Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference session

The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference session

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session with the participation of the Deputy Cabinet of Ministers coordinating the spheres of construction, energy and municipal services, hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat. Issues of social and economic development of the capital and regions and course of agricultural works have been discussed at the session.

First, the Head of the State called Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Sh. Amangeldiyev who reported on the situation in the region, measures for increasing the rates of the harvest campaign and care of the cotton crops.

The report also contained the information on the situation at construction sites of new facilities built under National rural programme and on the preparation of events of the Week of Culture planned to be held in the velayat.

Having focused on agricultural works, the President of Turkmenistan demanded to put all efforts for the improvement of the efficiency of such works. The Head of the State gave instructions on creation of the conditions for the mowing of grown grain in set period, proper storage of the harvest and necessary measures for the delivery of the wheat to reception facilities without any loss.

Along with the wheat harvest, it is important not to lose control of the care of the cotton crops according to agrotechnical schedule, rational use of agricultural equipment and other resources, the Head of the State noted, having pointed out the number of key organizational issues in this sphere.

Giving the instructions on fulfilment of National rural programme, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the facilities built under the Programme are to improve social and living conditions of people, therefore the quality of the facilities and their functionality are the main objectives of the contractors. Turkmen leader also gave the instructions to the Hyakim on provision of high level of planned mass cultural events.

After, Hyakim of Balkan Velayat S. Satlykov was called to video conference session. The Hyakim reported on the course of the grain harvest campaign in the western region of the country, measures for organization of coordinated activity of the structures involved in this activity. It was also informed on the rates of construction of different facilities in the velayat.

In addition, the Hyakim informed in details about the programme developed for organized summer holidays in Avaza National tourist zone and in other places of Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea.

Having articulated the main directions on the support of the grain harvest campaign, the President ordered to enforce the control of relative provision of the grain growers on site. Having noted the necessity of the measures for uninterrupted transportation and proper storage of the wheat, the Head of the State gave relative instructions to the Hyakim.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave number assignments of the construction in the velayat, making of comfortable conditions including wide spectrum of services for the tourists in Avaza National tourist zone.

After, Hyakim of Dashoguz velayat M. Bayramguliyev reported on current works in the velayat, measures for speeding up the rates of the harvest campaign, coordination of all structures involved in this activity, care of cotton and other agricultural crops.

The Hyakim also informed on realization of the measures for further improvement of social and living conditions of the population, construction of different facilities and preparation to remarkable dates.

The Head of the State focused the attention of th Hyakim on organizational issues of the wheat harvest and responsibility for the result of this important campaign, having demanded to provide proper level of the campaign in all etraps. Having noted that the works for cotton care have to be carried out according to the set standards and with high quality, Turkmen leader ordered to hold the condition of agricultural fields under unremitting control.

The works at the facilities built in the velayat have to be under permanent attention of the administration of the region, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said and demanded to provide high organizational level of remarkable dates, which are very important in the country’s life.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev who informed on the situation in the region, rates of the mowing, works on cotton fields, measures for improvement of farming culture and other indicators of regional development.

Speaking of the solution of the assignments set out in National rural programme, the Hyakim reported on the preparation of the opening ceremonies of the facilities, which construction has been accomplished. It was also informed about cultural programme on occasion of remarkable dates that are widely observed in the country.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan gave number of the assignments to the Hyakim on collection of produced yield of the grain in the shortest period and without any loss. Speaking of the importance of strict compliance of agrotechnical requirements of the cotton cultivation, the Head of the State highlighted that these works have to be made in accordance with the recommendation of the scientists.

At the same time, it is necessary to monitor systematically all works at the facilities built under National rural programme, the President noted, having given instructions to the Hyakim on the opening ceremonies of new facilities and organization of the events on occasion remarkable dates.

After, Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev reported on the situation in the region at present moment including on organized grain harvest season, care of the cotton and other crops as well as on the situation at big construction facilities.

Having demanded to provide the harvest campaign in optimal period and on high quality, organizational and technical level, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Hyakim with the number of assignments on this account. The Head of the State also pointed out the importance of planned events for the cotton crops care, which efficiency will make effect future yield of the cotton.

It is necessary to activate the realization of National rural programme, under which important facilities of social and economic infrastructure are built, the President of Turkmenistan said. Certain instructions were given on preparation to remarkable dates that widely observed in our country.

After, Deputy Chairman of Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev and Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdyliyev reported on the situation in the capital and works carried out on the urban planning of the city, support of ecological wealth in the capital.

After, the Vice-premier reported on the plan of construction of engineering and technical facilities for drainage of the rainwaters in Ashgabat developed by the order of the Head of the State. The draft plan has been presented for the review to the President of Turkmenistan. In addition, it was informed on the course of construction of motor roads in Avaza National tourist zone and Turkmenbashy city.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted that works in the capital have to be carried out on exemplary level giving high target to the reforms in all other settlements in Turkmenistan. Having studied the project of drainage facilities, the President highlighted that it is necessary to consider the configuration of the constructions designated for containment and diversion of the mud streams for the protection of the territories and facilities from the impact of rainwaters. At the same time, the Head of the State demanded to provide the improvement of the efficiency of activity of all municipal services of the capital, having paid special attention to wise exploitation of engineering and technical infrastructure. In this context, the President of Turkmenistan gave certain instructions to the Vice-premier and Hyakim of the city.

The Head of the State outlined the number of measures for further development and planning of Ashgabat, modernization of road and transport system.

Having addressed the participants of the session, the President of Turkmenistan noted that it is necessary to provide high organizational level of mass cultural events planned on occasion of the Day of Art and Cultural Personnel and the Day of Magtumguly Fragi Poetry.

Taking into account the start of summer season, the Head of the State ordered to hold under control the compliance with fire safety regulations in all parts of the country and readiness of specialized and fire fighting equipment.

In the end, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov again highlighted the importance of the objectives for organized conduct of responsible agricultural campaigns, social and economic development of the regions and the capital, creation of the best conditions for work and life of the compatriots and wished success in work to the participants of the session.