. Together with boys and girls, many adults recall the feeling of the childhood riding two-wheel vehicle. There are many of those who ride the bicycles for the first time. every day, the number of supporters of this transport grows. It is obvious that the idea has not just been adopted but found wide response and numerous followers, which indicates its appropriateness and requirement.

Early in the morning, numerous capital citizens gathered on the bikes in picturesque place of Turkmen capital near Kopetdag Avenue and Julge Street roundabout from where beautiful panoramic view of Ashgabat opens.

There are members of the Government, leaders of the Parliament, military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments of the country, representatives of non-governmental organizations and mass media, diplomats and youth among the participants. Joyful elated mood and energy of nice and healthy morning reign among them.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov came there, to the starting point of mass cycling raid. Talking to the heads of famous international organizations and world cycling champions, the Head of the State expressed the gratitude to them for the participation in current event and had joint photo with them by their request.

When everything was ready to start the race, the President of Turkmenistan addressed greeting speech to the participants.

Having reminded that relative Resolution co-sponsored by 56 countries was adopted after proposal of Turkmenistan at the 82nd plenary meeting of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly on April 12, 2018, the President mentioned that declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day was the evidence of unanimous recognition of the initiatives of our state aimed at the consolidation of peace, friendship and fruitful cooperation.

This historical event is another evidence of growing international authority of Turkmenistan and its commitment to the principles of peace-loving, humanity and efficient cooperation. The Head of the State also expressed special gratitude to President of International Cycling Union David Lappartient for his support in development of cycling in Turkmenistan.

The cycling is widely spread in the world and in one of the most known sports included in the programme of the Olympic Games. Its history began front he first big races held in France between Paris and Rouen in 1869, the Head of the State continued.

At present, the cycling not only reflects the changes in sport sphere but also is the evidence of the triumph of peace-loving goals, friendship and solidarity of humankind, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having highlighted that our country pays great attention to rapprochement of the nations, consolidation of peace, positive relations and cooperation in the planet.

Turkmenistan intensifies and consolidates the collaboration with International Olympic Committee, Olympic Council of Asia, the UN Office on Sports for Development and Peace, the World Health Organization as well with other competent interregional associations in this direction.

Turkmen leader highlighted that bicycle helps to take care of the environment and to improve health among the main advantages of such ecologically friendly transport as bicycle, which has been used by people for more than 200 years.

Famous guest from different world countries took part in current cycling raid. There are triple Olympic Champion Vyacheslav Ekimov, World Champion Sergey Nikitenko and other titled sportsmen and lovers of cycling.

Taking the opportunity, the Head of the State expressed the gratitude to them for the participation in this event as well as to the representatives of the Guinness World Record Book for the Certificate for the largest cycling awareness lesson. This prestigious award supplemented the list of our entries to the collection of the world records.

Having again cordially congratulated the participants on the World Bicycle Day, the President wished them strong health, prosperity and great success.

After, Sheida Subashi, the Official Representative of the Guinness World Records made speech.

First of all, the guest congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and people of Turkmenistan on the first World Bicycle Day and expressed deep gratitude for the opportunity to come to our country again and to take part in these events dedicated to new remarkable date.

After, Mrs Subashi informed that new world record has been registered during cycling awareness lesson in Ashgabat Stadium on June 1, 2018. 3246 people took part in this event, during which master class on riding a bicycle was given and awareness work on traffic safety and ecological education was carried out. As for today, this was the largest by number of people cycling training.

This fact was officially registered by the Guinness World Records and confirmed by relative certificate, which was presented during current event on occasion of the World Bicycle Day. Therefore, Turkmen capital was entered again into the World Records Book, having continued the series of its achievements including in sports. There are already the facilities of Ashgabat Olympic village in the Book. These are the image of Ahalteke horse at the Olympic Stadium and Water Sports Complex with the largest indoor swimming pool.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave start to mass cycling race and headed the column. The Head of the State was followed by the members of the Government of the country. As it was mentioned in the speech of the Head of the State, members of Russian delegation – President of ARETI International Group of Companies I. Makarov, President of Russian Cycling Federation V. Ekimenko, World Champion S. Nikitenko and other famous sportsmen, who arrived in the country were honourable guests of the event.

During the raid, the Head of the State had a conversation with I. Makarov who noted again that weather and climate conditions in Turkmenistan allow conducting cycling trainings and competitions almost all year around.

Having said that Turkmenistan realizes programme measures for popularization of cycling and attraction of all population especially the youth to this environmentally friendly sport, the President gave number of valuable recommendation to the guest on expansion and development of international cooperation in this direction. Exchange of practices, establishment of bilateral contacts will provide the creation of necessary opportunities for integrated development of cycling.

It is worth mentioning that 190 national federation and 5 continental cycling confederations as well as great numbers of lovers in parts of the planet joined the celebration of the World Bicycle Day. They are all united by the idea of Turkmen leader to create and develop cycling culture for the citizens of all ages and physical abilities would be able to take part in this movement and to enjoy the riding with the use for their health.

Cycling raid and cultural events of occasion of the World Bicycle Day will promote the improvement of the image of Turkmenistan as a country of health and sports.

Turkmenistan adopted the state programmes developed at the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on training of high-class sportsmen and started integrated reforms. All regions of the country including Avaza National Tourist zone have sport facilities, stadiums, equestrian complexes, specialized sport schools, entertainment and recreation centres and sanatoriums.

Ashgabat itself has around 40 facilities equipped in accordance with the requirements of International Olympic Committee including the Olympic village, which has 16 structures designated for various sports. Having successfully conducted V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in 2017, Turkmenistan appeared in front of the world as the country with the capabilities of organization of international sport competitions.

The programme of the Games also included the track racings. Competitions of this spectacular discipline were held at one of the facilities of the Olympic Village – an excellent Indoor Racing Track. Its track meet relative international standards and modern requirements for such facilities by all parameters.

Facilities of the track allow conducting international competitions and tournaments including the world championships. The facility has all necessary infrastructure making optimal conditions for sportsmen and coaches, technical and service personnel and, of course, for the spectators - the lovers of this sport.

New page in the history of national cycling movement has been opened after the opening of indoor track at the Olympic village in Ashgabat as the such kind of facility was built for the first time in Turkmenistan. The quality of the facility was appreciated not only by the participants of test national competitions but also by the specialist of International Cycling Union, having expressed the interest in organization of the world championships there.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went the distance of 8,500 metres along Kopetdag Avenue and finished at the Path of Health.

In the conversation with the members of the Gvernment and leaders of military and law enforcement agencies, the Head of the State noted that Turkmenistan hosts big international competitions this year – International Rally Amul – Hazar 2018 and the World Weightlifting Championship. We have good experience in organization of such large-scale events, the President said, having requested to prepare thoroughly to coming competitions and to provide their high level.

The President also instructed to familiarize the course of preparation to the start ceremony of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 on site as well as ordered to hold the session with relative managers for coordination of the activity of different departments and structures involved in organization of the races.

Having said goodbye to the participants of cycling raid, the Head of the State left the place of event and went to the Motorsport Centre located in the north of the capital, having added training driving to the sport part of the holiday.

Other cyclists continued their way along the streets of Ashgabat. Overall length of the route was 30 km.

There were representatives of working collectives of the ministries and departments, offices and organizations, which have their own team with appropriate equipment, among the cyclists.

There is a tendency of the development of sport participatory in the country and cycling is one of available and “folk” type of physical activity. Finally, cycling is a great emotional pleasure and wonderful opportunity to study the world, visit sanctuary parts of the nature without making any harm to environment. Therefore, it is no wonder that bicycle was the winner of the international poll on the most outstanding invention of humankind. By number of votes, it took over the telephone and internet together.

The fact that 56 countries representing almost all regions of the planet were the co-authors of the UN document of International Bicycle Day speaks of the appropriateness and importance of this initiative, its requirement in modern world.

The celebration was held not only in our white-marble beautiful capital but also in all velayats. Live assertion power of the urge to physical and spiritual perfectness brought out numerous supporters of healthy life style to the roads and highways all around the country.

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International Bicycle Day was also marked in many countries of the world where sport and entertainment actions were held on June 3. Turkmenistan Embassies to foreign countries initiated cycling races. Such mass raids with the participation of Turkmen and foreign diplomats, heads of non-governmental, sport organizations, the youth including Turkmen students studying in foreign universities were held in the capitals of the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand and other countries.