Ï Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future

Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future

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Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future
Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future
Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future
Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future
Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future
Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future
Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future
Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future
Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future
Preservation of the unique Turkmen nature is the guarantee of a sustainable future
The rapid development of industry, agriculture and population growth require the development of more new territories. The preservation of the remained and the enhancement of the ecological well-being of developed area are the most important global task.

The part of the solution is Turkmen Caspian region, where the exploration of deposits, the extraction, processing and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials is combined with the presence of the richest biological self-renewing resources of international significance. The Caspian Sea is the richest reservoir of the planet according to sturgeon stocks and the powerful modern migratory pathways of the birds passing through the wetlands of the Caspian Sea region provide an abundance of migratory and wintering hunting fauna common for the entire Eurasian region. More than 500 km of the seacoast are a potential and almost year-round recreational zone, development of which has been particularly active in Turkmenistan in recent decades.

Oilfields, oil depots, oil refineries and transport routes located in the water area and on the Caspian coast are, thanks to the effective environmental policy of the state, under the control of environmental organizations and the public of Turkmenistan. Their work is carried out taking into account strict compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, using advanced international experience and modern technologies with the so-called "closed production cycle" with minimal discharges and emissions into the environment.

Turkmenistan joined almost all international environmental conventions and actively participates in their work on various levels, strictly following their obligations.

The citizens of our country take care of their native nature since childhood. In the children's preschool institutions conducted ecological events that introduce children to the world of wildlife. Later these issues are included in school and university curricula, widely covered in the press and art works.

The members of public associations regularly conduct all sorts of actions to clean up and improve the coast in the Caspian region. State programs for the development of tourism and gardening provide high standards for everyday life, work and active recreation for Turkmen citizens and guests of our country, as exemplified by the Avaza National Tourism Zone, where a balanced ecological and innovative environment is formed.

The task of present and future generations is preservation and augmentation of the unique natural heritage. Clean water and air, priceless seafood and sushi, beautiful landscapes, beautiful and rational structure of our production and residential complexes should exist in harmony, providing the necessary conditions for our long and prosperous life.