Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds the session on the capital’s development

The President of Turkmenistan holds the session on the capital’s development

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held the session in the capital administration with the participation of the members of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council, heads of relative ministries and departments, administration of Ashgabat and its etraps, heads of municipal services. The agenda included the objectives of further urban planning of the capital and maintenance of its infrastructure.

Addressing the participants, the President noted that recently, great attention has been paid to the development of the main city of the country. Big investments are sent for urban construction of Ashgabat and expanding its borders. The Head of the State highlighted that there are many social facilities among new constructions like universities, museums, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, sport complexes, living houses, shopping centres, etc. they all have original architecture and unique design and some of them are registered in the Guinness World Record Book. Ashgabat being the city is the most concentration of white-marble buildings was also included to this popular collection of the world achievements, the President noted.

After, the President has listened to the reports of the participants of the working session.

Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev reported on current works in the capital and the measures taken for further planning of the main city of the country according to the time demands, improvement of social infrastructure.

The Head of the capital administration reported on the completion of the programme elaborated for the development of road and transport system – bridges, flyovers and underpasses, bus stops, multi-lane ring roads.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that care of the improvement of social and living conditions of the population is priority objective of the state policy. Having highlighted that quality and level of works have to meet the highest standards, the Head of the State demanded to hold under control the issues of further improvement of municipal services, use of latest technologies and advanced practice. The necessity of responsible approach to social and economic development of the city has also been emphasized.

After, Minister of Municipal Services M. Abilov reported on the situation in the structure under his supervision. The Minister informed on large-scale measures for activation of works on realization of the programme of Ashgabat development.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan noted the necessity to hold under permanent control the processes of the development of the main city of the country, having given the number of instructions on this account to the Minister. Having highlighted that the works in this direction have to meet the time demands and give certain results, the Head of the State ordered to provide systematic control of the realization of these measures.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the measures for the modernization of the capital’s roads and communication networks, improvement of the lighting system.

During the session, the Vice-premier uttered announced the proposals on construction of engineering and technical facilities for drainage of the rainwaters and presented the work plan to the Head of the State for review.

Having studied the project, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made number of remarks and proposals, having highlighted that it is necessary to follow the requirements applicable to such facilities. The Head of the State gave instructions to the Vice-premier to finalize the plan.

Relative assignments on financing of planned events for beautification of Ashgabat have been given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov and top managers of financial and economic sector.

Turkmen leader requested general Director of the Front Office of the Centres of Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of health Protection and Medical Industry M. Mammedov to hold under unremitting control the support of proper sanitary standards, prevention, diagnostics and elimination of infectious diseases in the capital. The Head of the State also noted the importance of relative awareness and educational work among the population.

Having highlighted timely and correct weather forecast, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed Chairman of National Committee of Hydrometeorology B. Miminov with specific instructions.

Chairman of the State Committee for natural Protection and Land Resources B. Orazmyradov received the instruction of Turkmen leader to take adequate measures for the provision of ecological wealth in the capital and in the country in general.

The Head of the State addressed the assignments to the Minister of Industry H. Mergenov on further development of industrial zone in the northern part of the capital, on control of the supply of quality construction materials to the facilities built in Ashgabat.

Addressing the Minister of Energy Ch. Purchekov, the President gave specific orders on the provision of uninterrupted energy supply of the capital, modernization of power lines and relative infrastructure taking into account future development of the city.

Minister of Construction and Architecture S. Selimov was ordered to provide the compliance with existing standards and requirement of civil defence and prevent ion of emergency situations during the construction of the buildings and facilities and engineering systems in the capital.

Having noted the importance of proper operation of engineering and technical systems located along the streets and avenues in Ashgabat, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed Chairman of the State Concern Turkmenawtoyollary A. Ovezov with relative assignments.

Ashgabat is the hallmark of the country, indicator of economic and political development of sovereign state, level of cultural and spiritual life of the society, intellectual and educational potential, the President highlighted.

The Head of the State ordered Hyakim of the city Sh. Durdiliyev and Minister of Municipal Service M. Abilov to carry out steadfast work for planning and planting of public gardens and parks in the capital especially in new districts.

Having focused on the planning of living estates, Turkmen leader highlighted that today, Ashgabat city administration has serious objectives related to precise work of social infrastructure of the capital.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined the objectives including the improvement of social and living level of the population of the main city of the country until the level of the developed states of the world, provision of proper work of transport, engineering facilities and municipal service, communication and energy system, growth of investments to production branches, use of innovative technologies in construction, establishment of necessary infrastructure for turning the capital in tourist centre of the region.

Addressing M. Chakiyev, the President of Turkmenistan has ordered to form up the services of civil defence and emergency situations in relative ministries and departments and ordered to hold under strict control their work.

The Head of the State also highlighted that steadfast improvement of life level of the citizens has to be the priority of the programme of Ashgabat urban construction.

Our duty is the support the prestige of Turkmen capital embodying universal model of modern, dynamically growing and comfortable megapolis, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has said.

Finishing the session, the Head of the State wished great success in work to all participants.