Ï The Head of the State writes new book «Worshipping Mother – Worshipping a Sacred Person»

The Head of the State writes new book «Worshipping Mother – Worshipping a Sacred Person»

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After the presentation of new construction projects planned to be built in the capital and in the regions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov presented the Chairperson of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies with his new book «Worshipping Mother – Worshipping a Sacred Person» published in Turkmen, English and Russian languages.

The name of new book of the Head of Turkmenistan has deep meaning as it narrates of the sacredness of the mother for every individual, about such everlasting values as Motherland, home hearth, family, relations between parents and children. The work of the President of the country reflects the succession of noble principles such as respect of mother as sanctuary, which are in national mentality of Turkmens from the time primordial.

The Head of the State tells on the pages of his book about the life of his mother Ogulabat-eje who is a bright example of commitment to primordial spiritual, moral and family values of Turkmen nation. New book of Turkmen leader is a high sample of respect and honouring of dear mothers.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that creation of all necessary conditions for happy and wealthy life of Turkmen citizens is priority direction of the State policy. In this aspect, great attention is paid to the formation of physically fit, spiritually rich and harmonically developed young generation, consolidation of family values I the society where special role is given to mothers.

Throughout the times, Turkmen women and mothers have always been and remain to be the keepers of home hearth, wise traditions and advices of the ancestors laid in the basis of upbringing of children.

The book, consisted of four chapters – “Glory Highlighted by Word”, “Decoration of House and Hearth”, “Endless Honour for Care of All”, “Mother is Prosperity”, which names speak of themselves, also cites ancient legends dedicated to the mothers.

New book with the picture of the mother of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – Ogulabat-eje, was published on high printing level book «Worshipping Mother – Worshipping a Sacred Person» was published by Turkmen State Publishing Service and has thematic illustrations that beautifully supplement the content.

The associates expressed sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for tireless efforts for protection and continuation of centuries-old traditions of our nation. Having highlighted the importance of this excellent work in upbringing of young generation in the spirit of patriotism and high moral values, the participants congratulated the Head of the State on the issues of his new work.

Having expressed the gratitude for the congratulations, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that wide popularization and awareness of the richest heritage of the nation, noble principles bequeathed by glorious ancestors to future generation are the key objective of our historical age.

The Head of the State highlighted that mother is honoured as a sanctuary from ancient time around the world and our duty is to continue this wide tradition carefully passing it from generation and generation.