Ï New complex of building of border guard outpost are opened in Balkan Velayat

New complex of building of border guard outpost are opened in Balkan Velayat

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President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of new complex of buildings of one of frontier outposts of the State Border Guard Service.

Early in the morning, the helicopter of the Head of Turkmenistan arrived to the helipad next to frontier outpost. The Head of the State was met by the leaders of military and law enforcement agencies. The Head of the State Border Guard Service Sh. Durdiyev made report the President of the country.

Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces went to new complex of frontier outpost where military personnel of the State Border Guard Services lined up next to the main entrance.

Military personnel of frontier outpost greeted President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. National anthem of Turkmenistan was played. The culmination came and Turkmen leader cut symbolical ribbon under loud applauses of the participants of the ceremony opening new complex.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to administration building with all conditions for services and military training of valiant defenders of the Motherland. The Head of the State started familiarization from the information centre provided with the latest communication equipment.

Operation of the equipment, which is used for 24 hours video surveillance of the territory under control of this frontier outpost, was demonstrated on special monitor. Military personnel has advanced technologies allowing to respond operatively to any situations on each part of the State border. Duty officer of the outpost, the captain introduced in details the characteristics of the units and special features of work of the information centre.

In the conversation with the captain, the President noted that at present time, new generation of high professional, politically literate officers who know what they do and skilfully operate complex modern equipment and machines has formed up in border guard divisions. The main objective of the military personnel of border guard troops is to provide the integrity of the border of our state, to improve physical, tactical and combat training of soldiers.

Having appreciated the merits of the Motherland defenders in consolidation of peaceful relations with foreign countries according to the traditions of Turkmen nation and peace-loving foreign policy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov presented the key from new apartment to the officer of the Service.

Having expressed the gratitude for permanent care of the improvement of life level of Turkmenistan citizens, construction of comfortable living and other important facilities of social infrastructure, the officer assured that he would continue serving the Motherland faithfully.

Administration building of the complex has excellent conditions for various events. Service and living premises, library and other are at the disposal of border guard personnel. The Head of the State left the entry in the Book of Honoured Guests.

After, the President continued familiarization with new facilities of the outpost.

The barracks were the next facility to be visited. In the barracks, the Head of the State inspected the daily schedule of border guard personnel and conditions. While being in living quarters, the President focused on the importance of organization of comprehensive living and rest of young soldiers, interesting leisure activity as well as ordered to hold under permanent control the objectives related with social provision of the military personnel and regular supply with all necessities.

The outpost has canteen and small bakery. The complex includes medical centre provided with modern equipment meeting international standards with all necessary things for provision of qualified medical aid to the personnel. It also has open grounds for various sports. The complex also includes independent life support systems.

Social aspect is integral part of the military reform, which covers all military divisions in the country. Today, modern living for military personnel is built in the country together with the construction of frontier outposts and military camps. It is indicated by the living houses on this territory with all conditions for life of the officers and their families. The apartments are furnished and have house appliances from the leading manufacturers. Excellent playground was built for children.

Expressing sincere gratitude to the President for his care, the new tenants noted that such comprehensive support from the state is one of the important indicators of the prosperity of Turkmenistan.

At the end of the familiarization with new complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the participants of event on the Day of Border Guard Personnel and wished them success in service.

Turkmen leader presented the keys from specialized military transport vehicles to the personnel and highlighted that the State would continue improving equipment and technical base of the border guard troops and taking care of the improvement of service and life conditions of the officers and soldiers.