Ï Power line Rabatakshan – Kalaynau is put into operation

Power line Rabatakshan – Kalaynau is put into operation

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New page has been entered in the chronicle of Turkmen – Afghan friendship – power line Rabatakshan – Kalaynau was put into operation. According to the order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the delegation of our country composed of the representatives of relative ministries, departments and mass media took part in the opening ceremony of the new power line.

Heads and residents of the number of provinces of Afghanistan and Turkmen delegation took part in the opening ceremony. Participation of President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani gave special significance to the ceremony.

The greeting message of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighting that the history of friendship relations between Turkmen and Afghan people goes deep into centuries during which our ancestors left us with excellent traditions of peaceful life and good neighbouring relations has been listened with the great enthusiasm.

New power line with output capacity of 100 megawatt per hour will be the first in additional supplies of energy in Kerky – Hamyap – Garkyn, Marchak (Turkmenistan) – Marchak (Afghanistan) and Rabatakshan – Kalaynau directions. Putting of power lines into operation in these directions will allow supplying energy to different provinces of Afghanistan in increased volumes.

Millions kilowatt/hours of Turkmen electricity have already been supplied to the neighbouring country by Imamnazar – Andhoy and Serhetabat – Herat directions, owing to which the conditions for improvement of social and living conditions of Afghan consumers, opening of new productions and creation of working occupancies have been made. Hundreds of young Afghan people have studied in high educational institutes of Turkmenistan as power engineers.

As is known the policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the situation in Afghanistan is based on the commitment of regulation of existing problems by peaceful and diplomatic way. In this regard, the development of working format of international dialog on this problem is one of the efficient measures.

Turkmen state is the key partner under realization of regional and interregional programmes held under the aegis of competent structures, especially the UN. At the same time, creative initiatives proposed by Turkmen leader from the UN high tribune expressing principal position of Turkmenistan on Afghan issue has special importance and appropriateness.

Consolidation of the positions of global economy directly depends on the stability of the world energy. The presence of wide access to cheap, reliable and modern sources of energy is important for steadfast progress and development of all countries and wealth of the nations. The efforts of the world community according to the 2030 Global Agenda adopted by the UN are aimed at the achievement of this Goal of sustainable development.

While being one of the richest countries in the world by energy resources, Turkmenistan not just reliably supplies it to local consumer but also plans to make it accessible for foreign customers.

It is worth to remind that the construction of Afghan part of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line and Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power and fibre optic lines has been launched under the participation of the Heads of the States of Turkmenistan, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of India on February 23, 2018. This event clearly demonstrated that realization of grandiose projects has been started between our states.

During the opening ceremony of Rabatakshan – Kalaynau power line, President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani highlighted that Afghanistan thinks of Turkmenistan as of its good friend and reliable partner and highly appreciates creative policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that is actual factor for provision of peace and security in the region.

It was noted with the appreciation that neutral Turkmenistan being firmly committed to the principles of friendship and good neighbourliness systematically makes priceless input to the development of social and economic infrastructure of Afghanistan and establishment of peace and stability realizing large-scale long-term plans, which would serve as strong factor of consolidation of Turkmen – Afghan and regional partnership.

Electrical energy sphere is one of priority directions of Turkmen – Afghan cooperation. Having expressed the interest of Afghanistan in further cooperation in this direction, President Ashraf Ghani expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all Turkmen nation for permanent help in social and economic revival of Afghanistan, having highlighted again that Afghan people highly appreciates peace-loving policy of neutral Turkmenistan and its international initiatives including those related to Afghan range of problems.

Continuing the subject of Turkmen – Afghan partnership, President Ashraf Ghani expressed the confidence that the work made in different directions would bring good results, having noted that afghan people took the opening of Rabatakshan – Kalaynau with the great joy.

Having touched on the subject of cooperation in fuel and energy sector, Afghan leader made special mention of the project of construction of transnational Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, which practical realization has been initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The opening ceremony of Rabatakshan – Kalaynau power line took place thereafter.

Big work has been done to implement this project. Turkmen specialists have built the number of the facilities including the substations and power lines. The length of 110 KWatt Rabatakshan – Kalaynau power line on the territory of Turkmenistan is 60 kilometres. It runs from 110 kWatt Rabatakshan substation in Tahtabazar etrap to 110 KWatt substation in Kalaynau in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The length of the power line in Afghanistan is 52 kilometres.

Kalaynau 110/20 Kwatt substation has open distribution 110 kWatt unit, one 110/20 Kwatt transformer with 22.5 MWatt capacity, five 20 KWatt output feeders. Four 20 kWatt output feeders are connected to the air power line through the cables for supplying of the lectricity to Kalaynau while two feeders are reserved.

According to local specialists, at present time, the electricity is produced by diesel generators in Kalaynau. It has 55 transforming substations with the capacity of 20/0.4 KW where one of them is 400 KW, six – 315 KW, ten – 250 Kw, twelve – 160 KW and twenty six – 100 KW.

Afghan people took with the greatest joy the fact that signing of the Protocol on Intents between the Ministry of Energy of turkmensitan and the Ministry of energy and Water Resources of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on construction of power line Kerky – Hamyap – Garkyn tool place during the opening ceremony of the power line.

According to the document, the Agreement of Cooperation on construction of 110 KW powerline from Turkmen border to Hamyap region of Afghanistan and to Garkyn region as well as on construction of one 110 KW substation in these regions will be reached between the Ministry of Energy and water Resources of Afghanistan and the Concern «Türkmenenergogurluşyk» of the Ministry of Emery of Turkmenistan.

The participants of the event highlighted that all these noble initiatives of Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his policy of peace and transparency serve to the consolidation and development of friendship between two states, which nations are connected by primordial ties of fraternity and spiritual affinity. It was mentioned that throughout the last years, Turkmenistan implements the number of projects under existing bilateral agreements including the provision of the electricity to Afghanistan on beneficial terms. Turkmen specialists build important economic facilities in Afghanistan. First of all, these are the power lines supplying Turkmen energy. Northern neighbour renders free assistance to Afghan citizens in education and health protection, the participants noted with appreciation.

In the end of the opening ceremony of Rabatakshan – Kalaynau power line, the participants of the event highlighted that it laid reliable foundation for future progress of neighbouring country and the growth of the wealth of Afghan nation.

In this regard, the participants expressed sincere gratitude to the Head of Turkmen state for permanent help and support in peaceful revival of Afghanistan and said that Afghan people highly appreciate this and value the friendship with fraternal Turkmen nation.

Therefore, current event was another bright evidence that neutral Turkmenistan, being recognized peace-making centre of the region, invariably follows high principles and ideals of peace and humanity, which are laid into the basis of foreign course successfully pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.