Ï President of Turkmenistan holds a video-conference meeting

President of Turkmenistan holds a video-conference meeting

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a regular video-conference meeting. The meeting agenda focused on the priority tasks of the socio-economic development, the preparatory work for the forthcoming festive dates and the other important issues.

Ahal Velayat Hyakim Sh. Amangeldiev reported on the current situation in the region, including the agro-industrial sector. It was reported on the preparatory works for the cotton picking and winter crops sowing campaigns, as well as the status of the construction works in the region and the events scheduled on occasion of Kurban Bayram and new academic year.

The President emphasized the importance of holding the agricultural campaigns at the high organizational level and in due time.

The President of Turkmenistan instructed the Ahal Velayat Hyakim to keep the quality of construction works and schedule compliance under the rigorous control, and demanded the Ahal Velayat Hyakim to ensure the proper organizational level of the Kurban Bayram celebrations.

Balkan Velayat Hyakim Ya. Gylydjov reported on the progress of works in the western region, the measures taken to improve the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex, prepare for the winter crops sowing campaign, increase the social and living conditions of the local population, as well as to organize the events on occasion of the holidays.

The president of Turkmenistan gave a number of specific instructions to the Balkan Velayat Hyakim and underlined the importance of efficiently using the existing potential of the region to ensure the development of the agro-industrial complex and increase the volumes of production of high-quality agricultural products.

Speaking about the importance of the preparatory works for the winter crops sowing campaign, a thoughtful integrated approach to address the tasks, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded the Balkan Velayat Hyakim to ensure the coordinated work of all relevant structures.

The Turkmen leader instructed the Balkan Velayat Hyakim to keep the paces of construction works, the preparatory works for Kurban Bayram celebrations and other remarkable dates under the rigorous control.

Dashoguz Velayat Hyakim M. Bayramgulyev reported on the current situation in the region, the progress of construction works and agricultural campaigns.

Commenting on the report, the President of Turkmenistan gave a number of instructions to the Dashoguz Velayat Hyakim with regard to the cotton picking, winter crops sowing and other important agricultural campaigns

Underlining the importance of high-quality construction works and timely commissioning of socio-cultural and industrial facilities, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on newly constructed buildings that will be put into operation on the eve of the main holiday of the country. The President of Turkmenistan instructed the Dashoguz Velayat Hyakim to ensure the celebrations on the occasion of Kurban Bayram and the beginning of the new school year at the high organizational level.

Lebap Velayat Hyakim T. Atahallyev reported on the existing situation in the region, the fulfillment of the Turkmen leader’s instructions on the preparations for the cotton picking campaign, winter crops sowing campaign and timely commissioning of the building under construction. It was also reported on the programme of events on the occasion of Kurban Bayram and the new school year.

The President of Turkmenistan instructed the Lebap Velayat Hyakim to take all necessary measures to improve the profitability of the agro-industrial complex of the region, create all necessary conditions for the efficient work of peasants as well as prepare for the cotton picking and winter crops sowing campaigns.

The President demanded the Lebap Velayat Hyakim to pay significant attention to the social and economic development of the region and gave a number of instructions on the further development of the modern infrastructure. The President of Turkmenistan instructed the Lebap Velayat Hyakim to ensure the high level of festivities on the occasion of the forthcoming remarkable dates.

Mary Velayat Hyakim D. Annaberdiev reported on the preparations for the agricultural campaigns in the region, the measures taken to improve the living conditions of the local population and address the tasks set by the National rural programme. The Mary Velayat Hyakim reported on the preparatory works for the remarkable dates of the national calendar.

The President of Turkmenistan emphasized the importance of coordinated work of all structural subdivisions of the agro-industrial complex and gave a number of instructions to the Mary Velayat Hyakim with regard to the progress of construction works and the festivities on the occasion of Kurban Bayram and new school year.

Vice Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan E. Orazgeldiev reported on the ongoing agricultural works in the regions of the country.

The Vice Premier also reported on the readiness of the Plan for upgrading the State Land Cadastre and the further steps in this regard.

Commenting on the report, the President of Turkmenistan gave a number of instructions to the Vice Premier with regard to the high-quality organization of all agricultural works.

Speaking about the upgrade of the State Land Cadastre, the President of Turkmenistan demanded the Vice Premier to keep the issues of the complex inventory of agricultural lands, the systematic agrochemical and geobotanical soil examinations under the rigorous control.

Vice Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdyeva reported on the measures taken to prepare for the festive events on the occasion of Kurban Bayram, the Independence Day and the contest “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry”.

Commenting on the report, the Turkmen leader instructed Vice Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdyeva to ensure the high level of the forthcoming festivities that should be remarkable for the national color and meaningfulness as well as our people’s spiritual heritage.

The President of Turkmenistan gave specific instructions w the preparations of the cultural events on the occasion of Kurban Bayram and festivities on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan.

The President emphasized that the specialists of the artistic sector of our country should prepare more interesting TV and radio programmes, performances and musical productions. Focusing on summing up the results of the contest “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry”, the President of Turkmenistan underlined the importance to adequately assess the work done by the representatives of the sphere.

In conclusion of the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished the video-conference participants every success in their work.