Ï US business circles display willingness to participate in investment projects

US business circles display willingness to participate in investment projects

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US business circles display willingness to participate in investment projects
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who is currently on a working trip to Balkan velayat, has received Executive Director of the Turkmenistan-US Business Council Eric Stewart and President of OSI Systems and S2 Global Jonathan Fleming.

Appreciative of the personal audience, the guests confirmed the US business community’s keen interest in gaining a stronger foothold in the prospective Turkmen market with its favorable investment climate, having highlighted Turkmenistan’s proactive role in tackling today’s global issues with its ever-increasing prestige in the global arena.

After thanking for the kind words, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that our country, which is committed to its peace-making efforts and foreign policy based on the principles of neutrality and constructive international cooperation, is always open to a fruitful and equitable dialogue with all partners, including US companies.

In the course of the meeting, an exchange of opinions was held on prospects for closer bilateral trade-economic partnership and boosted investment activities.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction the productive character of cooperation with leading US companies that have been successfully working in our country for years.

The parties also recognized the importance of large international transport-communications projects that contribute to strengthening relations among countries across the entire continent, first and foremost, of the state-of-the-art international seaport of Turkmenbashi, which is highly significant for Eurasian routes.

During the exchange of opinions, the head of state confirmed Turkmenistan’s willingness to discuss the issues of bilateral cooperation and participation of US business circles in investment projects and long-term programs, aimed at building high-tech production facilities. The discussion also centered on prospects and business opportunities for Turkmen companies in the USA, which evince mutual interest in deepening the fruitful partnership.

The conversation with US businessmen continued aboard a yacht, cruising down the Avaza River.

The modern resort infrastructure that meets high international standards has been built in the Avaza National Tourist Zone through the efforts of the President of Turkmenistan. Special emphasis is placed on ecology and protection of the environment and natural features of this scenic area. The Caspian Sea and the Avaza River basins boast the most favorable climate, which has beneficial effects on the health of holidaymakers.

The head of state and his guests also discussed priorities of productive cooperation and examined prospects for the US business community’s participation in various investment projects. The energy and transport and logistics sectors, industry, agriculture, high technologies, sport, tourism, and others were identified as the priority areas of cooperation. In this context, the parties drew attention to the importance of regular business forums that are instrumental in designating efficient ways for closer bilateral relations.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his guests expressed confidence that the Turkmen-American economic partnership would continue to develop successfully on a long-term and mutually advantageous basis.

During the meeting, US businessmen gave special attention to prospective large-scale projects of Turkmenistan.