Ï Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlines the priorities of ecological policy of Turkmenistan

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlines the priorities of ecological policy of Turkmenistan

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Ecological policy of Turkmenistan was separate subject of the speech of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at International High-Level Conference dedicated to the UN Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development in 2018 – 2028”.

It was mentioned that realizing national plans in different spheres, Turkmenistan strictly relates them with the ecological component of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially with the optimization of water resources use. New Code of Turkmenistan on Water is the basis of integrated programme for development and implementation of scientifically based regulations of rational water usage, their protection and rehabilitation, protection from pollution and exhaustion.

Adaptation measures for rehabilitation of forests and improvement of land management for facilitation of climate impacts are also widely implemented in the country. At present, vast forests have been planted around the cities and settlements with the use of water saving irrigation methods under large-scale national Green Belt programme.

As visual example, the Head of the State brought out large-scale project of construction of unique Altyn Asyr Lake in the centre of the Karakums for collection of drain water from irrigated lands of all velayats of the country. Its first phase hase been put into operation in 2009.

Construction of this manmade water pool, which is actually a complex hydro technical system, gives the opportunity to solve existing ecological, economic and social issues. It includes the improvement of soil reclamation of agricultural fields, protection of soil from degradation, return of thousands hectares of lands drowned by ground waters, growing of salt-resistant agricultural crops in the zone of the main and auxiliary collectors, irrigation of pastures, development of fishery, creation of water reserve.

Construction of another phase of this grandiose facility, which is to work for the provision of ecological prosperity and hence, for the improvement of life quality of people both in Turkmenistan and in entire Central Asia region, is carried out, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

The Head of the State continued that special attention is paid to the provision of the population with pure water. Modern drinking water plants have been built in the capital and velayats, while powerful desalination units have been built on Caspian coast. This is enough to say that more than half billion of US dollars are spent in the country for support and development of the environment and various ecological and water projects.

Turkmenistan comprehensively supports the goals and objectives of the agenda of current Conference. Turkmen leader noted that we expect that the decisions taken by the outcomes of the work of the forum would be one of the platforms for the future targeted and detailed international cooperation, elaboration of innovative models and management strategies for coordination of national programmes of water use with regional and global plans of development in this sphere.