Ï Joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council takes place

Joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council takes place

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council where the fulfilment of the Presidential Programme in social and economic development of the country and other national programmes has been reviewed and topical issues of internal policy have been discussed.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the activity of the structures under his supervision, measures for improvement of statistic system based on the methods recognized by the world practice and modern information and technological means of processing of statistical data. The Vice-premier informed about the details of the project “Improvement of institutional and statistical potential of national statistical data” proposed for the realization by the representative of the United Nation Development Programme in Turkmenistan.

Summing up the report, Turkmen leader highlighted that wide international partnership for provision of stable economic and social growth of all countries, happiness and wealth of the nations is the key aspect of the state policy. In this context, special attention is paid to the improvement of fruitful cooperation with the UN, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having noted the importance of the improvement of national statistic system in accordance with the proposed projects. having pointed out the necessity of coordination of this document with related structures, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with the number of specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the situation in the structural departments of fuel and energy complex, course of works in new buildings and facilities of Dashoguz oil products storage and offloading facilities of the General Department Türkmennebitönümleri».

The area of the facility is 10 hectares. It will receive and ship 180 thousand tons of oil products and 1.5 thousand tons of lubricating oils to gas stations per year.

Having listened to the report, the President highlighted an important role of fuel and energy complex in the economy of Turkmenistan, having noted the significance of steadfast increment of the production and processing volumes of oil and gas, production of various petrochemical goods required in internal and foreign markets.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works in the country.

Having noted that coming agricultural campaigns – cotton harvesting and sowing of winter crops, would be another practical measure on the way of solution of the objectives of agricultural complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with the number of certain assignments.

After, Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev made report on the activity of the structure under his command. Report on integrated measures for modernization of equipment and facilities base of security forces, training of professional personnel, creation of conditions for efficient service and life of military personnel and their families has been given.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan noted that defensive essence of successful Military Doctrine outlines the number of priority objectives of the military and law enforcement agencies. It is important to coordinate the development of plans of further development of the Armed Forces including the improvement of qualification of personnel of all divisions, the President noted, having given specific assignments to the Secretary of the State Security Council, the Minister of National Security.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision and work on modernization of the carpet industry, fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State on the improvement of export potential.

It was mentioned that it is planned to build new facility of Ashgabat Carpet Plant, which would meet architectural appearance of the capital. New carpet factories with modern equipment are planned to be built in the regions. In addition, the Vice-premier informed about the measures for popularization of Turkmen carpet making art in the world and increment of the export of high quality production of the branch.

Having highlighted the importance of provision of high level of competiveness of national carpet industry in foreign markets, introduction of advanced technical innovations and methods of management, the Head of the State gave certain instructions on this account.

The President addressed the Vice-premier with the number of assignments on construction of new modern carpet-making facilities in all regions of the country.

Prosecutor General B. Atdayev reported on the work under the improvement of efficiency of control of the fulfilment of the provisions of legal acts as well as on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the President of Turkmenistan earlier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev made report on the work in the branches under his supervision on further development of energy sphere and measures for urban planning of Ashgabat and increasing the rates of construction works.

Having listened to the report, the President of the country pointed out the necessity of improvement of the activity of the Ministry of Energy for maximum realization of existing considerable potential of the industry. The Head of the State also highlighted the importance of using of latest technologies, efficient reliable equipment and materials during realization of the projects and addressed the Vice-premier with the number of specific assignments.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the State focused on the construction of modern living complex after the Karakum River. For this purpose, the scientists have to make the monitoring of the area for seismic activity of this territory. Turkmen leader ordered the Vice-premier to speed up the rates of these works.

After, Minister of Internal Affairs I. Mulikov made report on the situation in the sphere under his command and fulfilment of the assignments given by the President of Turkmenistan earlier.

Coming activities under the month of traffic safety, which is held annually by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, were separate subject of the report. The information about the preparation of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 has also been presented.

Having touched upon the subject of preparation of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, the Head of the State noted that it would support the popularization of this sport and improve the world prestige of Turkmenistan as a country that is able to host big competitions and tournaments on high level.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov presented the proposals on the exhibition of export goods of the Turkish Republic in the building of the Trade and Industrial Chamber of Turkmenistan in December this year.

The main objective of this event planned on December 15 – 17 is to intensify beneficial Turkmen – Turkish trade and economic cooperation as well as to demonstrate the export potential and industrial capacities of the companies from different regions of this country.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that organization of similar exhibitions has to be aimed at the intensification of business relations, exchange of practice and launch of new investment projects in Turkmenistan, which support the improvement of the competiveness of national economy and its production capabilities.

Highlighting the beginning of new long-term plans of cooperation, the Head of the State gave the number of specific assignments on preparation of working programme of the exhibition of the export goods from Turkey and its organization on high level.

After, Director of the State Service for Combating Economic Crimes M. Hudaykuliyev reported on practical measures taken to combat the corruption.

Having listened to the report, the Head of Turkmenistan focused on the significance of the measures for combating economic crimes, which is an integral part of precise operation of the state mechanism. Having pointed out non-admission of bribery and corruption in our society, the President addressed the Head of the Service with specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the Draft Resolutions on Approval of the Rules on Transportation of Dangerous Cargoes by Vehicles in Turkmenistan and on Permit for Participation as a Founder of Open Joint Stock Venture “Transport and Logistic centre of Turkmenistan” by Certain State Authorities.

The Vice-premier informed that for fulfilment of the assignment given earlier by the Head of the State, the Mejlis of the country together with the ministries and departments developed the Regulations of Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Vehicles in Turkmenistan and the List of Dangerous Goods Allowed to Be Transported by Vehicles in Turkmenistan in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan on Motor Transport.

During drafting of the documents, the specialists were guided by international standards and requirements existing in the country introduced by the UN Expert Committee in relations to transported dangerous goods.

Having signed the Resolution on Approval of the Rules of Transportation of Dangerous Good by Vehicles in Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that it has to define in details the rules, duties and responsibilities of transporters and to order the requirements of safety and protection of the vehicles and cargoes, having addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments.

After, the Vice-premier reported on the work for the foundation of the Open Joint Stock Venture “Transport and Logistic Centre of Turkmenistan”. It was informed that interdepartmental commission for preparation of relative proposals has been founded for solution of the objectives on the improvement of the efficiency of transport and transit corridors. The Ministries of railroads, motor transport and communication as well as Türkmenhowaýollary Service, the State Service of Maritime and River Transport and the State Insurance Company are the founders of the Joint Stock Venture.

Having highlighted that at the modern stage of development, basic changes are made in the transport system, legal foundation is made and the functions of the state regulation and business management are were separated, the Head of the State signed presented document, having addressed the Vice-premier with certain assignments on its fulfilment.

Minister of Justice B. Muhammedov reported on the situation in the structure under his supervision, work on the improvement of national legislation as well as on the outcomes of legal analysis of the proposal on the establishment of Open Joint Stock Venture Türkmendemirýollary.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State ordered to intensify the efforts on preparation of the proposals for development of new law, which meet the time requirements and are to provide successful solution of the utmost objectives of the country development in near future. Having approved presented proposal on the establishment of Türkmendemirýollary OJSV, the President ordered the Minister to prepare relative documents.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the draft Resolution on Approval of the State Commission on Culture and Art and the Council of Specialists.

Having listened to the report and noted the importance of cultural component in foreign strategy of Turkmenistan as well as in the formation of social mind and patriotic education of the youth, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity to activate and diversify the work in this sphere and to improve the search of new talents. The Head of the State noted that the culture is a unique tool of protection and passing of traditional spiritual, moral and aesthetic values and the base of harmonic development of modern society.

Minister of Defence B. Gundogdiyev reported on the work in military divisions, measures for the strengthening of defensive capability of the country and improvement of professionalism of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the country.

Having focused on the key aspects of large-scale reform in military sphere, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the Minister with the number of specific assignments. Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined the intensification of the work on patriotic education of young soldiers, creation of the conditions for successful service and good life of military personnel and their families among priority objectives.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the preparation to School cultural and sport festival of Caspian states in Avaza National tourist zone, having informed on the composition of its organization committee and relative Resolution.

School student teams from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran and Russian Federation will compete in six sports. These are mini football, volleyball, basketball, ping pong, chess and belt wrestling. The competitions will be held in Avaza Sport complex.

VI International Festival of talented children “Avaza – the Place of Happiness” will also be held under sport forum. In his report, the Vice-premier presented the design of the emblems of the festival.

The President gave instructions on organization of the festival on high level in order this event to be remembered by all participants and become another significant input of Turkmenistan to the development of interstate partnership in the aspect of sports and tourism, humanitarian relations, youth policy aimed at innovative growth and prosperity of the future of our countries and nations.

Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Halliyev reported on the measures for modernization of judicial system and promotion of legislation reform.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the preparation to important international events planned in the nearest months of the year. It includes the V Summit of Caspian States in Aktau (the Republic of Kazakhstan), which will be forestalled by the number of five-sided meetings of different levels.

It is planned to hold the Summit of the heads of the states, the founders of the International Fund for Saving Aral Sea (IFAS), which is chaired by Turkmenistan at present.

Regular session of the Councils of Heads of the CIS states will be held in Dushanbe (the Republic of Tajikistan) o September 28. As is known, our country will chair the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2019. In this regard, the draft of relative Concept has been developed and presented for review to the Head of the State.

Visit of the President of Turkmenistan to New York (USA) for participation in the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly is planned on September 29 – October 2. It was mentioned in this context that priority positions of our country at coming global forum, which were sent by diplomatic channels to the UN members as well as were highlighted in mass media, have been developed and approved with the support of the Head of the State.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that building the relations with other countries and international organizations on the principles of equal rights, respect and constructive partnership, neutral Turkmenistan proves its commitment to wide fruitful dialog for universal peace, security and wealth.

Having highlighted the subject of coming meeting of the heads of Caspian States, the President mentioned that solution of many Caspian issues became possible by the initiative of our country. As is known, the meeting of the foreign ministers of Caspian states were held in Ashgabat in 1996 where organizational and legal format of negotiation mechanism of development of the Convention on legal status of Caspian Sea in the form of Special Working Group has been outlined by the initiative of Turkmen side. In 2002, Ashgabat hosted the I Summit of Caspian States. Its outcomes made the basis of important decisions made at the summits in Tehran, Baku and Astrakhan hold in 2007, 2010 and 2014 respectively. Therefore, the practice has shown that all initiatives of Turkmen side were timely and in demand in historical perspective.

Turkmenistan makes regular proposals, which are to support the optimization of beneficial cooperation between five Caspian states, being steadfast supporter of diversification of trade and economic relations, expansion of the contacts in ecological sphere, efficient realization of huge natural and resources, transit and transport, energy and industrial potential of the Caspian region, Turkmen leader highlighted. This is visually indicated by the initiatives of Turkmen side related to various aspects of Caspian range of issues including the formation of relevant legal framework of five-sided partnership. Thus, important documents of understanding in Caspian Sea have been elaborated and adopted by the initiative of Turkmenistan.

Continuing the subject, having again highlighted special importance given to the development and adoption of the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea, which is the main document to make reliable legal foundation for long-term versatile cooperation, the President of Turkmenistan said that our country stands for solution of relevant issues on the base of mutual respect and universal standards of international law.

We would continue supporting the consolidation of fraternal and good neighbouring relations between Caspian countries, which nations are united by centuries-old historical and cultural ties, consolidation of the status of ancient Hazar as the sea of peace and friendship, the Leader of the Nation highlighted, having addressed the Vice-premier, the Head of Foreign Department with the number of relative instructions.

Further, having focused on the preparation to the Summit of heads of the state founder of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea and having requested to hold them under unremitting control, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that while chairing in the IFAS, Turkmenistan takes steadfast measures for further improvement of activity of the Fund, which is important regional structure aimed at the provision of cooperation in the sphere of improvement of ecological, social and economic situation Aral Sea region.

After, going over to the agenda of the session of the Head of the CIS states in September, the head of the State highlighted that our country would undertake the chairmanship of the Commonwealth in 2019 and would continue supporting constructive multidimensional partnership in the CIS, which meets common interests.

The cooperation under the Commonwealth of Independent States has always been and remains to be one of priority directions of foreign course of Turkmenistan, the Leader of the Nation noted. Being associated member of the CIS, our neutral country makes actual contribution to the development of interstate cooperation that has considerable potential and capabilities in different spheres. Under its chairing, Turkmen side will make all necessary for efficient activity of the authorities and profile structure of the Commonwealth targeted to specific results. Speaking of this, the Head of the State ordered to elaborate all organizational and other relative objectives in detail.

Steadily implementing the strategy of wide international cooperation, our country pays special importance to traditional partnership with the United Nations, which is built on strategic base.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan sees its participation in the work of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly as the continuation of systematic activity as full member of the United Nations.

Multiple election of Turkmenistan as the vice-chairman of the UN General Assembly as well as its participation in the number of big structures of the United Nations is the evidence of recognition of high international authority of the country. For example, our country has been elected as the member of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for 2019 – 2021 in June.

Creative initiatives of Turkmen side are supported by the United Nations being entered to relevant Resolutions of the UN General Assembly. It includes the Resolution on the declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day, which the UN welcomed and supported the work carried out by Turkmenistan for development of sport and physical training and health improving movement, formation of ecological culture of the society and stimulation of international cooperation in this field.

Summing up what was said above, the Head of the State highlighted the importance to provide high organizational level of preparation to all coming international events on the basis of thoroughly thought and integrated approach.

Head of the State Border Guard Service Sh. Durdiyev reported on the situation in structural divisions under his responsibility. The information about preparation to the events timed to the Day of Border Guard Personnel and opening of new frontier outposts has also been given.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Head of the Service to hold under control the issues of compliance to the discipline in all structural division as well as the modernization of border guard outposts.

Having focused on the objectives of preparation to the Day of Border Guard Personnel in August, the Head of Turkmenistan ordered to take all measures for high-level organization of all planned events.

After, Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed on current activity of National Parliament on legal provision of social, economic and democratic reforms in the country, improvement of legal bases of further development of scientific, educational and cultural spheres.

The Head of the Parliament informed on preparation work of high-level organization of the first session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan, which is it be held prior to the Independence Day of the country. For these purposes, the composition of the participants on all-nation forum is defined, activities on popularization and explanation of historical role of the People’s Council in historical and political life of our state, development of democratic bases are carried out and the proposals on the agenda and other organizational issues are summed up.

Speaking of the preparation to the session of the People’s Council and its significance in the context of realization of the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2018 – 2024, the President pointed out the necessity of coordinated work of all structures involved in its organization.

Chairman of the State Migration Service M. Gurdov reported on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State and on specific measures for the improvement of the activity of his structure.

Having noted the importance of the mission laid on the personnel of this authority, the Supreme Commander of the armed Forces, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out that it is necessary to perform set objectives in the context of intensification of international cooperation using latest world achievements in this sphere.

Chairman of the State Custom Service A. Osmanov reported on the activity of his department as well as on the fulfilment of the objectives given by the President of Turkmenistan on organization of work in the structures under his supervision according to modern requirements.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State focused on the necessity of provision of thorough inspection of imported goods and their compliance to set quality standards in regards with the activation of foreign economic activity of the country and growth of volumes of international cargo trafficking.

Other objectives of the state life, on which relevant decisions were made, have been reviewed at joint session.