Ï Outcomes of seven months of the year are analysed at the session of the Government

Outcomes of seven months of the year are analysed at the session of the Government

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held the session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of work of the branches of the economy for seven months of the year have been summed up.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on the activity of the MFA for reported period in the context of practical realization of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan.

Outcomes of the visits of the Head of the State to foreign states as well as the visits of the heads of the number of foreign states to our country are visual evidence of successful implementation of this constructive strategy. Steadfast dynamics is inherent to the partnership with competent regional and international organizations including the UN.

In general, 478 delegations have visited Turkmenistan via the MFA for the period under review. At the same time, 335 delegations of our country went to foreign countries. 167 different events of international character have been held in January – July. Legal framework of the cooperation with foreign partners has been supplemented by 121 signed documents.

Consultations of the MFA of our country with foreign departments of other states are carried out on regular base. At present moment, Turkmenistan has established diplomatic relations with 146 states of the world.

Regular sessions of interstate committees and working groups, which activity is aimed at consolidation and intensification of trade and economic, humanitarian and cultural contacts with different states of the world, have been held from the beginning of the year. Number of joint business forums with the participation of representatives of foreign business circles has also been organized.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that conduct of numerous international events like forums, visits of government delegations are planned in coming period and requested to provide high organizational level and to start their preparation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on macroeconomic indices for seven months of 2018. The Vice-premier informed that for the growth rate of the GDP is 6.2 percent.

Comparing with the same period of the last year, the production increased by 4.4 percent.

Average salary in big and medium enterprises of the country are 9.1 percent higher than in the same period of the last year. Salaries, pensions, state allowance and students scholarships were paid in time and in full volume.

Construction of 77 social facilities, 32 water treatment facilities 235 square meters of living houses as well as various engineering systems has been carried out in the regions for the period under review under new edition of National programme of the President of Turkmenistan on transformation of social and living conditions of the population of cities, towns, villages etraps until 2020.

Having stated with delight positive indicators in the economy, the Head of the State draw the attention of the Vice-premier on the importance of solution of the utmost objectives. The President noted that it is necessary to activate the work on privatization. Introduction of new forms of the state management and transfer to digital economy, which is common almost in all countries of the world, were outlined among priority directions.

Deputy Chairman M. Meredov reported on the outcomes of work of the sphere under his supervision for January – July this year.

Plan on oil and gas condensate production was fulfilled by 102 percent, oil processing by 103.2 percent, gasoline production by 101.4 percent, diesel fuel by 103.8 percent, lubricating oils by 119 percent. Comparing with the same period of the last year, the growth rate of polypropylene production and drawn investments were 103.2 and 107 percent accordingly.

Information on the measures for practical realization of the initiatives on diversification of energy routes to the world markets as well as on the construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan - India gas line has also been presented.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance f timely solution of the objectives of fuel and energy complex including those related with the attraction of the investments for development of this complex.

Having pointed out the necessity of integrated measures for successful solution of the objectives outlined in the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030 as well as preparation of new projects of construction of the pipelines taking into account growing demand on gas in other states, the President addressed the Vice-premier with the number of specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the activity of the structures under his supervision for seven months of the year as well as on the course of seasonal agricultural works.

In general, the growth rate of production, works and services of agricultural complex has reached 104.2 percent. This indicator was 104.2 percent by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management, 107 percent by the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources and 105.4 percent by the State Association Türkmen atlary.

The plan of investment developments by the ministries and departments has benn fulfilled by 144.1 percent.

At present, inter-row cultivation, mineral fertilizing, pest and weed control are carried out at the fields under cotton in the velayats according to agrotechnical standards. Preparation of the land to winter crop sowing including the ploughing is carried out.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the objectives have been fulfilled according to the indicators. Speaking of the organization of work in the industry according to time demands, the Head of the State gave the number of orders in such direction as staged transfer of arable lands to profitable farmer associations and private producers for long-term use, drafting of the Land Cadastre, having highlighted that it is necessary to speed up the rates of the reforms in agriculture.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov reported on the outcomes of work of the structures under his supervision for seven months, the Vice-premier also reported that the plan of total production volume of the Ministry of Industry has been executed by 113.6 percent with the growth rate of 111.9 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

These indicators made 126.8 and 127.2 percent respectively by the Ministry of Textile Industry.

Planned objectives for production of carpets and carpet goods has been fulfilled by 125.9 percent with the growth rate of 109.3 percent for January – July of 2018.

The growth rate of plan execution for seven months of the year comparing with the same period of the last year by the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa was 107.9 percent.

The State Fishery Committee fulfilled production plan by 101.6 percent.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State focused on the necessity of further improvement of activity and modernization of the infrastructure of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa for optimal realization of the potential of this sphere in the sphere of production of mineral fertilizers.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Turkmenistan has the richest reserves of chemical materials that have to be used efficiently. In this regard, the Head of the State directed the Vice-premier to review the objective of development of national chemical industry and to develop special programme.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangedliyev reported on the outcomes of activity of the spheres under his supervision.

The Hyakimlik of Ashgabat fulfilled the plan on works and services by 108.3 percent with the growth rate of 117.7 percent.

By the Ministry of Construction and Architecture this indicators were equal to 100.1 and 108.3 percent respectively for the period under review.

The growth rate of production, services and works by the Ministry of energy has reached 120.1 percent.

The State Concern Türkmenawtoýollary fulfilled the plan on works and services by 101 percent with the growth rate of 100.1 percent.

Addressing the Vice-premier, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is planned to build more social facilities in the country. in this regard, the Head of the State pointed out the importance of proper control of quality and deadline of constructions as well as the development of relative equipment and facilities base.

Having focused on the urban development of Ashgabat, formation of developed system of the city activity, improvement of life level of the population, further modernization of the image of white-marble capital, the Head of the State noted that maintenance of roads, parks and public gardens as well as provision of proper service of municipal services has to be the subject of special care.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the outcomes of work of the branches under his supervision for seven months of the year. It was reported that the volume of total trade turnover by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs has grown by 10.6 percent comparing with the last year including 22.2 and 3.1 percent in wholesale and retail trade accordingly.

The facilities of the department made 3.6 percent of production and their income increased by 50.2 percent.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange held 146 trade sessions for the period under review.

The volume of services in monetary equivalent by the Trade and Industrial Chamber has grown by 8.3 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

The growth of industrial production volumes by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs was 28.7 percent, agricultural and food production – 55.1 percent. Trade turnover has increased by 2.1 percent. Indicator of services of the population increased by 2 percent.

The President focused the attention of the Vice-premier on the solution of the objectives on the growth of trade turnover in the country. Particularly, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs has to work together with other Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers on increment of export volumes of local goods and opening of new trade representatives of Turkmenistan in foreign states, the Head of the State said. The Vice-premier was assigned on further improvement of the trade sphere.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the results of work of the sphere under her supervision for seven months of the year.

Various events including scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, contests, theatre performance, movie shoes, music festival on occasion of celebrations and important events as well as artistic and circus performances with the participation of foreign artists have been held for the period under review.

Number of events have been held with diplomatic missions of foreign states accredited in Turkmenistan. Various events timed to the Day of Art and Cultural Personnel as well as to the Day of Magtumguly Fragi Poetry have been organized.

Mass media representatives of the states located along the Silk Road have visited out country for popularization of historical role of this ancient route and familiarization with the monuments of this route.

Information of financial and economic activity of the State Committee for Tourism has also been presented. Turkmen State Publishing Service has issued 177 books and 102 manuals. The plan was fulfilled by 127.5 percent.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the development of national tourism sphere. Together with unique historical monuments and cultural facilities, Turkmenistan has wide recreational capabilities for attraction of tourists, which have to be used completely, the Head of the State said.

Speaking of the work of mass media, the President noted low level of the broadcasts of National television and publications of periodical issues. Having highlighted the importance of creative approach to the highlighting of the events in the country, preparation of educational and interesting programmes and materials for the press, finding of talented specialists of these spheres, the Head of the State gave specific instructions.

Speaking of planned cultural events on occasion of coming celebration and remarkable dates, the Head of the State has ordered to hold them on high organizational level and addressed te Vice-premier with relevant instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the structures under his supervision for January – July 2018 and said that 106 types of learning guides and manuals out of 200 planned in this year have been issued.

Works for implementation of the Concept of development of digital education system and the Concept of improvement of teaching o foreign languages and improvement of qualification of teachers are continued.

For the period under review, our school students won 93 medals at international subject contests. Turkmen students won 14 medals at similar university contest. 38 people have been accepted to post graduate course and 3 scientists to doctoral studies.

For the period under review, the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan developed and introduced several technological regalement and project of construction and production direction and received three patents on inventions.

The growth rates of finances in the health protection system received from the state voluntary medical insurance was 139 percent, from sold products and services 121 percent, from sanatorium services 114 percent.

International exhibition and scientific and practical conference Health 2018 have been held. New buildings of regional multifunctional and infectious diseases hospitals as well as living houses for medical personnel have been opened in Turkmenabat, Lebap Velayat. Sanatorium was opened in Avaza National tourist zone and children hospital in Mary.

For the period under review, 101 national competitions and 65 sport mass events have been held in the country. Our sportsmen participated in 9 world championships, 22 Asian championships and 35 other international tournaments where they won 4 gold, 58 silver and 82 bronze medals.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that entry exams to high and secondary educational institutes of the country are continued. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare for new academic year and to provide proper equipment and facilities condition of educational facilities.

At the same time, the President demanded to enforce the work on renewal of the textbooks and methodological approaches in education. This sphere develops very fast these days, we receive new knowledge and historical information.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered the Vice-premier to analyse the work in educational system including educational programmes on their compliance with modern requirements and to take the measures for rapid realization of the reforms in this sphere.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the outcomes of work of the spheres under his supervision for seven months of the year.

The Vice-premier informed that the plan for communication services and cargo and passenger transportation has been fulfilled by 110 percent with the growth rate of 114 percent in transport and communication complex.

By the Ministry of Railway Transport, the growth rates of services is 107 percent. The plan for cargo transportation has been executed by 106 percent and for passenger transportation by 101.1 percent.

By the Ministry of Automobile Transport, the growth rate of services for January – July has reached 105 percent. The plan for cargo and passenger transportation has been fulfilled by 102.4 and 102.2 percent accordingly.

By the Ministry of Communication, the growth rate of works made 110 percent. By Тürkmenhowaýollary Service, the growth rate of aviation services has reached 137 percent. These indicators by cargo and passenger turnover made 129 and 110 percent accordingly.

The plan of cargo transportation of the State Service of Maritime and River Transport has been fulfilled by 104 percent and the growth rate of passenger turnover is equal to 168 percent.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that it is necessary to continue the work on transformation of the facilities of transport sphere together with the main objectives on modernization of railway and motor roads.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed on the activity of the Parliament from the beginning of the year and on preparation to the first session of the People’s Council. Three sessions of National Parliament has been held for the past period, during which 34 Laws of Turkmenistan and 46 Resolutions of the Mejlis have been adopted.

For development of inter-parliament relations and study of the world practice of law-making, the deputies of the Mejlis took part in 49 international events and seminars and have made 13 working trips.

At present time, the deputy corps together with scientists and specialists of the ministers and departments carries out the work on the development of new and improvement of existing legislation documents.

Preparation to the first session of the People’s Council is carried out in all regions of Turkmenistan. The plan of nation-wide forum and cultural events timed to this as well as other organizational issues is developed.

Having highlighted the necessity of further steadfast activity of National Parliament on legal provision of transformation processes in all spheres of life of the state and society, the President of the country focused on the organization of the session of the People’s Council and noted the importance of coming national forum.

Summing up the outcomes of the session of the Cabinet of Ministers and addressing the participants, the President highlighted that internal and foreign policy of our independent and neutral state based on the principles of peace-loving and humanity remains the same. Being committed to these high principles, Turkmenistan continued its dynamic development in this year.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the growth of national economy is kept on stable level and all programmes adopted in the country are successfully carried out. The growth rate of the GDP is provided on high level of 6.2 percent. Comparing with the same period of the last year, high growth rates remain in all branches.

Turkmen leader ordered the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and hyakims to hold under strict control the course of the changes in the country, construction of the facilities under their supervision. Special attention is to be paid to the fulfilment of the programmes of construction of social facilities, in other words, to all objectives of further improvement of social and living condition of native people, the President highlighted.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State wished strong health and great success to all participants and prosperity to the nation.