Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected the projects of new facilities

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected the projects of new facilities

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected construction projects designed in the context of integrated reform programmes in the capital and velayats aimed at further modernization and development of social, economic, transport, communication and other relative infrastructure.

In the morning, the Head of the State arrived to the place of presentation where displays with projects, drawings and sketches for visual demonstration of future facilities have been set up.

The President was met by the Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement departments.

Vice-premier D. Amangeldiyev introduced the project of construction of the 2nd phase of Nusay Hotel. New 5-store hotel building will have 134 rooms including standard, lux and VIP suits. It will also has restaurants, banquet and conference hall, fitness centre, outdoor swimming pool, beauty parlour and souvenir outlet. New building will be connected with the main facility.

Different projects of fashionable Garagum Hotel with multifunctional business centre, planned territory were presented for review to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Land plot in the northeaster part of A. Niyazov Avenue and Hoja Ahmet Yasavi street will be allocated for construction of hotel. High-class hotel will have comfortable room with full spectrum of amenities.

In addition, the territory of the complex, which will supplement hotel infrastructure of the city, will have ceremonial hall for 500 people, sport zone, children playground, indoor parking and technical facilities. Options of architectural design are distinguished with original solutions reflecting the traditions of national architecture, outlines of the world famous historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan and elements of such natural place of interest as Karakum Desert.

Having inspected the projects in details, the Head of the State made number of remarks and recommendations. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the peace-loving, constructive foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan, its geographic location on strategic intersection of transcontinental routes support the improvement of authority of the country as recognized centre of regional and international cooperation.

Our country makes creative proposals in different spheres, takes active part in restoration of the Silk Road, which important part run across Turkmen land centuries ago. All of these causes permanent growth of number of our foreign guests, the Head of the State said, having highlighted that the best world practice and advanced developments have to be implemented in hotel business for efficient realization of available opportunities.

Having approved the project of construction of the second phase of Nusay Hotel, the President requested to work over the projects of Garagum Hotel Complex with multifunctional business centre, having mentioned that these facilities have to meet international standards comprehensively. It is necessary to consider in details external and internal design of the buildings from architectural solutions to colours and interior decoration styles where wide use of the elements of national decoration will make special atmosphere. All national hotels have to have high level of service, which has to meet the traditions of Turkmen hospitality, the President of Turkmenistan said summing up what was said above, having addressed specific assignments to the designers of the projects.

After, the project of construction of living houses and social facilities in Gurtly living estate of the capital was presented for review to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. It is planned to build 62 4-store living houses – 22 with 52 apartments and 40 with 48 apartments, kindergarten for 160 children, school for 329 students as well as shopping and entertainment centre, 10 double-store shops and market. Each living house will have one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom apartments.

It us remarkable that recently living construction had a wide spread in the country. Decision of the Head of the State to build single-family houses together with high-rise multi-apartment comfortable buildings is aimed at the achievement of set objectives on provision of Turkmenistan citizens with modern living. It allows extending the opportunities of the population to choose comfortable living they like meeting both time demand and individual requirements and preferences of the citizens.

Having highlighted the importance of serious and responsible approach to construction of social facilities, the President noted that creation of favourable conditions for the life of people is the priority vector of the realization of such projects. Speaking of the necessity of the opportunities for going in for sport and cultural leisure of the population in new living complex, the President of Turkmenistan approved the project in general, having requested to consider the planning and greening of adjoining territories.

After, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected the proposals on construction of two water treatment facilities planned to be built in Ahal Velayat. The capacities of the facilities will be 150,000 and 250,000 cubic meters of water per day respectively.

Having mentioned the importance of such facilities in systematic improvement of life quality of people, satisfaction of the needs of Ashgabat citizens in pure drinking water taking into account the plans of the city development in the future, growth of population, the President pointed out the necessity of detailed elaboration of the projects of construction of similar facilities including the provision with specialized modern equipment, having given the number of specific assignments in this regard.

General plan, projects and sketches of new living estate in administrative centre of Lebap Velayat were presented to the President of Turkmenistan. Land plot located on the road to Turkmenabat International Airport was allocated for the construction of the estate. In general, it is planned to build panel four-storey living houses – 22 houses with 40 apartments and seventeen 32-apartment buildings, 170 double-storey five-room cottages, school for 600 students as well as 2 shopping centres and 2 public service centres. The construction of 22 40-apartment building is already under completion. Construction of other facilities is planned to be made in two phases.

Provision of wealthy and happy life of the nation is the priority of such social projects, which realization allows numerous families to celebrate house-warming party in modern houses with full spectrum of amenities every year, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having requested to plan all necessary infrastructure in new complex, to consider planning and beautification of the streets and planting of tress in new estate.

Bus stations in Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary Velayats are among planned construction projects presented by Vice-premier M. Chakiyev. Every station will occupy 3 hectares and will service 700 passengers. Besides two-storey building, each station will have auxiliary and technical facilities and shaded parking. Architectural design of the stations is represented in bright national colours.

Having familiarized with presented general plan and sketches of these facilities, the Head of the State highlighted that new bus stations are to be integral part of ramified transport infrastructure developing in our country and shall have all amenities and high level of service of the passengers starting from the information about the schedule of buses, tickets availability, etc.

During the presentation, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gulyjov presented the project, general plan and drawing off new cottage complex in Avaza National tourist zone located on the seaside to the review by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The complex will include 63 cottages for 1080 guests, recreation ones, sport and children playgrounds, swimming pools, car parking as well as administrative buildings. It is planned to build three types of cottages for 2 and 4 families in each. The complex is planned to be built on shared basis with the companies, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

In addition, it is planned to built the monument on the territory of Avaza National tourist zone, which project was presented by Vice-premier M. Chakiyev. Sculptural composition of swans taking off from sea wave will be erected in the centre of the roundabout in front of Jadyly Kenar Park and Entertainment Complex. The diameter of the stela is 36 meters and total height is 23 meters.

Turkmen leader asked about the conditions in new cottage complex, having highlighted that it has to be comfortable for the guests coming to Avaza with families and not only insummer season.

This is overall affordability of the services meeting high international standards is laid in the concept of creation of this sea resort what stipulates the necessity of high quality of construction of all facilities and service, of course, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. Concerning the monument, the Head of the State noted that it has to be original decoratiotive element of Avaza and bear positive emotional mood.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev presented the layout and technical parameters of speed highway Ashgabat – Turkmenabat, location of payment terminals, recreation zones with motels as well as parking, service and operation centres and other related facilities including engineering objects to the attention of the Head of the State.

Having highlighted the importance of new highway in the context of the strategy of integrated modernization and improvement of the potential of road and transport network, which has a role of important component of regional and interregional transport and communication infrastructure, Turkmen leader noted initiative position of Turkmenistan in beneficial cooperation in transport sector, which is actual factor for the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Future highway has to meet high international standards by all parameters including road pavement, provision of modern surveillance systems and other specialized equipment, the President said, having given specific instructions to the Vice-premeir.

The Head of the State was also presented with the working plan for diversion of rainwater from the avenues and streets in Ashgabat by relative engineering and technical system and involvement of drainage and communication tunnel of the capital.

Having noted the importance of correct calculation of the parameters on scientific basis during the development of the network of this system and its planning, the Head of the State highlighted the significance of the measures in this directions taken for protection of the capital from the consequences of heavy precipitations, provision of uninterrupted operation of life support systems of the city and its ecological prosperity.

It is necessary to adhere to the requirements for such facilities, to take into account all moments during project design and construction phase of the drainage system, the Head of the State noted, having addressed relative leaders with the instructions to complete the design of the projects following given instructions.

Summing up what was said above, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the capital and regions of the country are dynamically developed with adding of new living complexes, industrial and parking zones. In this context, the Head of the State highlighted that project design of each facility has to be elaborated in details and to meet comprehensively its functional purpose.

Building new houses and facilities, it is necessary to consider every aspect including the selection of quality construction and finishing materials from the appropriateness of their use, compatibility with natural and climate conditions of Turkmenistan point of view, as well as ecological and aesthetical factors, local terrain and further efficient work of the facility. The image of our capital, cities and villages has to reflect the best traditions of national architecture in organic combination with the achievements of modern design and architecture.

As it was said above, modernization and improvement of transport and communication infrastructure are the most priority directions of the works expanded in Ashgabat and in the country. Continuing the subject, the Head of the State ordered relative leaders to hold under unremitting control all issues related to this including overall reconstruction of existing and construction of new roads, provision of public transport stops, flyovers, underpasses, etc.

At the same time, the President pointed out again that high quality and compliance with the schedule of project, construction and other works are mandatory requirement. Active practical implementation of modern technologies and account on long-term perspective, harmony and comfort, creation of all conditions for prosperous life, creative work and rest of people are invariable targets, which have to be aimed in realization of the development projects and programmes, the Head of the State highlighted.