Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates the compatriots on Kurban Byaramy

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates the compatriots on Kurban Byaramy

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Kurban Bayramy is one of the oldest celebrations promoting philosophical and ethical traditions of humankind, nobility and good faith of people, symbolizing the unity and creating the atmosphere of inspiration in our society. This holiday reflects the principles, which were formed for thousands of year and which were passed down from generation to generation, consistent with high mentality of our nations – peace-loving, commitment to friendship, virtue and mercy. Kurban Bayram improves and enriches spiritual and cultural life of our society consolidating its unity and solidarity, the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the people of Turkmenistan says.

Bright and meaningful events will be held during sacred Kurban Bayramy in the capital and regions of the country. Every family will lay the tables full of various delicacies. Relatives and friends will gather together around the tables, neighbours and acquaintances will be invited to celebrate together the celebration food donation, - the message says.

This year, big group of our compatriots has gone to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for hajj – the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina during Kurban Bayramy celebration. It indicates that our sovereign state has created all conditions for human and we deservingly continue the traditions on the improvement of unity and solidarity of the society.

Great merit in the formation and enrichment of the principles of morality promoting the purity of the ideals of true religions, beliefs and rites, humanistic and social values belongs to Turkmens. We are right to be proud of the sacred traditions inherited from our ancestors. These traditions together with the enrichment of our spiritual culture educate the feelings of humanity, pride and love of the Motherland to growing generation.

Resting on creative energy of Turkmenistan citizens, cultural heritage, national traditions, economic potential of the country, which territory had ancient caravan routes, we write the best pages of modern history providing deserving level and quality of life of our people. Pursuing constructive foreign policy, we improve the authority of our independent neutral state that consolidating the efforts of the world community in support of peace, stability and sustainable development on the planet. We will always follow this way, - the message of the President highlights.