Ï The Government of Turkmenistan holds the offsite session

The Government of Turkmenistan holds the offsite session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held joint session of the Government of Turkmenistan in Ak öý building in Nowruz Valley where social and economic development of the country has been reviewed.

Starting the points of the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the outcomes of the monitoring of the spheres of national economy. The Vive-premier informed that stable development of all branches of national economy is provided in the country.

Good indicators are observed in such key sectors as the industry, construction, transport and communication, trade, agriculture and service sphere, in production and retail trade turnover. Information about the construction of production, social and cultural facilities in the regions of the country has also been presented.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted the importance of permanent control of timely execution of works defined by national programmes. It is necessary to take measures for improvement of the competiveness of the economy and increment of its export capabilities, Turkmen leader continued.

The President highlighted that attraction of the investments is the key factor of dynamic growth of national economy and addressed the Vice-premier with the number of specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on work in oil and gas sphere including the activity for the growth of natural and liquefied gas and condenstate production as well as the increment of export.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the efficient use of the richest natural resources of Turkmenistan is the most important term of successful fulfilment of large-scale programmes on provision of dynamic development of national economy and improvement of the wellbeing of the population.

The Head of the State noted that it is necessary to activate the work for industrial development of new hydrocarbon deposits as well as for modernization of oil and gas production and petrochemical industry facilities, having given relevant instructions to the Vice-premier.

In addition, certain instructions have been given on the preparation to the opening of gas processing complexes recently built in the country, which would make the products highly demanded in the world markets.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works in the regions.

The President noted that good results have been achieved in agricultural complex together with other industries. All conditions for productive work of the farmers, producing good yields of agricultural crops have been created in the country. The work for provision of food independence of our country is continued. The farmers has all necessary for their work.

Responsible time is starting for the grain growers these days – the wheat sowing season has come, the Head of the State said, having highlighted that it is important to hold this campaign on quality level and in optimum time.

The President of Turkmenistan has ordered to start the sowing of winter crops in Ahal, Balkan, Lebap and Mary Velayats on August 29 and in Dashoguz Velayat on September 5.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov made report on the work in industrial sphere, improvement of profile equipment and facilities base, measures for increment of production from local natural resources.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that provision of high level of cost efficiency of national industry is one of the main objectives of economic strategy of the state.

Having focused on the acceleration of the processes of diversification of production, which have to be developed on new technologies basis, rational and efficient use of own natural and mineral resources, study of the world macroeconomic condition in this sphere, the President requested to take necessary measures for provision of quality and timelines of construction of strategic industrial facilities.

Speaking of coming events on putting of the most powerful and export oriented facility for production of mineral fertilizers into operation, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that realization of this project would bring Turkmenistan to the rank of big exporters of mineral production and gave specific assignments to the Vice-premier on high organizational level preparation of the opening ceremony of the facility.

Reporting on the situation in the spheres aunder his supervision, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev informed on works at new power station operating based on coordinated control with the Mary State Power Station.

It was reported that construction of all relevant infrastructural facilities has been accomplished on the territory. 13 power stations operate in the country at present time.

Information about measures taken for preparation to International Exhibition “Turkmenistan Construction 2018” and “Development of construction industry in Turkmenistan” Conference on August 28 – 30 has been given in the report. Participation of 72 foreign companies is planned in specialized forum, which is to be organized by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, “Turkmenawtoyollary” Concern and the Trade and Industrial Chamber.

Summing up what was said above, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that large-scale projects aimed at modernization of existing and construction of new modern gas turbine power stations and power lines is carried out in electrical energy industry of Turkmenistan under support of the Government.

Having highlighted the commissioning of additional power generation facilities in energy industry, the Head of the State said about the necessity to continue the work in this direction. It will provide stable supply of growing local consumption of the energy as well as will increase the export by existing and new routes.

The President of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of use of latest technologies, highly efficient reliable equipment and materials during realization of profile projects and addressed the Vice-premier with the number of specific assignments on this account.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. CHakiyev reported on the situation in the branches under his supervision, fulfilment of the assignments for improvement of the activity of railroad, air and automobile transport facilities according to modern requirements, improvement and modernization of equipment and facilities base of the industry.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that advantages of favourable location of Turkmenistan on the intersection of the main continental route allow our country realizing beneficially national transport resource for provision of Eurasian connections. In this aspect, the Head of the State paid special attention to dynamic modernization of all branches of the transport of the country, which have to operate according to the world standards.

Highlighting the subjects of transport complex development, the President pointed out the necessity of its further improvement, introduction of new technologies, exchange of practices and innovative developments with foreign partners, expansion of the spectrum of services, which have to meet high quality criteria.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov informed about the activity in trade sphere and measures for provision of high quality services to the population.

Based on close cooperation with local producers, the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs provides internal market with consumer goods and food products.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that owing to successful realization of the state programmes for import substitutive and export oriented production, comprehensive support of private sector of the economy, the volumes and variety of goods produced in the country have been increased and gave the assignments to the Vice-premier on systematic analysis and control of their quality and study of the market condition.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the preparation of celebration events as well as on the fulfilment of the instructions given by the Head of the State earlier.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that all planned activities have to be held in the atmosphere of emotional raise on high organizational level, having given relevant instructions to the Vice-premier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on preparation to new educational year and to the events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and Students.

Scientific and practical conferences as well as sport competitions will be held under the events.

This year, 146,873 first grade school students will be presented with learning computers on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.

The first classes in educational institutions will be dedicated to slogan of this year “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about the activity of National Parliament on improvement of legislation base of the country and legal provision of social and economic reforms and preparation to the first session of the People’s Council.

The President highlighted the necessity of this activity taking into account the priorities of country development at modern stage and universal standards of international law.

Having focused on the issues of the organization of coming session of the People’s Council, the Head of Turkmenistan noted the necessity of unremitting control of all process of preparation of nation-wide forum.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the activity of the ministry on steadfast implementation of foreign strategy of neutral Turkmenistan, which one of the most priority direction is to develop constructive cooperation with international organizations. At the same time, special attention is paid to strategic partnership with the UN and to consolidation and intensification of fruitful relations with its big specialized structures and institutes.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that turkmensitan intends to continue following the course of wide cooperation with competent international organizations, with which considerable experience of cooperation has been gained, joint programmes and projects in different spheres have been successfully realized and continued to be implemented.

Continuing the subject and stating the presence of big potential and capabilities for further development of multidimensional partnership in this direction, Turkmen leader gave the number of certain assignments to the Vice-premier, the Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev reported on the activity of military and law enforcement agencies, realization of fundamental rreforms under defensive military doctrine as well as on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the President of Turkmenistan.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State focused the attention of the commanders of security forces on the utmost objectives of the departments under their supervision. It is necessary to hold under strict control the provision of the safety of our state, the Head of Turkmenistan said, having ordered to continue taking appropriate measures for modernization of equipment and facilities base of military and law enforcement agencies, their provision with modern specialized equipment.

Other objectives of the state life have been reviewed during the session.