Ï President of Turkmenistan congratulates compatriots on the Night of Power

President of Turkmenistan congratulates compatriots on the Night of Power

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“I cordially congratulate you on Gadyr gijesi – the Night of Power, that embodies good deeds, spiritual purity, humanity and unity”, says President Gurbaguly Berdimuhamedov in his address.

“Conscientiousness, friendliness, nobility - these outstanding qualities of the Turkmen people are connected with their rich culture and traditions. As at all times, our people deeply worship the sacred month of Oraza – the time of physical and spiritual self-perfecting, in particular the blessed Gadyr gijesi – the Night of forgiveness, mercy and good deeds. The sayings “One should consider Friday the main day, and Ramazan – the main month”, “Each night should be held as Gadyr gijesi, each person – as Hyzr” that are handed over from generation to generation testify to the Turkmen people’s deep perception of the high spiritual importance of the Month of Oraza and Gadyr gijesi.

“We respect our spiritual values, customs and beliefs. Making the cultures and peoples closer to each other, contributing to the triumph of good and mercy, we honorably continue these traditions that symbolize the unity and cohesion of our society, and, following the modern trends, enrich them with new ideas.

“Patriotism, justice, conscientiousness, generosity are the lasting values of our people, which testify to the mercy and high morality. Guided by these principles, we pardon convicted individuals in honor of the blessed Gadyr gijesi of the sacred month of Oraza. This fact strengthens our unity and cohesion.

“Turkmens are the people who, making a significant contribution to the treasury of the universal values at all times, created their own system of traditions and customs that make up the mental code of the nation. Our historical and cultural monuments prove that our Motherland, located at the crossroads of the routes of the Great Silk Road, was one of the ancient centers of various sciences, education, culture and art. Our culture, our material and spiritual wealth, the noble ideals increase the creative energy of the people, aimed at further development and enhancement of the country's authority.

“In the context of the state policy priorities, the ambitious work is carried out with the aim to strengthen the spiritual and moral health of the society, systematically develop humanitarian activities in accordance with modern realities. We are striving to ensure a happy and prosperous life for the Turkmen people, to turn our country into a flourishing region, to transform cities and villages, and to improve the social and living conditions of the population.

“I wish you good health, longevity, happiness and prosperity, success in your work in the name of the wellbeing of the sovereign Fatherland. May on the blessed Night of Power of the sacred month of Oraza, the Almighty accepts all your prayers and the Sadaka agzachar! Kabul bolsun!”- says the President of Turkmenistan in his address.