Ï Priority positions of Turkmenistan at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly

Priority positions of Turkmenistan at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly

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The 73rd General Assembly is the most important event in the activity of the United Nations Organization. it is to be an important step in steadfast consolidation of international efforts for the solution of key objectives of the global agenda, assertion of the leading role of the UN in protection and consolidation of universal peace, stability and safety, realization of the Agenda of Sustainable Development until 2030, steadfast fulfilment of the agreements on provision of sustainable development under taken by the state achieved at international conferences.

In its activity during the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, Turkmenistan will follow strictly the principles of neutrality, non-interference, commitment to peaceful and political methods of the solution of conflicts and disputes. Direction of Turkmenistan cooperation will be defined in relative spheres by the membership of the country in the UN Economic and Social Council, the UNICEF Executive Council as well as in the number of specialized UN structures such as the Executive Committee of the UN High Commissioner Programme on Refugees, the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development, the UN Commission on Population and Development, the UN Commission for Social Development and other. During the session, our country will continue the work for realization of international initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan on the objectives of global and regional range of problems.

Joint efforts of the states in the sphere of disarmament, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other types of weaponry, in combating of terrorism, extremism, illegal drug and their precursors trafficking are the priority directions of Turkmenistan in the activity of international community.

Analysis of the last world events indicates fundamental change of geopolitical realities. The tendency of reduction of stability and efficient regional and international security systems has been increased. Turkmenistan has always thought and continue thinking that peaceful dialog and constructive talks on the principles of equal accountability for peace and security, mutual respect and non-interference to internal affairs are the basis for regulation of the disputes between the states.

We are confident that at this stage there is a necessity of deep revision of the security concept in general. At the same time, it is necessary to support the existing and to encourage the formation of new centres of consolidation and development, which would be able to become the strongholds of stability in certain regions and in the world. in this regard, Turkmenistan suggests to announce 2019 as a Year of Peace and Trust.

Being the participant of the main international treaties and conventions of the UN, other multilateral document in disarmament sphere, Turkmenistan intends to continue rendering comprehensive support to these processes. Turkmenistan stands for speedy entry into force of the Treaty on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban and consolidation of verification mechanism of this Treaty as one of the actual instrument for provision of non-proliferation, disarmament and nuclear security in the world.

In this context, it is proposed to review the subject of the High Level Conference on Re-armament Issues in Ashgabat. By our opinion, such conference will be an important step in detection and convergence of different approaches and opinions in the sphere of control and limitation of the armament in the region and provision and consolidation of the system of regional security and stability. The efforts of Turkmenistan are aimed at joint work for the search of efficient mechanisms in coordination of cooperation in the subjects of combating against the terrorism and illegal drug trafficking. The main role in this process has to be given to the United Nations Organization. These are the activities of the world community based on the UN Chapter, the Security Council Resolutions and relative principles and norms of international law, which are able to respond to global terrorist threat. Turkmenistan pursues active line of cooperation with the UN Counterterrorism Department in the objectives of realization of the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy. 2011 Ashgabat Declaration and Action Plan against the Terrorism in Central Asia became significant input in consolidation of multilateral efforts for respond to terroristic threat. Priority fields of the Joint Plan have been outlined by Central Asia states and the United Nations during High-Level Dialog on Combating Terorrism in Ashgabat in June 2017 with the participation of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. In this context, it is important to mention High-level session and presentation of the third phase of the realization of Joint Action Plan for Central Asian for the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy on April 30, 2018.

Illegal drug trafficking continues raising serious concern and remains to be the one of the threats to international peace and security. For many years, Turkmenistan demonstrates fruitful and targeted cooperation with the UN Drugs and Crime Department, under which large-scale programmes and projects, both of international and regional levels, have been accomplished and carried out. For active participation in the efforts of the world community for combating the drugs, Turkmenistan intends to propose its candidacy for the membership in the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs in 2020 – 2030.

Further improvement of the partnership for sustainable development will be priority vector of Turkmenistan activity in international arena. Starting from September 2015, Turkmenistan and the UN carry out comprehensive and efficient work in this direction, having established the National Mechanism for implementation of the SDG as well as Training and Methodology Centre for the Sustainable Development Goals under the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan intends to present the results achieved in the implementation of the objectives of 2030 Agenda as the National Voluntary Review of the Sustainable Development Goals during high-Level Political Forum in 2019.

Special place in activity of Turkmen diplomacy during the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly will be given to the development of cooperation in transport sphere. Opportunities of activation of the cooperation in transport and communication sphere, consolidation of equipment and facilities base of all modes of transport as well as perspective plans for expansion of existing and creation of new transport corridors have been discussed during International Forum “The Great Silk Road: Ways to New Levels of Development” in Avaza National tourist zone on May 2, 2018. The forum was logical continuation of the Global Sustainable Transport Conference held under the United Nations aegis in 2016.

Being an initiator of the number of the UN General Assembly Resolutions on Sustainable transport and using its membership in the UN Economic and Social Council and the Bureau of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee, Turkmenistan will continue the work for realization of its initiatives in transport sphere.

Cooperation in energy sphere, provision of stable and fair access to energy sources are the main directions of foreign strategy of Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan supports the Resolution of the UN Security Council aimed at further consolidation of the efforts of the UN members on international support of Afghanistan including such regional initiatives in development sphere as the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line (TAPI), Agreement on Transit, Trade and Transport Corridor Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey (Lazuli), project of construction of the railway from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan. Turkmenistan is willing to provide the ground for further discussion of necessary financial, economic, investment and organizational terms for the consolidation of international efforts to support the realization of the above-mentioned projects.

Environmental protection, rational nature management, provision of ecological safety remains the priority direction of Turkmenistan policy. Turkmenistan carries out targeted work for practical implementation of the decisions of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20, III UN World Conference on Reduction of Risks of Natural Disasters in Japan and VII World Water Forum in the Republic of Korea.

Near term policy and strategy of the state in environment are aimed at ecologically safe and stable development based on integrated solution of economic and social objectives with careful treatment of natural resources.

The activity of Turkmenistan under its chairing of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea (IFAS) together with Central Asia states is aimed at the development of new Program of Action to Assist the Countries of the Aral Sea Basin, improvement of the Regional Environmental Action Program for the Sustainable Development of Central Asia, speeding up of the ratification and entry into force of the Framework Convention on the Protection of the Environment for Sustainable Development in Central Asia, improvement of social and economic situation in the countries of the Aral Sea basin by the improvement of the access to pure drinking water and sanitary and improvement of the quality of medical services.

We think that drafting of the Resolution on establishment of the UN Special Programme for the Aral Sea basin and relative consultations and negotiations on this important document with all UN members and interested authorities is very current during this session under support of the UN Department on Economic Affairs, the UN Environmental Programme and partner organizations dealing with ecology and climate change issues.

Definition of legal status of youth in modern state is one of the priority objectives as this is the youth that serves as the key social indicator and in many cases defines future progressive and innovative development of the society and state. Youth policy has started developing on international level. This is explained that political potential of this political and social fore in the world policy on the background of successful practice on national level, which has not been taken into consideration previously, is very important and efficient political instrument. In modern world political, economic and social processes, the youth becomes the strategic resource outlining the development of not only the state but also international relations in general in long-term perspective.

Therefore, in the context of the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals, Turkmenistan initiates the necessity of the establishment of the Global Partnership for protection of the interests of the youth. In this context, Turkmenistan thinks appropriate to involve the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Youth Affairs, the UNICEF, UNESCO and other UN structures and international organization, which are authorised to develop and implement the youth policy on international level, into the work for realization of this initiative.

Turkmenistan is willing to present the ground for the promotion of this dialog, particularly to receive International Youth Forum, which has drafting of proposals on structure, composition, methods of work and other organizational issues of new organisation as its main objectives. Priority positions, steadfast realization of the initiatives and proposals made ay various international forums will be defining in the development of the approaches of our country to the cooperation with all members of the United Nations, institutes and agenises during the 73rd session of the General Assembly. Turkmenistan welcomes international cooperation in solution of topical issues of the present and express the willingness to joint activity for the assertion of high ideals of peace and fairness, realization of objectives and goals of the United Nations.