Ï The President of Turkmenistan: The Forum on the Day of Science is to give impulse to international cooperation in cultural sphere

The President of Turkmenistan: The Forum on the Day of Science is to give impulse to international cooperation in cultural sphere

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the greetings to the participants of international scientific conference timed to the Day of Science. Having congratulated with the beginning of the work of the forum, the Head of the State expressed the confidence that the meeting would give impulse to further modernization of scientific system, application of advanced practice and expansion of multilateral international cooperation.

We pay special attention to dynamic development of our economy based on scientific achievements in innovations and technologies, successful realization of mid- and long-term large-scale programmes, particularly to the enrichment of scientific, engineering and technical potential of the society as to strategic direction of the state policy. Taking into consideration the practice of the development states, we made deep and integrated modernization of legal base of scientific organization, made necessary conditions for improvement scientific and technical potential of the country strengthening its equipment and facilities base. The State renders comprehensive support in mastering of new knowledge and advanced practice in this sphere, stimulates the implementation of modern scientific developments, latest discoveries into national economy by engineers, specialists and technologists promoting the expansion of international collaboration in this direction, the message says.

The role of our state in global economy grows more in accordance with the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2018 – 2024, innovative industrial facilities making variety of competitive high-quality production, which is on high demand bot on local and foreign markets, are put into operation. Studies made by scientific institutes and universities of the country, rapid digitization of all branches of national economy including science and education would enhance the solution of relative objectives of social and economic development of Turkmenistan.

Close connection of modern scientific knowledge with the world economic, cultural and technological development is an important condition for establishment of constructive, friendly and good relations. We enhance and intensify the partnership in scientific, technical and innovative technologies sphere with the largest foreign scientific centres and structures, support the expansion of scientific and technical cooperation with different states and competent international organizations. In this context, great attention is paid to joint researches in such leading branches of science as Nano, chemical and computer technologies, development of new materials, energy sphere, biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics, information and communication systems, production of modern medicines and drugs, innovative economy and humanitarian studies.

Restoring the Silk Road, Turkmenistan connects the East and the West, Asia and Europe uniting people of these continents on the principles of friendship, humanity, mutual respect and equal rights. I am confident that in XXI century, Turkmenistan, which used to be an important centre of science and knowledge on the crossroad of this caravan route for many centuries, will turn into the bridge connecting scientific, art and technological potential of the world community, the message of the President highlights.