Ï Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Every school has to be for talented children these days

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Every school has to be for talented children these days

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During his visit to construction site of fashionable Garagum Hotel, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that nearby secondary school No. 21is located in old building and gave instructions to the head of the capital administration to build new school facilities meeting the requirements of educational system of Turkmenistan, which is entering international level these days.

In this regard, the Head of the State requested the hyakim together with the Ministry of Education to find the location of new modern and spacious building of the school taking into account easy access for the children.

Having highlighted the improvement of quality and expansion of spectrum of education services and improvement of activity of educational facilities, the President of Turkmenistan said that it is necessary to build new schools specialized in different directions. For example, the above-mentioned school as well as some other need to be oriented on language training.

Teaching of three languages in pre-school and school facilities is successfully developed in the country: Turkmen language as the official language, English language as the language for integration to global economy and Russian language as the language of international communication. Japanese and Chinese languages have been recently introduced to schools and universities programme recently. The number of languages has to increased, the Head of the State said.

In other words, it is necessary to introduce several foreign languages to educational programme of new specialized schools together with common subjects. These are official working languages of the UN like Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, French as well as English and Russian languages. The languages spread in Asia or playing leading role in the aspect of the contribution to the world GDP can also be added.

It is also necessary to found the secondary educational facilities and specialized classes with technological directions together with multi-language schools where the children having a gift for engineering and technical activity, constructive thinking, having invention talents would study, the Head of the State continued. Schools with mathematical bias having learning profile in programming and giving basic knowledge in the professions required in the time of digital economy are also important.

Formation of educational programmes of chemistry and biology profile as well as with practical direction in the subject of natural scientific cycle with the focus on natural protection and ecological specialization for deep understanding of the environment by growing generation are very topical, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

In general, it is necessary to elaborate and calculate the construction of required number of kindergartens and schools taking into account rapid growth of the population. At the same time, it is necessary to define the specialization of these educational facilities according to forecasted requirements in personnel in all spheres of activities, the President said.

The schools for 600 – 700 students have to be equipped according to the latest international standards as learning multimedia equipment is rapidly developing and methods of teaching using digital technologies are always renewed at the same time. therefore, it is necessary to look into the future and work ahead in order the children of new epoch would go to schools meeting the spirit and dynamics of new age, the Head of the State requested.

The education has entered into the XXI century having new plans, goals and ideas. It is indicated by the digitation and computerization of the education, which goal is to from up harmonically educated, socially active and creative individual.

Social and political, social and economic, spiritual and moral processes of renewal of modern Turkmen society directly depends on success of the reforms in educational sphere based on combination of national pedagogical traditions and the world tendencies, the Head of the State noted. Significant qualitative and quantitative changes are based on this, new types of schools are formed up and their role in the improvement of human capital is growing.

School for talented children is in the past. Modern system of education has to follow the fact that all children are talented and the objectives of school education are in the reveal of their potential, to help the child to discover his gifts and send them to right direction, the President said, having highlighted that every school has to be for talented children these days.

In this context, new model of comprehensive educational facilities – the schools with deep study of the subject that would provide level of education meeting the time requirements and wide choice of additional educational services, is required.

Teachers and parents have to find out the abilities of the child and support the formation of his vision of his future and professional orientation from initial school and kindergarten. Specialized schools and gymnasiums, which have to be built not only in the capital but in velayats as well, are to support this. There is many things to be made in educational system in the aspect of further reformation and modernization and such work has to be started now, the President of Turkmenistan said.

It is necessary to stimulate the aspiration of the children to scientific and research activity encouraging their natural curiosity and directing it on mastering of new knowledge. It will make solid platform for training of future specialists who will make contribution to innovative development of the country. It is necessary to make wide network of schools for this in order for new generation would be able to receive good education having access to scientific activity and to go in for sports they like, Turkmen leader noted.

Of course, all schools have to be provided with the latest equipment, laboratories, electronic libraries, creative workshops, gyms and hostels.

The Head of the State also noted that the schools oriented in teaching of foreign languages have to have language laboratories with the best equipment, good libraries with fiction, scientific and popular literature in the languages under study, foreign newspapers and magazines.

School libraries play key role in the development of the ideas about search of the information and formation of skills of work with information sources. Therefore, expansion of knowledge and practical skills, which teachers and students can get, has to become one of the tendencies of modern libraries in schools and initial professional education facilities.

In addition, it makes sense to make unified digital library covering all schools and to consider the possibility of connection to the world network of school libraries, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. It is also necessary to organize more subject contests between the schools, school conferences and forums where the children would be able to share their ideas, scientific and artistic achievements.

It is also important to open the schools with humanitarian specialization as the objectives of culture, spirituality and national heritage will always be in the centre of our attention, the Head of the State said.

In this aspect, the President expressed the idea that it is necessary to develop the network of small cultural and educational facilities in addition to existing big cultural centres.

All these measures are to support the formation of balanced social infrastructure taking into account existing and forecasted requirements, the President of Turkmenistan summed up.

According to Turkmen leader there are considerable opportunities for acceleration of social and economic development of the country, improvement of life level of the population and their realization is closely related with the solution of the objectives in educational sphere.