Ï Turkmen leader proposes new initiatives at the Summit of the Head of Caspian States

Turkmen leader proposes new initiatives at the Summit of the Head of Caspian States

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The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working visit to Aktau, the Republic of Kazakhstan where he took part in the V Summit of the Heads of Caspian States.

Issues related with Caspian region occupy important place in foreign strategy of Turkmenistan. In 1996, it was Ashgabat that hosted the meeting of foreign ministers of Caspian States where organizational and legal format of negotiation mechanism on the development of the Convention on legal status of Caspian Sea acting on systematic basis in the format of Special Working Group. It was forestalled by the meetings and different level consultations with the participation of representative of the coastal countries initiated by Turkmenistan and held in in previous years. Understanding of importance of existing discussed problems of Caspian Sea and search for mutually accepted solution have been demonstrated.

The Ashgabat Summit was starting point in the definition of priority vectors of fruitful cooperation in near- and long-term perspective. The dialog started in Turkmen capital was continued – its outcomes laid the foundation for important decisions taken on the summits in Teheran, Baku and Astrakhan in 2007, 2010 and 2014 respectively. Speaking at these sessions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov confirmed that Turkmenistan have always occupied and would continue occupying active position on the Caspian issues for provision of peace, security and stability in the region, improvement of the relation of friendship, good neighbourhood and wide cooperation between the coastal states and their nations, which are united by centuries-old historical and cultural relations.

For all these years, Turkmenistan was the place of regular meetings and forums about Caspian Sea including the session of the above-mentioned Special Working Group, authorised representative of the Caspian States as well as international conferences, seminars and trainings. Annually, the Caspian Sea Day is observed in Avaza National tourist zone, which traditionally turns into big bright celebration.

Realization of the project of construction of transnational Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran railroad, which is to be an integral component of regional and international transport infrastructure, is visual example of successful consolidation of efforts of neighbouring states. Turkmen leader notes the territories of five Caspian states are natural geographic space connecting Asia and Europe and providing efficient operation of transit, transport and trade corridors and optimization of cargo flows in the East – West and the North – South directions. In this context, the opening of Turkmenbashy International Seaport was the remarkable event.

The Head of the State also noted the presence of wide perspectives for partnership in energy sector in Caspian Sea, where goodwill of the sides, mutual respect of each other’s interests, strict following of universal standards of international law have to be the main principles.

Turkmen leader outlines the ecology and environment protection sphere, protection of biodiversity of unique natural water pool and rational use of its reserves as special direction of cooperation.

Interdepartmental Committee on Caspian Sea Affairs has been established in the country for coordination of the activity of relevant ministries and departments in Turkmen sector of the sea and successful implementation of National Caspian Action Plan (NCAP).

Taking into account the extensiveness of ecological issues in Central Asia and Caspian region, Turkmenistan made a proposal on establishment of specialized structure together with the UN – Regional Centre for Technologies Related with the Climate Change, having expressed the willingness to present all necessary infrastructure for its work.

Continuing the subject, it is worth reminding that important documents on partnership in Caspian Sea have been drafted and adopted later. It includes the Agreement on Cooperation in Caspian Sea and the Agreement on Protection and Rational Use of Water and Biological Resources of Caspian Sea signed by the outcomes of the IV Summit of Caspian states in Astrakhan in 2014. At the same time, the Agreement on Cooperation in Hydrometeorology of Caspian Sea, which final coordination has been actively promoted by Turkmen side, has been entered to the package of final documents. Work on this document has been completed in the period of chairing of our country in the Coordination Committee for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of Pollution of Caspian Sea (CASPCOM).

Speaking ahead, it is worth mentioning that Turkmenistan initiated the elaboration of two important Agreements signed by the outcomes of current high-level meeting, which are to give new dynamics to traditional five-sided cooperation.

In Aktau Airport with the State flags of participating countries of the Summit on the poles, the President of Turkmenistan was met by the officials. High-rank Turkmen guest was presented with the flowers.

From the airport, Turkmen leader went to the place of the V Summit of the Heads of Caspian States – the Palace of Friendship. In the palace, President of Turkmenistan was cordially and warmly met by President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The leaders of two countries friendly handshakes and has joint pictures.

President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin have also arrived in Aktau for participation in the Summit.

The heads of the states entered the conference hall where five-sided high-level extended meeting has taken place. The agenda included the complex of priority objectives related to legal status of Caspian Sea as the main objectives, development of efficient partnership in such key spheres as economy, transport, ecology, provision of safety in Caspian Sea as well as other topical aspects of cooperation.

Opening the meeting and welcoming his foreign colleagues, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan expressed the confidence that the outcomes of the Aktau Summit would make deserving contribution to the promotion of versatile cooperation in Caspian Sea.

The floor was given to the participants of the Summit – the leaders of Caspian states.

In the beginning of his speech, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the gratitude to President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev for the hospitality and conditions for productive work.

Turkmen leader noted that current meeting is an important event for our nations and states. Complicated and diligent work on Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea has been accomplished. Diplomats, lawyers, experts in different spheres, who managed to demonstrate the professionalism and willingness to the compromise and accounting of the partners’ interests, have been taking part in the development of this document for many years. Political will and high accountability of the leaders of the Caspian states were the decisive condition of common success.

The President of Turkmenistan highlighted that having written the achieved results on own accounts we have to realize that we have large-scale and important work ahead. We would have to develop the algorithm of cooperation in certain directions that has great importance.

Having highlighted some of them, the Head of Turkmenistan stated that there is a provision on establishment of the mechanism of five-sided regular consultations under the aegis of foreign ministers in the documents ready to be signed. In this regard, Turkmen leader suggested requesting the foreign departments of the coastal countries to review the issues of practical implementation of this Provision right after the Summit.

Having highlighted that five-sided cooperation in the Caspian mainly depends on the level of involvement of our states to trade, economic and transport processes, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the gratitude to the Caspian states for support of the initiatives made by Turkmen side during the VI Caspian Summit on development of relative Agreements on cooperation in these spheres. Having expressed the confidence that the first Caspian forum in 2019 would be the evidence of the willingness of all Caspian states to consolidate the efforts in this direction, Turkmen leader proposed to hold this forum in Turkmenistan.

Having noted that the Agreement of Incident Prevention in Caspian Sea would improve the trust between the Caspian countries, the Head of the State highlighted that support and consolidation of peace and security in Caspian Sea is the objectives that it is not limited by time. In this context, the elaboration and taking of further measures of trust in Caspian Sea in the sphere of military activity are necessary. Caspian Sea has to remain the region of peace, good neighbourhood, understanding and trust and all issues have to be solved only by peaceful and negotiation methods, the President said.

Having outlined the cooperation in ecological sphere as priority objective, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the Framework Convention on Protection of Marine Environment of Caspian Sea has entered into force 12 years ago on the same day. This day is observed as the Caspian Sea Day by the coastal states. Holding of the V Caspian Summit on this day has great importance and not just symbolical – the signing of the Protocol on Environment Impact Assessment in transboundary context to the Tehran Convention is to be another step toward the increment of the partnership potential for protection of fragile ecosystem of Caspian Sea.

Ecology, issues of the climate change, protection of the biodiversity are closely related, the Head of the State continued. Turkmenistan will host the session of the Coordination Committee on Hydrometeorology of Caspian Sea in autumn of this year. It is expected that authorised representatives of Caspian states would take the decisions, which are necessary for the improvement of work of the Committee as Inter-Government Authority, during the session.

Close coordination between other inter-government and interstate institutions established by five coastal state in natural protection sphere is also necessary, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. In particular, it is related to the Committee on Protection and Rational use of Water Biological Resources and the Secretariat of the Tehran Convention. The cooperation of these authorities might be quite productive in the protection of biodiversity of Caspian Sea and combating of negative factors affecting the environment.

The Head of the State highlighted that Turkmenistan use comprehensive approach to natural protection issues, especially in the context of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Speaking of this, the President expressed the confidence that today, all economic activity in Caspian Sea needs strict scientific support and has to rest on integrated perception of existing natural and anthropogenic processes, the system of monitoring and forecasting. In this regard, it is appropriate to draft five-sided Agreement on Scientific Studies in Caspian Sea.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary to move forward in implementation of the Provisions of the Agreement on Cooperation in Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations in Caspian Sea. As is known, the development of the mechanism of response to emergency situations has been stipulated in the Communique of the IV Caspian Summit. Taking into account the fact that the most part of Caspian waters is common water space, further work in this direction is required. The mechanism of response is also important component in search and rescue works at sea. In this aspect, the development of five-sided Agreement on search and rescue in Caspian Sea gains special urgency, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted.

Turkmen leader noted that the Caspian region is unique archetype of the relations of the nations, their traditions, culture and spiritual values, which was formed up for centuries. Today, the importance of Caspian Sea goes beyond its geographic borders. It rapidly turns into one of the key centres of geopolitical and geo-economics processes. Powerful transport and transit hub of global level including sea, land and air routes as well as perspective energy routes is forming up here.

Therefore, the necessity of consolidation of efforts of the countries of the region, their close partnership with international organizations based on the understanding of similarity and integrity of the main goals is very topical. From this point of view, all Caspian state has wide field for cooperation in near- and long-term perspective.

Turkmen leader noted that current Summit convincingly demonstrated that multilateral cooperation of our states on the principles of equality and consideration of interests of each other, formation of further Caspian agenda, definition of priority directions of partnership gained systematic integrated and irreversible character.

Finishing the speech and having expressed again the gratitude to the heads of the coastal states for their great personal contribution to the development of good neighbourliness and cooperation in Caspian Sea, for constructivism and respect expressed on all stages of joint work, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov suggested to hold the next Caspian Summit in Turkmenistan.

Signing ceremony of final documents took place after completion of the five-sided high-level extended meeting.

Under the applause of the participants, the Presidents of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan put their signatures under the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea, which is historical fundamental document embodying legal standards of cooperation in Caspian Sea in different spheres.

The following documents were signed with the participation of the Heads of the States:

The Cooperation Protocol in Combating the Terrorism in Caspian Sea to the November 18, 2010 Agreement on Cooperation in Security Sphere in Caspian Sea; the Cooperation Protocol in Combating Organized Crime in Caspian Sea to the November 18, 2010 Agreement on Cooperation in Security Sphere in Caspian Sea; the Agreement between the Governments of the Caspian States on Trade and Economic Cooperation; the Agreement between the Governments of the Caspian States on Transport Cooperation; the Agreement on Incidents Prevention in Caspian Sea; the Cooperation Protocol and Coordinated Activity of the Coastguard Departments to the November 18, 2010 Agreement on Cooperation in Security Sphere in Caspian Sea;

Relevant Communique has also been adopted by the outcomes of the V Summit of the Heads of Caspian States.

After the documents signing ceremony; the leaders of Caspian states made statement for the representatives of mass media.

Presenting the outcomes of the Summit, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov again expressed the gratitude to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for warm welcome, cordiality and excellent conditions for the forum.

Having given high appraisal to the outcomes of high-level meeting, Turkmen leader highlighted that the signing of important document – the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea. Noting active participation of all Caspian states in elaboration of the Convention, the Head of Turkmenistan expressed his hope for efficient implementation of its provisions, for which the creation of five-sided mechanism of political consultations under the aegis of foreign ministers is planned.

Number of five-sided documents in different spheres of cooperation in Caspian Sea has been signed. It includes the Intergovernmental Agreements on Cooperation in trade, economic and transport spheres, which have been initiated by Turkmenistan at the IV Caspian Summit in Astrakhan in 2014. In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the gratitude to all Caspian states for support of the proposals from Turkmen side.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the Protocols in combating terrorism, organized crime and cooperating of Coastguards to the Agreement on Cooperation in Security Sphere in Caspian Sea would support the improvement of stability in the region.

Noting the importance of signed Agreement on Incidents Prevention in Caspian Sea for consolidation of trust and understanding between the coastal countries, the Head of Turkmenistan said that Caspian Sea has to remain the region of peace and good neighbourliness.

Addressing the representatives of mass media, Turkmen Leader informed that the complex of topical objectives of five-sided cooperation in Caspian Sea in wide spectrum of directions like transport, economy, ecology and security has been discussed during current Summit.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention of the significance of coming Caspian Economic Forum, which is planned to be held in 2019. Having noted that this forum would be permanent platform for multilateral economic dialog with the participation of the members of the Governments, business and scientific circles, representatives of international organizations, the Head of Turkmenistan considered that it is necessary to hold such forums on regular basis in every Caspian state.

Having outlined the transport as important sphere of cooperation in Caspian Sea, Turkmen leader expressed the confidence that it is necessary to establish the Caspian Transport and Logistic Centre for improvement of efficiency of the partnership in this sphere, which executive office could be located on rotational base in every Caspian country.

Summing up what was said above, the president of Turkmenistan noted that in general, current meeting became important stage in the building of the architecture of relations between Caspian states, formation of political and legal basis for further cooperation in different directions, improvement of relations of friendship, respect and sincere sympathy between the nations of our countries.

Joint picture ceremony of the heads of Caspian States took place after the press conference.

On the same day, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held the meeting with President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In the second half of the day, the heads of Caspian states took part in the ceremony of releasing juvenile sturgeon fish to Caspian Sea.

Special theatre performance dedicated to the Caspian Sea was presented to the attention of the heads of the states.

After the completion of the visit programme, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left for Aktau International Airport, from where he flew home.