Ï Offsite session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council

Offsite session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who is currently on the working trip to Balkan Velayat, held offsite joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council. Realization of the programmes of social and economic development was the main subjects of the session.

Opening the session, the President gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Ministers R. Meredov who reported on the preparation to the Summit of the Heads of the States – the Founder of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea in Avaza National tourist zone on August 24.

Our country is chairing the IFAS, therefore, relative Concept, which realization is aimed at the improvement of the activity of the Fund, establishment of firm foundation for further cooperation of the countries in the region in Aral issues on systematic basis, has been developed. Steadfast measures taken by Turkmenistan in this direction find wide response of the world community. This is visually indicated by the fact of unanimous adoption of the UN General Assembly on Cooperation between the United Nations and the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea on April 12, 2018 initiated by Turkmen side.

Integrated work is carried out for the provision of high organizational level of the Summit. The programme of the forum has been drafted. It will be forestalled by the session of the International Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD) of the IFAS, Interstate Coordination Water Management Commission (ICWMC) and the IFAS Board. At the same time, the preparation of the number of relevant documents is carried out.

Having highlighted the commitment of Turkmenistan to active regional and interstate partnership under the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that while being the chairing country of the IFAS, our country sets comprehensive support of development and consolidation of efficient cooperation in the improvement of social, economic and ecological situation in Aral Sea region, rational use of water resources and environment protection as priority objective.

Information about preparation to the state visit of the President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan to Turkmenistan next week has been presented. It was informed that the agenda of high-level talks would include wide spectrum of objectives of interstate relations, which traditionally have friendly character. It is planned to sign the number of bilateral documents by the outcomes of the visit aimed at the bringing of Turkmen – Kyrgyz cooperation to new levels meeting modern realities and available potential.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted that consolidation and expansion of fruitful dialog with neighbouring country in the region including Kyrgyzstan, which people are connected with Turkmen nation by old friendship relations and historical similarity of cultural and spiritual traditions, are key vectors of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan.

New perspectives and opportunity for activation of beneficial bilateral relations meeting the interests of common prosperity are opened today, Turkmen leader said, having requested to provide high organizational level of the state visit of the President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan to our country.

After, addressing the members of the session, Turkmenistan leader focused the attention of the outcomes of the Summit of the Heads of Caspian State in Aktau, the Republic of Kazakhstan recently, where the number of important documents on cooperation in Caspian Sea has been signed. The main work is still ahead and it requires us to put maximum efforts, the Head of the State said.

In this regard, the President instructed Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov to review the objectives of the implementation of planned measures together with other Vice-ministers.

Having focused on the Agreements on Cooperation between Caspian States in trade, economic and transport spheres signed at the Summit, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered Vice-premiers Ch. Gylyjov and M. Chakiyev to start making and fulfilment of profile plans of the events.

The Head of the State ordered the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov to start the preparation of the first Caspian Economic Forum in 2019 immediately, having expressed the confidence that it would confirm the commitment of all Caspian states to the consolidation of efforts in this sphere of cooperation.

Addressing Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev, the Head of Turkmenistan focused that at present time, the ecological sphere, which is closely connected to the issues of the climate change and protection of biological diversity, is one the priorities of cooperation in Caspian Sea. Session of the Coordination Committee for Hydrometeorology of Caspian Sea would be held in autumn this year, therefore, it is necessary to take proper measures for its high-level organization, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

The Head of the State noted that all works in Caspian Sea have to be carried out on scientific base and rely on comprehensive perception of natural and anthropogenic processes, system of monitoring and forecasting. In this regard, we have to take an active part in the preparation of five-sided Agreement on scientific studies in Caspian Sea, the President said, having addressed relative orders to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov.

Addressing Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev and other members of the Council, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country has ordered to activate the work on provision of security in Caspian Sea including active participation in preparation of five-sided Agreement on search and rescue works in Caspian Sea.

Support and consolidation of peace and security at the sea is an objective that is not limited by the time. The development and taking of further measures of trust in Caspian Sea in the sphere of military activity are necessary in this aspect. Caspian Sea has to remain the area of peace, good neighbourliness, understanding and trust and all issues have to be solved only by peaceful negotiations, the President of Turkmenistan said.

It was decided that the next Summit of the Heads of Caspian States would be held in our country. The fact that we are active participants of these events lays special accountability, the President summed up, having noted the importance of proper preparation to this work.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the situation in the establishments of the sector under his supervision. Reporting on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State, the Vice-premier informed on initial draft of the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 developed together with the ministries, departments and hyakimliks of Ashgabat and velayats.

The Vice-premier also informed on the preparation of the proposals for review at coming People’s Council session according to the orders of the Head of Turkmenistan.

Having listened to the report, the President noted that this Programme stipulates the fulfilment of 100 and more projects in industry, energy, foreign trade, education, health protection, tourism and agriculture. The main objective of the state strategy is to create innovative high technological and competitive economy. The development of the capabilities of human potential and improvement of the quality of scientific potential would allow achieving the improvement of the wealth of the population, the Head of the State highlighted.

Taking into account neutral status and active cooperation of our state with the UN and international structures, it is reasonable to invite the representatives of these organizations to joint work on the development of this Programme, the President continued, having addressed the Vice-premier, Foreign Minister R. Meredov with relevant instructions.

The proposals for discussion at the session of the People’s Council need to be elaborated thoroughly and coordinated with the number of structures, the Head of the State highlighted, having addressed Vice-premier G. Myradov with specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the activity of the facilities of oil and gas sector as well as on the construction of petrochemical complex for production of polyethylene and polypropylene in Balkan Velayat. It was informed that at present time, the construction works on the main facilities of the structure of new complex have been completed and the tests of some products are carried out.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of the diversification of oil and gas industry, which is to provide efficient use of the richest natural resources of our country. It will also support the solution of the objectives of industrialization, integrated development of the regions, improvement of export potential and competiveness of national economy.

Having outlined the establishment of modern facilities for production of wide variety of oil and gas goods demanded by local and foreign consumers among priority vectors of fuel and energy complex, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to hold under permanent control the course of construction of this complex.

Deputy Chairman of the cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgedliyev reported on seasonal agricultural works. Draft Resolution, according to which it is planned to allocate 760 hectares of land for winter crops and to produce 1,600,000 tons of grain in 2019, has been presented for review to the Head of the State.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution, having highlighted the importance of quality of the sowing campaign, which makes the basis of future harvest, in set deadline and with the compliance to agrotechnical standards.

Reporting on the situation in industrial sector, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov informed on the completion of construction of carbamide fertilizers facility in Garabogaz, Balkan Velayat and on commissioning works at the facility.

New petrochemical complex was built within the period set out by the project and provided with advanced technologies and equipment from the world producers. The plant is supplied with the power from gas turbine generators as well as with the seawater treated by chemical method. High-class specialists have been trained for the work at petrochemical complex.

The President ordered to take all necessary measures for timely opening of new facility, for ceremonial opening of the plant on proper level. Having highlighted the importance of training of the specialists for petrochemical industry, which supports the implementation of advanced world practice and active development of latest technologies and scientific and technical inventions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the situation in construction and energy complexes and on the fulfilment of the assignments on improvement of the activity of municipal services.

Having listened to the report, the Head of Turkmenistan noted that large-scale work for further improvement of architectural and urban construction image of cities and towns, for creation of deserving conditions for life and rest of our citizens and comfort environment is carried out. Close attention is paid to the construction of new living estates with relative infrastructure and social and cultural facilities, expansion of green park zones. Special emphasis has been laid upon the realization of integrated urban construction campaign expanded in the country.

Having noted the importance of using of the latest technologies and equipment, modern materials during realization of profile projects as well as compliance with the requirements of construction quality according to international standards, the President ordered to hold under permanent control these issues.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov informed about the preparation to Turkmen – Austrian business forum in Vienna, having presented the working programme of the meeting for the review to the Head of the State. The main purpose of this event is to activate the trade and investment partnership between business circles of Turkmenistan and Europe, study of new opportunities of export of local goods and establishment of direct contacts in different spheres.

During business forum, large-scale reforms implemented in Turkmenistan, measures of the state support of private sector as well as large investment projects will be introduced to the representatives of leading companies of European Union.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyereported on the situation in transport and communication sector under his supervision. It was reported that proper work for improvement and modernization of relevant infrastructure and equipment and facilities base, improvement of the efficiency of activity of these branches is carried out. In particular, necessary measures for provision of uninterrupted operation of communication and internet, provision of high quality transport and communication services to the population are taken.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State ordered to hold the solution of the issues on further development of transport and communication spheres under strict control. In this context, the President has focused on wide introduction of advanced multimedia and information technologies.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the preparation to final stage of TV contest «Ýaňlan, Diýarym!». It was informed that etrap, city and velayat stages of this contest were organized on high level. The final round and the concert of the winners will be held in the Mukam Palace of the State Cultural Centre on August 18.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov presented the plan of activity of the month of traffic safety to the President of Turkmenistan for review, which would be held on September 1 – 30.

Topical conferences in the ministries and departments, publications of relevant materials in mass media including the broadcasting of video and programme on TV and radio channels will be organized under coming event. Advocacy and education works, realization of the measures for improvement of the awareness of drivers and pedestrians in traffic safety, first aid training for provision of medical assistance to the injured in road accidents and other are planned among the population.

It was informed in the report on the preparation to high level of organization of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 planned on September 9 – 15.

Samples of gift sets for the participants of the rally including the products of national textile facilities, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have been demonstrated to the President. In addition, the winners of the competitions will receive Turkmen national dresses as well as the symbol of V Asian Games – the image of Vepaly, the alabay.

During the session the Head of the State signed the Resolution on Celebration of Kurban Bayramy, according to which August 22, 23 and 24 would be non-working days.

Addressing relevant leaders, Presdient Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to organize the duties in hyakimliks of the cities and etraps, ministries and departments during celebration and to hold all planned event according to national traditions, having created the conditions for good rest of Turkmen citizens.

The Head of the State also instructed P. Agamyradov to hold under permanent control the preparation of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, having paid special attention to volunteer corps.

Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova has informed on the activity of National Parliament in the context of realization of the programme on formation of modern legislative and regulatory framework in the country. Preparation to the first session of the People’s Council is carried out in all regions. The Mejlis of the country develops the drafts of relevant documents for high level of organization of the session.

Speaking of the organization of the first session of the People’s Council, the head of the State ordered to take all measures for organization of nation-wide forum on proper level. Turkmen leader highlighted the importance of thorough study of the proposals and wide involvement of the representatives of all level of the population to this large-scale activity.

Other subjects of the state life, on which appropriate decisions were taken, have been reviewed at the session.