Ï The President of Turkmenistan addresses his greetings to the participants of international construction forum

The President of Turkmenistan addresses his greetings to the participants of international construction forum

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“Congratulation to you on the opening of international exhibition “Turkmen Construction 2018”, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

Turkmenistan has turned into one of dynamically developing states of the world by all indicators, which became possible owing to large-scale achievements in construction sphere.

Steadfast growth of construction volumes caused systematic opening of new facilities for production of construction materials, reconstruction and modernization of existing plants and introduction of advanced equipment and technologies to the production.

High quality production made big facilities improves the potential and equipment and facilities base of construction and industrial branches. It opens new perspectives for development of construction industry of the country.

I am confident that international exhibition and conference in Ashgabat will be practical ground for exchange of the practice between Turkmen and foreign specialists, discussion of beneficial projects, establishment of perspective and fruitful partnership.

These days, the construction of modern social, living and production facilities is rapidly carried not only in the capital but in the regions as well. It is encouraging that built facilities meet the world standards and the elements on national decoration are used in their architecture and design. It indicates that national specialists improve their skills every year and demonstrate the ability to do their work qualitatively. This can be seen by visiting the exhibition, - the message of the President notes.