Ï The President of Turkmenistan: We are expecting new discoveries from our young generation

The President of Turkmenistan: We are expecting new discoveries from our young generation

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the winners of the Best Youth Works contest timed to the Day of Science.

Modernization of national economy, establishment of modern industrial facilities making wide variety of competitive production, which is on high demand on local and foreign markets, realization of the projects of global importance achieve high results in social and economic development of the state. The reforms improving the basis of economic growth are successfully implemented, which is stipulated by the core objectives in science and technologies, the message of the Head of Turkmen State says.

National science system, which priority directions are studied by scientific and research facilities and universities, was modernized as well as the structure of profile institutes was improved for the short period. In this context, scientific and innovative activities supporting the development of society are developed, scientific and technological achievements are gradually implemented, all conditions for mastering of new knowledge about the nature, environment and human being are made. All of these enhance the training and formation of young generation of high-class specialists who devoted themselves to science and creativity.

Creative initiatives and scientific studies made by our youth deserve the highest appraisal in acceleration of the rates of scientific, technical, technological and innovative progress.

Filling the ranks of young scientists, engineers, technologists and specialists who presented multifaceted and substantial scientific studies in such priority subjects as Nano, chemical and computer technologies, development of new materials, energy sphere, biotechnologies, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics, information and communication systems, health protection and production of medicine and drugs, innovative economy and humanitarian sciences at the contest organized by the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan with the Central Council of Magtumguly Youth Organization are important step toward the bringing creative potential of our society to new level.

Turkmen land was the place where science and education, culture and art were reigning for thousands of years. Great sons of Turkmen nation formed scientific schools of the East and the West by their first priceless discoveries and numerous inventions in astronomy, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geometry, medicine, music art, history and literature and linguistics in such cities as Merv, Nisa, Urgench, Abiverd and Serakhs.

In XXI, our main goal is to improve the position of Turkmenistan located along the Silk Road as one of the most developed and strong states in the world. For achievement of this target, Turkmen people who paid special attention to science and education from ancient times expects new discoveries from young generations aimed at the improvement of the world prestige and glory of our state.

Our youth, our future has to make deserving contribution to the great achievements for prosperity and progress of the country by their knowledge, love of native land and people, - the message highlights.