Ï The President of Turkmenistan: We pay great attention to introduction of new directions to health protection system

The President of Turkmenistan: We pay great attention to introduction of new directions to health protection system

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the greetings to participants of International exhibition and scientific conference “Health 2018” timed to the Day of Health Protection and Medical Industry Personnel.

“Dear participants of international exhibition and scientific conference, dear foreign guests, I wish that activities and cultural events dedicated to this holiday give you unforgettable emotions and leave warm feelings in your heart, - the message of the Head of the State says.

Today, Turkmenistan is known as a country providing high standards of medical protection. Our efforts are aimed at every people to be free and healthy and would be able to realize his political, economic and cultural potential.

Successful state programmes aimed at steadfast modernization of national health protection system, further improvement of dynamics and efficiency of the reforms in this directions serves as important condition for the achievement of stable development of the country and harmonization of society, health protection of the citizens and provision of wealthy life.

According to the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2018 – 2024, State Health Programme and other, the structure of national health protection systems have been fundamentally changed and the institute of family doctors has been implemented. System of voluntary medical insurance has been introduced and improved. Great success has been achieved in construction of modern medical and diagnostic centres, hospital, health improving resort and other medical facilities, which meet the requirements of the World Health Organization.

Good results have been achieved in development of medical science, implementation of innovative developments and high technologies, improvement of quality, efficiency and availability of medical services, especially in propaganda of healthy life style and upbringing of physically and morally fit generation.

Our country gained positive experience of international cooperation. Importan projects have been done in cooperation with specialized structure of the United Nations like the World health Organization, the Children Fund, the Population Fund as well as with the world leading medical, scientific and research centres.

Excellent events have been entered to the chronicles of national health protection system in the result of successful realization of scientifically based socially oriented policy in medical sphere. Having eliminated such diseases as dracunculiasis, polio, malaria, measles and rubella, fortifying the flour with iron and folic acid and the salt with iodine, our country received international certificates.

We pay great attention to implementation of new and complex directions of medicine like nanomedicine, nano biology, nano biotechnology, genomics, molecular biology, cell therapy, pharmaceutical genomics to the system of national health protection. Special attention is paid to the use of the world advanced practice, digital technologies and telemedicine in diagnostics and treatment of diseases. In this context, we think that development of different directions of medical science, production of new medicines, improvement of methods of diagnostics and treatment is important objective.

Opening of the number of medical facilities like Avaza Sanatorium in National tourist zone, children hospital in Mary Velayat, multi profile hospital and infectious diseases clinic in Lebap Velayat are timed to professional holiday of the personnel of health protection and medical industry. It indicates that the reforms in health protection system receive practical character.

National Programme of prevention of harmful impact of alcohol in 2018 – 2024, National strategy of improvement of physical activity of population in Turkmenistan in 2018 – 2025, National programme of protection of psychic health of population in Turkmenistan in 2018 – 2022 have been adopted for further intensification of the reforms in health protection sphere and improvement of the activity of health protection system. I am confident that these programmes will have great importance in improvement of international cooperation supporting efficient use of huge capabilities of health protection sphere.

I am also confident that the exhibition and conference will play big role in introduction of the achievements of Turkmenistan in health protection sphere to the world community. This forum will also be the ground for discussion of the issues raising mutual interest and for development of modern knowledge and practice”.