Ï Oil products, mineral fertilizers and glass are leading at the trades of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan

Oil products, mineral fertilizers and glass are leading at the trades of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan

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21 transactions have been registered at the trades of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan.

For foreign currency, businessmen from Switzerland and Afghanistan bought naphtha and gasoline produced by Seydi Refinery. Entrepreneurs from Turkey and Afghanistan purchased fine-grained potassium chloride and carbamide (State Concern Turkmenhimiya). In addition, colourless glass, Portland cement, cotton yarn and fabrics have been sold for foreign currency to the businessmen from Russia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan. Total amount of transactions was more than 10 million 620 thousand US dollars.

Local entrepreneurs have bought cotton fibre for local market to the amount of 55 thousand manats.