Ï The Head of the State covers the distance across the Karakums

The Head of the State covers the distance across the Karakums

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The Head of the State covers the distance across the Karakums
The Head of the State covers the distance across the Karakums
The Head of the State covers the distance across the Karakums
The Head of the State covers the distance across the Karakums
The Head of the State covers the distance across the Karakums
The Head of the State covers the distance across the Karakums
18 August. Early in the morning President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived to one of the places in Karakum desert for vehicle driving training in real conditions.

The Head of the State arrived by sport car, made necessary preparations and drove the distance across capricious sands of the Karakums.

As is known, taking into consideration the features of Turkmen desert, Turkmen leader with his son Serdar Berdimuhamedov used some vehicle modifications, having re-constructed it according to his own drawings, owing to which the characteristics of racing vehicle have been improved. During this work, the President of Turkmenistan has also increased the engine power of the vehicle. That day, the Head of the State focused on the design of sport car, having highlighted that it has to reflect the images of Turkmen nature and symbols of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018.

Now, the vehicle entirely meets international requirement for racing cars. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a test drive across the desert, which are beautiful in its virgin shape.

These international competitions gain special importance in the context that it will run along the Silk Road, on which the people of different regions and civilizations used to meet from the ancient time. from this point of view, the organization of the race from Amul to Hazar is the symbol of active promotion of transport initiatives of Turkmenistan that have regional and global significance and are aimed at the rapprochement of the states and the nations, expansion of trade, economic and humanitarian relations and universal progress.

International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 has already attracted the attention of the International Automobile Federation (FIA), which special committee noted good perspectives for inclusion of the project to the world rating series.

It was fostered by the fact that the most part of the distance runs across the Karakums. Being one of the greatest deserts in the world, it deserves to be included to the UNESO World Heritage List as an exemplary sample of natural protection. In this aspect, ecological factor is the main feature of Amul – Hazar 2018 competitions according to the Head of the State, in other words, the complex of measures would be provided not to do any harm to the ecosystem of the Karakums.

Environmental protection, protection of the nature from anthropogenic impact are important objectives of entire humankind today. Our state also pays greatest attention to these objectives. Turkmenistan ratified fundamental UN Conventions in this sphere. Dozens of national and regional level projects are realized together with the UN Development Programme, the UN Environment Protection Programme, the Global ecological Fund and other competent international structures.

Subjects of rational use of water, land and biological resources, protection of biodiversity, combating the land degradations and greening would continue to be under attention of the government, the President of Turkmenistan says.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that the future directly depends on the ecology. The fact that International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 is held under this context becomes another evidence of the care of ecology during the events in our country including the motorsports competitions.

This is also confirmed by another name of coming competition – the eco-rally-raid. Undoubtedly, these captivating races will be remarkable event not only in our country but also in international sport season of this year. Applications for participation in this rally have been submitted by national teams of many countries.

Being the supporter of healthy life style, the Head of the State give inspiring example to the compatriots, especially to the youth.

There are many hardly accessible places in the form of moving sands and dunes in the desert together with picturesque views of the Karakums. The dunes are moved with the wind making hard natural obstacles for vehicle movement.

There are some cases when the wheels are stuck in such moving sands. In this cases, the pilot has to do the miracle to get the vehicle out and continue his way.

Having found himself in such situation, the head of the State without losing time removed the sand in front of the stuck front wheels. He put dry branches of desert vegetation under the wheels. This method helped him out to get out of the sand trap.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demonstrated again how the commitment, permanent training of driving skills, ability to find directions and take right decisions are important for the racers. Every sportsmen have to develop these features.

The motorsports requires not only practical but theoretical training as well, which is important part of comprehensive specialization of the racer, not only his intensive driving training but also some skills of tactical thinking. It is necessary to consider many factors during high speed driving, to develop the ability to access the situation quickly and correctly, to take decisions immediately and find the right way to cover complex obstacles.

Therefore, current test drive of the Head of the State has demonstrated that the vehicle, which the Head of the State reconstructed with his son Serdar, meets international criteria. The test drive of the motor in complicated Karakums’ conditions with its numerous and various obstacles has demonstrated that this car is ready to participate in large competitions by all parameters.

Our country always prepares comprehensively and thoroughly to international competitions. The Amul – Hazar 2018 rally held by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the year under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” will be deserving contribution to the revival of the legendary historical route, which used to connect Asia and Europe by trade and cultural contacts centuries ago, in modern epoch.

The sports is the most important component of not only internal but foreign policy of the state as well, the President highlights. Large international competitions held in the country play important role in the improvement of international authority of the state. They give an opportunity to demonstrate the success of political, economic, social and cultural spheres, to attract the tourists and qualified specialists.

Undoubtedly, all of these improves the image of state and makes it more attractive for international community. Therefore, sport diplomacy is one of the most urgent directions of Turkmenistan activity in the world arena.

Highlighting the importance of high organizational level of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally and thoroughly thought integrated approach to all objectives related to its preparation and conduct, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov urges to make all necessary for these competitions to be unforgettable and remarkable event in life of our country and the world motorsport.