Ï The Head of the State addresses congratulation message to the personnel of judicial authorities

The Head of the State addresses congratulation message to the personnel of judicial authorities

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You implement legal support of the activity of the state, provide the protection of rights, freedoms and legal interests of individual and citizen, interests of the society and the state, bringing of national legislation to the standards of international law. You also mafe a system of interstate exchange of legal information, develop the projects of international agreements and give them legal ground. I wish you great success in this important and responsible work, the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on occasion of the Day of Judicial Authorities Personnel of Turkmenistan says.

Institution of professional holiday of the personnel of judicial authorities indicates deserved appraisal of their selfless work, growing role of national legislation in the state policy.

Current progress in political, economic, cultural and social spheres of Turkmenistan. Democratic, legal and temporal state, which follows its national principles, is stipulated by honest and selfless work of people, unity and solidarity of the society, humane and fair policy of the country. The Constitution of Turkmenistan guarantees the rights of the individual, fulfilment of duties and responsibilities of the society and the state. In this context, active participation of qualified personnel of judicial authorities who realize their service and personal responsibilities in provision of the supremacy of the law and justice in social life of the country is very important.

The state trusts the judicial authorities, which modernize the legislation base on high level and bring it to the compliance with international law standards, provide legal specification of the state and socially important large-scale reforms, reliable legal protection of the interests of the country in the world arena.

Special role is given to the state regulations and laws in consolidation of the legal basis of economic potential of the country, its political stability and cultural development. Personnel of judicial authorities who have important objectives develop, analyse and implement such documents.

According to international practice, the employees of this department perform the official registration of non-governmental organizations providing legal guarantees to the operation of civil society in Turkmenistan. The official registration of regulatory and legal documents of the ministries and departments, People’s councils and various administrations supports the presentation of actual guarantees of rights and freedoms to the citizens, provision of the compliance of adopted legal acts to existing legislation.

Provision of organizational and methodological assistance to the activity of the Bar Association, consultative and methodological assistance to the City Halls authorities, legal and methodological assistance to regional administrations by the personnel of judicial agencies of Turkmenistan are the guarantee of protection of legal interests of the society and every individual.

In addition, explanation of existing legislation, improvement of legal awareness and culture of the citizens, popularization of the laws are among important objectives of this department.

Deservingly appreciating your work for provision of the efficiency of the policy in legal sphere, protection of the rights, freedoms and legal interests of human and citizen, interest of the country, the state provides systematic care of consolidation of equipment and facilities base of judicial authorities, improvement of social and living conditions of the employees and their families. Today, the personnel of the department work in the offices provided with all necessary equipment and amenities, comfortable living and deserving conditions for recreation and health improvement.

Your faith to oath of personnel of military and law enforcement agencies of Turkmenistan, high education and qualification level, honest performance of service responsibilities are reliable guarantee of legal interests of the state and society. I am confident that you will make deserving input to successful realization of all state programmes!

I wish you strong health, family prosperity, great success in your responsible work on the development of the system of national legislation, - congratulation message of the Head of the State says.