Ï The President of Turkmenistan specifies the priorities of development

The President of Turkmenistan specifies the priorities of development

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At the session of the Government of June 8, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the speech to the participants where he outlines the results of the past five months and specified further activities for solution of current obejectives.

Turkmen leader noted that analysis of completed work allows making the summary that our sovereign state continues developing with high rates this year. Our home and foreign policy remains the invariable.

The Head of the State stated with delight the stability of the growth rates of the economy, successful realization of all planned social programmes. Thus, the growth of the GDP is on good level and make 6.2 percent. Comparing with the same year, high growth is observed in all branches of national economy.

All planned facilities like industrial facilities, living houses, kindergartens, schools, shopping centres and other were built on time in the period under review.

Diversification of supplies of Turkmen energy resources to the world markets is carried out according to the plan. The project of construction of TAPI gas pipeline and other regional projects having big political, economic and humanitarian significance are successfully realized, the Head of the State said, having expressed the confidence that they would give strong impulse to the development of the economies of the countries in the region.

The President noted that several sport events were started under the programme “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road” for the designated period. At the same time, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, there are number of unsolved issues, which were discussed during current session of the Government. The Head of the State ordered the Vice-premiers together with the hyakims to hold under strict control the solutions of these issues including the reforms in the country and construction of the facilities in the branches under their supervision. Turkmen leader highlighted that special attention is to be paid to the objectives of the provision of living to the population, improvement of social and living conditions of native people.

The Head of the State also focused on the preparation to extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers planned in July 5. We would sum up the outcomes of work of the branches of national economy for the first half of the year, analyse the growth rates of the economy and assess the work of the leaders, the Head of the State said.

The Head of the State highlighted the opening ceremony of new multi-profile hospital and living complex in Turkmenabat among the important events planned for the nearest future. At the same time, the President continued, we would inspect the course of preparation to International rally Amul – Hazar 2018. After, we will open the sanatorium and other facilities in Turkmenbashy.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the World Bicycle Day held in our country, having highlighted that many remarkable events are related to this holiday. Listing them, the Head of the State noted that relative Resolution was adopted at the 82nd plenary meeting of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly by the initiative of Turkmenistan. We received the Certificate of the Guinness World Record Book on the largest cycling awareness lesson and this prestigious award supplemented the list of our achievements in this Book. The President also reminded that the first cycling society was founded in Turkmenistan in 1894 in Ashgabat.

At present time, Turkmen leader continued, the bicycle is a sample of ecological transport, which humankind uses for more than 200 years. Besides, cycling is one of the most popular sports in the world supporting ecological wealth and improvement of human health.

Declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day is undisputable evidence of the recognition the initiatives of our neutral state aimed at the consolidation of peace, friendly and fruitful relations including in intensification of international cooperation in sports, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated. Taking it into account and for perpetuation of this remarkable event, the Head of the State proposed to make the monument dedicated to the World Bicycle Day in Ashgabat.

In this regard, Vice-premiers D. Amangeldiyev, B. Abdiyeva and P. Agamyradov were ordered to form a commission for preparation of the project of the monument and its placing. It would be excellent if the ceremonial opening of the monument would be held on June 3 next year on occasion of the World Bicycle Day, the President said.