Ï Sowing of sugar beet is completed in the Balkan and Mary regions

Sowing of sugar beet is completed in the Balkan and Mary regions

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The campaign started in mid-May in the areas allocated for the culture, and then continued on the fields set free from wheat. Harvest root crops will begin in October and continue until the spring sowing of cotton and vegetables. Harvesting is done by progressive stages, as the culture is cold resistant and can survive the winter in the soil.

Sugar beet in our country is located in irrigated areas of 17 thousand 900 hectares, from which 220 thousand tons and more are harvested per year for the production of planned 11 thousand tons of sugar. In the process of processing raw materials at the factory "Marysheker" receive potable alcohol, and production waste is sent to the fattening of farm animals. Areas under the beets remain unchanged, which is taken into account in the state order when concluding contracts with tenants for the production of raw materials for domestic sugar production. The customer is the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Turkmenistan, whose structure recently included the enterprises of the reorganized State Food Industry Association.

Turkmen sugar beet growers use Russian varieties "Romanovskaya-47" and "Portland", which are good in the arid climate, are resistant to pests and diseases of plants, and also have a high content of sucrose. "Marysheker" provides farmers with seeds, and in the harvest period - transport for transportation of the harvest to the reception points.