Ï Turkmen leader congratulates the graduates of the Military Academy and universities of security forces

Turkmen leader congratulates the graduates of the Military Academy and universities of security forces

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I extend my congratulations on the graduation of the Military Academy, which trains high-rank officers and defenders of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, integrity of the State border, Constitution and national security, peace, law and order! I congratulate you on the graduation of high military educational institutes and receiving professional education and the first officer rank, beginning of work and military service, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

Consolidation of the independence and neutral and legal status of Turkmen state, protection of the Constitution, centuries-old national values and interests, provision of peaceful and happy life of the citizens and protection of their creative work, strengthening of law and order are your sacred duty.

Through all the times, Turkmen people has been paying greatest attention to the improvement of combat capabilities of the Motherland’s defenders. Exemplary courage and boldness of Turkmen warriors – historical characters, indicate that our people had perfect skills of military art. This is great honour and huge responsibility to be the defender of native people and sovereign state, which our ancestors dreamed of.

In 2018, which is held in our country under slogan “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, another stage of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, which is to make great effect on the development of national economy, improvement of friendship with the states of the region, has started. Start of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power and fibre optic lines, opening of Serhetabat – Turgundy railway, Turkmenabat International Airport and Turkmenbashy International Seaport have been held in the same year. International Rally Amul – Hazar 2018 will also be important event of the year. It is also worth mentioning of the Resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly by the initiative of Turkmenistan on declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day. All these events enhance international authority of our state.

These days, when the role of science and technologies including military sphere is growing, the improvement of educational methods, introduction of latest technologies to educational process, wide implementation of internet and electronic libraries become actual in military academies. I am confident that you would continue honourably managing all responsible objectives sparing no efforts, knowledge and work for upbringing educated, physically and morally fit generation of the patriots, - the message notes.

You have to be deserved successors of the traditions of the greatest sons of Turkmen nation, who left the trace in the history of the country and the world. You have to master their skills and military art, to learn to operate modern military equipment and armoury. Providing reliable protection of the Motherland, you have to show the example of loyalty to the Motherland and make an input to the development of the country.

I am confident that while being faithful to the sacred duty of the Motherland’s defender and to its brave sons, you will bring it higher and glorify the Motherland, - the message of the President highlights.