Ï Ashgabat to Host Turkmen-Kyrgyz Summit Talks on August 23

Ashgabat to Host Turkmen-Kyrgyz Summit Talks on August 23

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On August 23, President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov begins a state visit to Turkmenistan at President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s invitation.

The summit meeting seeks to give new impetus to greater effective cooperation between our countries and nations, linked by strong bonds of friendship, common many-thousand-year culture and spiritual traditions.

The top-level talks will focus on an extensive range of issues of interstate relations. The two countries’ leaders intend to concretize key areas of cooperation, considered as the most promising for combined efforts, and discuss topical regional and international issues.

At the Cabinet meeting, held on August 17, the head of state drew attention to the enhancement and advancement of constructive dialogue with the region’s neighboring countries, including with Kyrgyzstan (the Kyrgyz and Turkmen nations enjoy friendly relations, shared history, culture and spiritual heritage) as one of the main vectors of neutral Turkmenistan’s foreign policy. Today, there is a wide field for closer mutually profitable bilateral ties in the interests of the two nations, the Turkmen leader said.

Interstate political, economic and cultural-humanitarian contacts have been actively and effectively promoted in the last few years. Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan have untapped potential for increased trade, investment activities, and mutually beneficial projects in various sectors of the economy. The Kyrgyz Republic actively supports our country’s large-scale regional and international projects in the fuel and energy sector as well as those designed to link together the transport systems of Asia and Europe, the Middle and Far East.

Set up in 2014, the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Kyrgyz Commission for Trade-Economic, Scientific-Technological and Humanitarian Cooperation plays an instrumental role in the diversification of fruitful collaboration. Its third meeting in Ashgabat on July 30 was attended by senior officials and representatives of leading sectoral ministries, agencies, and the two countries’ business circles. The political dialogue established between Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan is notable for its traditionally constructive character. The countries are successfully collaborating in the world arena within the UN, OSCE, CIS, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, and other authoritative organizations.

Humanitarian partnership is also seen as highly significant. Over recent years, the countries have organized close cultural and scientific exchanges, international conferences and forums attended by Turkmen and Kyrgyz delegation, and regular joint events. In May 2015, Kyrgyzstan hosted Culture Days of Turkmenistan. Culture Days of Kyrgyzstan in Turkmenistan took place in June 2016. Special efforts are also being made by the countries to significantly enhance cooperation in the field of sport. Turkmen athletes took part in the World Nomad Games on the shore of Lake Issyk Kul, and Kyrgyz athletes competed at the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games. The tourism and recreation industries are regarded as priority areas of partnership, where the two countries have considerable potential.

The summit talks are expected to culminate in signing an extensive package of bilateral documents to raise Turkmen-Kyrgyz cooperation to yet a higher level in line with present-day requirements and potentialities.