Ï The Head of Turkmenistan demonstrates skilful driving of racing car in off-road conditions

The Head of Turkmenistan demonstrates skilful driving of racing car in off-road conditions

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Early in the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with his son – the Mejlis Deputy, Head of National Martial Arts Federation, Honoured Coach of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, visited the Motorsports Centre, where he personally re-equipped and re-build high-speed sport off-road vehicle according to his drawings and tested its capabilities.

Today, national motorsport has great future. These are huge personal merits of the Head of the State. Owing to the attention of the President of the country, equipment and facilities base of Turkmen motor transport has been fundamentally renewed and expanded, new types of high-speed sport cars have been bought what enhances the flow of youth to this sport and makes necessary conditions for improvement of the skills of the pilots and coaches. At the same time, it makes favourable prepositions for motorsport competitions in our country.

The idea of organization of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, mass track and field and cycling race along the Great Silk Road belongs to Turkmen leader. It was supported with the enthusiasm by all compatriots as well as received the world resonance. Today, large-scale works have been expanded in the country for preparation of these competitions. The President of Turkmenistan personally supervise its processes, testing the tracks and racing cars. During his visit to the Motorsport Centre, the President has also looked around presented vehicles, having expressed keen interest in their technical characteristics.

First, the Head of the State tested big vehicles designated for transportation of sport cars.

Preparation to the rally both in organizational and technical provision of the competitions and also in improvement of sport potential of the country, development of international relations in this sphere is carried out in coordination with famous specialists in this area, companies that recommended themselves by the participation in such events. One of the goals of coming competitions is to show new image of Turkmenistan as a country with unique nature and colossal economic potential, historical, cultural and spiritual heritage that is carefully passed from generation to generation to the world.

Image of the vehicles, in which design national elements and symbols of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 have been used, are to highlight this as well.

After, the Head of the State and his son exchanged the opinions on special features of new vehicles and their decoration. Having made drawings and samples of the decoration of the vehicles, Turkmen leader and Serdar Berdimuhamedov discussed where to place it on the exterior of the car.

The Head of the State made several sketches of the vehicle decoration for it to look brightly, effectively and at the same time, to reflect sport spirit, energy and traditions of Turkmen culture and its colours.

After, the President started to make some drawings in order to reflect the scheme of re-equipment of sport vehicle for the improvement of its technical capability, manoeuvrability and speed during the competition. Such elaboration of important details and units of the vehicle on the paper helps to make the decisions on the improvement of the car.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that safety, in other words durability and reliability starting from the dashboard to the seats is the main requirement of sport car. There are many practical nuances, knowing which skilled racer can prepare the vehicle to such serious test as rally. For example, the Head of the State checked the fastening of the seats and having noted that bolt carcass can be strengthened for better stability during off-road races, re-mount some parts as well as replaced some details to give additional reliability to entire structure, practically having built new model of high-speed racing car.

Continuing the inspection of the vehicle, Turkmen leader checked the engine, wheels and replaced some other details. After, the President has checked important units of the drive train on the ramp and ensured in their durability. We are able to see such responsible approach of the President of the country to any mater, to solution of every objectives including in successful organization of sport competition.

It is necessary to mention that the President not only demonstrates excellent results in cycling and car races but also great engineering skills, which help in such technical sports and to be in the top.

The President of turkmenistna noted the importance of detailed technical inspection of the vehicles, provision of all conditions for safety of the crew according to international standards before the start of the race.

Taking into account the complexity of the route of the race, the Head of the State attaches special importance to high level of preparation of the transport, its durability and power. At the same time, the President of the country pays attention to the appearance of sport cars.

During the visit to the Motorsport Centre, the President looked around different vehicles, told about technical characteristics, engine power and special features, maximum speed of every car.

After, the Head of the State took the steering of the vehicle to test its capability after renovations made according to his drawings while Serdar Berdimuhamedov took the co-pilot seat. From the Centre of Motorsport, the President of Turkmenistan drove the vehicle toward Karakum Desert.

Driving powerful car at high speed, the Head of the State took over the distance very fast. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that ability to take fast decisions and respond quickly in any situation are the main skills of the racer. At the same time, it is important not only to understand but also to feel the technique of extreme driving like following the trajectory, making turns, acceleration and braking.

Organization of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, mass track and filed and cycling races along its route are another evidence of the support of noble beginnings of the President by the world community.

Thus, the sports of high achievements is steadily developed in the country, Turkmen sportsmen regularly participate in international competitions and win. All of these is the evidence that the works carried out for comprehensive development of sports in all parts of the country give efficient results. Personal example of the Head of the State supports steadfast growth of people willing to go in for various sports including the motorsport.

In February this year, the President of Turkmenistan granted the start of preparation works for Amul – Hazar 2018 rally and track and field and cycling races along its route. On the same day, the Head of the State drove along this route in difficult conditions in his sport car.

The fact that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov not only gave start but also took part in the track and field and cycling race multiplied the significance of this event. Organization of international rally will support wide popularization of this sport and improve the prestige of Turkmenistan as a country that is able to conduct big competitions and tournaments on high level, which was confirmed by V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in September last year.

This time, the Head of Turkmenistan demonstrated again skilful off-road driving of sport car. Having covered the distance, the President showed filigree technique of drifting – the ability to make turns on maximum speed in controlled swift.

At present time, the plan of location of the camps on several locations of the route and their provision with all necessary conditions has been elaborated under preparation to International rally Amul – Hazar 2018. Organization committee registers the teams participating in the race, organizes working sessions on coordination during the competitions. Around 40 teams from different foreign states expressed the interest to participate in Amul – Hazar 2018 rally.

Coordinates of the route, start and finish of the rally have been identified, the programme of coming cultural and mass events, which will be organized in these places, has been developed.

In addition, special training seminars are held together with sport training for Turkmen teams participating in International rally Amul – Hazar 2018. Volunteer groups for servicing the competitions have been selected. At the moment, they are also having special trainings. All of these is the evidence of integrated approach to the provision of high organizational level of international competitions.

In May of this year, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave advices and personally participated in qualification round of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally when participating teams of future competitions from Turkmenistan have been defined. These are the representatives of the Motorsport Centre of the Ministry of internal Affairs and Turkmenistan Motorsport Federation.

On the same day, the Head of referee team reported to the President of Turkmenistan on the routes of the competition, configuration and coordinates of the track and shoed the distance between the turns on special map/ it was highlighted that protection of environmental condition of the Karakums is the main term of motorsport competitions. In this regard, it was informed on compliance of the motor vehicles participating in qualification round of international rally with high ecological standards.

It is necessary to mention that recently, the presentation of the project Amul – Hazar 2018 has been held in Moscow. It was presented to wide audience by French racer, participant of the world Formula 1 and sport cars competitions Jean Louis Schlesser under the presentation of Africa Eco Race 2019.

Turkmen delegation represented by the Motorsport Federation of our country took part in the event and introduced the level of organization, routes of the races, navigation and other provision of the sportsmen to the participants. It gave the opportunity to motorsport lovers from all over the world and specialists in this sphere to get better information on coming competitions organized in our country by the initiative of Turkmen leader.

Jean Louis Schlesser mentioned that rally in Turkmenistan would support wide popularization of this sport, formation of healthy life style, familiarization of the guests from different world countries with rich nature, cultural and historical heritage of this place. He also shared his confidence that this sport event will remain in the memory of numerous visitors and fans for long time and will support the promotion of the motorsport.

Besides, National Institute of Sports and Tourism hosted the conference dedicated to the qualification round of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, where it was announced of the award of the President of the country with special prizes for outstanding success in motorsport, triumph achievements in this sports as well as in different competitions and for significant contribution to the development of Turkmen sports in general.

Among these awards, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, four-times Champion of Turkmenistan, received the certificate of the Master of Sports of Turkmenistan from the Motorsport Federation of the country and Sport Ulag Centre of the MIA for skilful driving of sport vehicle and high results at the competitions under qualification round of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 on May 12.

The Head of the State was also awarded with the Winner Cup and certificate giving the right to participate in Amul – Hazar 2018 rally for the skills in motorsport, experience and commitment as well as for virtuosic driving of sport vehicle and high-speed coverage of the track at the competitions on May 12.

The President of the country presented his racing helmet, which he wore driving off-road vehicle at the qualification round of the rally, as a gift to the museum. It will be placed in new building of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs. This gift will take deserving place in the museum as special value.

The Head of the State pays great attention to creation of necessary conditions in Turkmenistan for large sport competitions, giving them the role of events uniting the peoples and cultures, which are able to support the consolidation of peace and friendship in the region and on the planet. Special impulse to these processes will be given by large-scale action Amul – Hazar 2018 initiated by the Head of the State, which has already attracted the attention of the world community.

This year, which is held under slogan “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, our country restore its importance as the key link of this ancient route. These competitions will enhance the expansion of humanitarian dialog as well as will support the development of sports in general.

Being active supporter of healthy life style, the President of the country gives personal example to the youth and all compatriots by going in for different sports – horse riding, cycling and motor racing, martial arts, gaming sports, running, tennis, etc., finding the time for active physical exercises in his tight working schedule. Being the President of Turkmenistan National Olympic Committee, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was conferred with the highest award of the Olympic Committee of Asia – the Order of Honour, for the contribution to the development of sports. He also has high dan black belts in karate and taekwondo.

Colossal work of international significance on restoration of the Silk Road in modern format is carried out in the country by the efforts of the Head of the State. Sport competitions of such high level stipulate constructive character of friendly relations of Turkmenistan with different countries of the world.

The care of the Government of organization of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 is another evidence of initiative approach of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the improvement of the role of sports as an ambassador of peace and friendship.