Ï The Head of the State sets the objectives for development of commercial and touristic fleet

The Head of the State sets the objectives for development of commercial and touristic fleet

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During his visit to Turkmenbashy International Seaport, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov discuss in details the requirements of different industries in marine transportation with the leaders of relevant structures. The Head of the State noted that objectives of transport policy of Turkmenistan and goals the country sets out for revival of the Silk Road require the increment of capacities of transport complex and the improvement of capabilities of national fleet, especially commercial fleet.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on construction of railway ferries to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. This kind of marine transportation of railway carriers without interim transhipment of cargo in port is one of the most productive and its application allows saving time for cargo operations significantly.

Turkmen leader noted that this is much demanded type of transport for long distance shipment. It also opens large opportunities for transit, for example for the railway trains from Uzbekistan, which get the entry to sea via our port.

Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov reported on the requirements in bulk cargo ships for increment of regular export shipments. The growth of production in the country allows arranging the shipment of many national goods to foreign countries and marine transpotation opens new directions of cargo flows.

Defence minister B. Gundogdiyev reported civil defence and emergency response services and use of vessels in provision of safety at sea.

Minister of Internal Affairs I. Mulikov reported of firefighting vessels and boats, which objectives require not only specialized equipment but also improved manoeuvrability for immediate response in case of fire at marine facilities and in coastal zone.

After, Chairman of the State Custom Service A. Osmanov informed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about using of the boats for successful custom control.

Improvement of the efficiency and professional level of custom service has to be aimed at the growth of volumes of foreign trade turnover of the country, facilitation and acceleration of custom procedures and registration of goods according to international standards, the President highlighted.

Giving instructions on this account to Vice-premier, Foreign Minister R. Meredov and Head of Custom Service A. Osmanov, the Head of the State noted that the growth of volumes of cargo transhipment in Turkmenbashy port and expansion of national commercial fleet will make effect on the improvement of the share of Turkmenistan in international trade.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that increment of the volumes of cargo shipment requires the construction of high tonnage ships, which would give the impulse to the increment of export.

Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan on oil and gas affairs Ya. Kakayev presented the proposals on the development of tanker fleet for export of the products of oil, gas and petrochemical complexes.

The President noted that tanker equipment has to provide safe cargo operations and to shut marine pollution with oil out. It is also necessary to enter new sale markets for export of the products of national fuel and energy complex via marine ports and to expand the geography of polypropylene supplies.

Opening of own high technology shipyard has to give additional impulse to Turkmen economy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having highlighted that qualified personnel and active development of the best world practice are necessary for the development of new industry.

It is necessary to expand national passenger and commercial fleet not only by the procurement from foreign countries but also developing of building of various boats, the President of Turkmenistan continued. Having highlighted this subject, the President noted the appropriateness of building of catamarans for coastal passenger and international tourist lines.

Due to the advantages against single-hull ships, the catamarans are more required nowadays. It is indicated by the statistics – more than half of passenger ships in the world are the catamarans. Having bigger capacity, less draft and higher speed, stability and safety, the catamarans are the type of passenger ships that successfully solve the objectives of coastal and deep-sea passenger transportations.

Taking into account growing popularity of Turkmen resort Avaza, it is necessary to foresee the expansion of pleasure and yacht fleet, the President continued. Today, tourist demands on sea journeys is growing in international travelling industry and Turkmenistan has to offer its own tours on comfortable ships.

The Head of the State highlighted the importance of creation of the best conditions for the passengers on cruise liners of own production. These are wide choice of various class cabins and service, substantial tourist and entertainment programme, its informative content and many other.

Having noted that great perspectives are opened today in the development of Avaza and increment of the number of tourists coming to sea resort in Turkmenistan from foreign countries. The President said about the importance of the promotion of yacht tourism for the support of further economic and social development of Turkmen sea coast as international tourist centre and sanatorium health improvement.

New port will support the growth of tourist flows to Turkmen resort Avaza, especially from neighbouring Caspian states. The tourist will be welcomed in fashionable hotels and cottage complexes with high-class service as well as super modern sport facilities and developed infrastructure. In this regard, the President also gave instruction for further development of National tourist zone and protection of favourable ecological conditions.

Environment protection aspects are very important in sustainable development of port facilities, the Head of the State noted speaking of the necessity of systematic measures in the sphere of biological safety including harmful substance spill prevention and availability of specialized vessels responding to pollution.

Summing up the conversation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused the attention of the leaders on the utmost objectives of expansion of commercial fleet of the country, increment of its deadweight, development of passenger transportation and shipbuilding as well as the launch of own cruise ship in Caspian Sea, which would also support the improvement of cultural and humanitarian contacts between the countries of the region.

The Head of the State gave instructions to analyse thoroughly the relation of the objective of national economy with the plans of shipbuilding industry in order to provide realistic requirements of the country and establish high technology innovative production.