Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds working session

The President of Turkmenistan holds working session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies. Priority objectives of home and foreign policy, realization of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2018 – 2024 as well as other national and profile programmes aimed at further prosperity of the country, improvement of the wealth of the nation and other topical issues of the state life have been discussed at the meeting.

Going over the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on the activity of the Ministry in the context of realization of the Concept of Foreign Policy Course of the country in 2017 – 2023 and on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that our country develops positive international cooperation with all interested partners and stated the presence of big potential for the expansion of foreign relations. In this context, priority vectors of activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have been outlined. Steadfast work for realization of constructive initiatives of our country for global and regional range of problems given at the UN General Assembly and other competent international forums has been outlined as the most important objective.

The Head of Turkmenistan laid special emphasis on the necessity of optimal involvement of existing capabilities for steadfast improvement of beneficial partnership, having addressed the Vice-premier with certain assignments related to the solution of topical issues of the foreign department and diplomatic corps.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision as well as on seasonal agricultural works. Information on the measures for fulfilment of the programmes on development of agricultural complex and velayats has also been presented.

Having focused on the number of priority objectives of national agricultural complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of active implementation of new forms of production relations and efficient use of irrigated lands in this field. It is necessary to take specific measures for improvement of the lands fertility and yield of agricultural crops, rational use of water resources and to introduce water saving technologies, the Head of the State continued.

The Head of the State said that coming cotton harvesting campaign is responsible exam for national farmers, the Head of the State ordered to prepare to it with full responsibility. Speaking of the importance of steadfast increment of productions volumes of fruits and vegetables, comprehensive support of farmers and entrepreneurs working in agrarian sector, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the Vice-premier with certain assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G.Myradov reported on the activity of the structures under his supervision and the fulfilment of assignments.

The strategy of the country development stipulates the decisions on economic appropriateness and long-term interests of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. Support of high rates of economic growth, provision of investment activity, increment of export production have been defined among the main directions of work. Speaking of the importance of efficient management of financial activity of all organizations and enterprises, the President of the country ordered the Vice-premier to hold under permanent control this work.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov informed about the situation in trade sphere as well as about the measures for state support of small and medium business, expansion of import substitutive and export oriented production with the involvement of capabilities of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Having listened to the report, the President noted that development of trade and economic relations is one of the key components of the development of international relations. Favourable geographic location of the country o the intersection of transport routes opens wide opportunities for the expansion of beneficial cooperation with many countries of the planet.

It is necessary to work for the increment of the export volumes of national goods, to improve business contacts with foreign partners, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. Having outlined the study of foreign markets for promotion of competitive Turkmen production among the priorities, the President addressed the Vice-premier with the number of instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov reported on the activity of the branches under his supervision and the measures for improvement of production infrastructure of industrial sector.

The Head of the State noted that the strategy of large-scale industrialization of national economy has been successfully realized in the last several years, practical measures have provided steadfast growth of industrial sectors of national economy including chemical, textile and production of construction materials.

According to economic concept, which stipulates integrated diversification and modernization of processing branches on innovative basis, their transfer to non-material way of development is carried out, the President highlighted. It is necessary to continue the work on formation of high technology production infrastructure that meets international environmental standards, to increase the volumes of various competitive goods made of the richest own natural resources, to create new working places, Turkmen leader continued.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the situation in transport and communication sector, measures on improvement and modernization of its equipment and facilities base. Information of fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of Turkmenistan previously has also been presented.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that special attention is paid to the development of transport and communication system, which has an important role in the improvement of international trade, economic and cultural relations. Significant investments have been sent recently to the formation of modern infrastructure of railway and motor roads, air, sea and river transport.

Peaceful policy pursued by our country makes favourable conditions for activation of transport cooperation with the states of the region and planet, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having noted that opening of international transport corridors Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran, Kerky – Imamnazar – Akina, Serhetabat – Turgundy became deserving input into improvement of economic potential.

Having stated with delight efficient character of work for active implementation of advanced achievements in telecommunication sphere and realization of the projects for formation of fibre optic system, the President highlighted that improvement of this sphere supports the development of national economy on multifunctional level, realization of new scientifically based projects. In this regard, the Vice-premier was ordered to continue taking the measures, which are necessary for successful solution of the objectives of this sphere.

After, Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev reported on the implementation of fundamental changes under defensive military doctrine. The report on the work of the structure under his command and fulfilment of the assignments given by the President of Turkmenistan previously has also been presented.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted that our country pays special attention to further improvement of the services that protect peace and life of the nations. National security authorities have big responsibilities for protection of the state and constitution, Turkmen leader said, having addressed the Secretary of the State Security Council, the Minister of National Security with the number of certain assignments.

After, the heads of military and law enforcement agencies who were invited to the working session reported on the situation in the structures under their supervision, work for provision of new equipment, improvement of personnel training and creation of favourable conditions of work for the defenders of the Motherland and life of their families. Information on fulfilment of the assignments on provision of the law and order, fire safety and coordination of road and transport system, integrity of the borders of the country has also been presented.

Having listened to the reports, the Head of the State focused on the key aspects of the reforms in military and law enforcement structures. According to the provisions of the Military Doctrine of Turkmenistan, which has exclusively peaceful and defensive character, it is necessary to hold under control the subjects of the provision of the security of the state, high defensive capability of national army, which is a guarantor of peaceful and wealthy life of Turkmen people, the President said.

It is important to continue taking proper measures for modernization of equipment and facilities base of all security forces, their provision with modern equipment, the Head of the State continued. Having highlighted the necessity of efficient activity on implementation of migration policy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to provide the services meeting time requirements to the guests who come from all over the world. having noted the responsibility of the custom personnel, the Head of the State ordered to use modern equipment at the checkpoints efficiently.

Having outlined the improvement of professional level of military and law enforcement agencies personnel among the utmost objectives, the President highlighted the importance of development of relative directions in scientific and education system, military sports as well as patriotic education of young warriors.

Summing up the working session, the President of Turkmenistan noted that proper fulfilment of all assignments is to support the dynamic growth of national economy, improvement of the wealth of the nation and prosperity of the country in general.