Ï Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan is held

Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan is held

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers where current issues of foreign and home policy of Turkmenistan have been reviewed.

Switching over the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov.

The Vice-premier, the Head of Foreign Department reported on the elaboration of the Draft Programme of implementation of constructive initiatives voiced by the President of Turkmenistan at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly where the Head of the State made political statement.

The Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister noted that the above-mentioned Programme provides the measures for fulfilment of the proposal about declaration of 2019 as the Year of Peace and Trust made by Head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. In particular, it is proposed to hold relevant meetings and talks as well as to organize number of international forums together with the UN including those dedicated to International Neutrality Day (December 12), the World Trust Day (September 21) the UN Day (October 24), International Sport Day for Development and Peace (April 6).

It is planned to carry out relevant work on such topical subjects of the agenda for Central Asian region as combating terrorism and drug trafficking, disarmament issue, comprehensive support of Afghanistan. It was informed that at present time, preparation to regional seminar on combating terrorism on October 15 is carried out together with the Regional Centre or Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (RCPDCA). In addition, it is planned to take relative measures for election of our country to the UN Commission for Narcotic Drugs in 2020 – 2023.

In his speech at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, the President focused on the cooperation for achievement of the SDGs, which is priority vector of the activity of our country in international arena. It is planned to organize various event for improvement of cooperation in this sphere. As is known, the Days of Sustainable Development are ongoing in Ashgabat on October 1 – 30.

The work on the Draft Voluntary Review of Turkmenistan, which is planned to be presented at the UN High-level Political Forum on sustainable developed next July where our country would act as elected member of the ECOSOC in 2019 – 2021. In Addition, it is planned to hold Regional Conference of the SDGs on February 6 – 7 next year.

The above-mentioned Programme also provides number of events for implementation of the initiative aimed at the achievement of such global Goals as rational water management and provision of sanitary for all. Together with the UN agencies, it is planned to enforce the work for preparation of the documents for promotion of water diplomacy. In this regard, it is planned to hold international symposium on this subject together with the RCPDCA in 2019.

Important place in political statement of the President of Turkmenistan is given t provision of ecological safety. Development of special Resolution is envisaged for realization of the proposal on development of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea basin, further improvement of the partnership between the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea and the United Nations under the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. In this context, the measures for expansion of cooperation with the UN Environmental Programme are planned.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that while building the relations with the United Nations and specialized agencies and structures on the principles of trust and constructiveness, neutral Turkmenistan practically proves invariable commitment to wide fruitful partnership for common peace, security and prosperity, achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed on current work for improvement of the legislation of the country. The Mejlis of Turkmenistan carries out big work for legal provision of the reforms in our country together with relevant ministries and department. Deputies of National Parliament explain the meaning and importance of the laws and decisions of the first session of the People’s Council and objectives following from these decisions.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of further work of the Mejlis aimed at dynamic advancement of the country along the democratization of social and political life. In this context, the attention was focused on the cooperation in international legal relations.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision as well as on the measures for improvement of national system of countermeasures against illegal incomes and financing of terrorism. In particular, the Vice-premier presented the proposal on reformation of the Department of Financial Monitoring under the Ministry of Finances and Economy into relevant Service. This authorized structure is assigned to implement the government policy in this sphere and objectives lid out in the Law of Turkmenistan on the suppression of money-laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Having listened to the report, the President noted that Turkmenistan is recognized as the state not presenting the risk for financial operations. Joining of our country to the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism in 2010 was important step, which promoted the integration of the country to international economic system.

After, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers reported on the fulfilment of the decision of the first session of the People’s Council on increment of the state procurement prices for wheat and cotton. It was informed that specialists of the ministries of Finances and Economy, Agriculture and Water management drafted the list of tariffs on the above-mentioned agricultural crops.

Turkmen leader highlighted that proposed measure as well as introduction of stimulating payments for production of high quality seeds would support the work of the farmers to achieve good results.

Speaking of the situation in fuel and energy complex, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the preparation to the opening of petrochemical complex for production of polyethylene and polypropylene in Balkan velayat on October 17.

New complex will be the first facility of similar profile in the region. Its production output capacity allows processing of 5 billion cubic meters of gas and producing 381,000 tons of high-density polyethylene, 81,000 tons of polypropylene and other production per year.

Realization of this large-scale investment project is very important for diversification of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan and for Turkmenistan economy in general, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. Opening of new facilities producing polymeric materials demanded in the world markets and by local consumers would support the consolidation of export potential of the country, solution of import substitutive objectives and further dynamic development of fuel and energy complex and other branches, the Head of the State said.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal field works in the country.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the decisions of the People’s Council. Implementation of integrated measures aimed at further improvement of profitability and technical rearmament of the industry, modernization of its processing infrastructure, increment of production volumes of various agricultural crops are necessary conditions for formation of competitive agrarian industry, the Head of the State highlighted.

Speaking with the report on the situation in industrial sphere, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov informed about the work for modernization of industrial facilities of the country. It was mentioned that improvement of quality and competiveness of the production, increment of goods variety are priority objectives of processing branches of national economy. Big work is carried out for technological rearmament of existing facilities taking into account the innovations.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to speed up the work in this direction and focused on the appropriateness of the export of local construction materials, which have all capabilities to be produced in big volumes in our country.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the work in the branches under his supervision including the measures for development of Ashgabat.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State assigned the Vice-premier to hold the activity of the structures under his supervision under unremitting control. Turkmen leader has also addressed the Vice-premier with number of ordered for provision of high rates of reforms in construction complex.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on works in trade complex for further provision of food safety in the country, support of food abundance and increment of export.

Complex of measures is taken to attract the suppliers, support in making of the contracts, transportation and storage of production and other measures aimed at full satisfaction of population requirements on quality and available food products and expansion of retail sale network.

The Vice-premier also reported on the outcomes of International Conference Heavy Caspian: Turkmenistan in Avaza National tourist zone where current subjects of development of the world market of transport and logistic services have been discussed.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that significant changes occurred in the main principles of organization and work of trade industry in the country, which acquired entrepreneurship activity, market character with prevalence of private sector, having considerably increased its influence on the production growth and share in the GDP.

The Head of the State has also focused on strict control of the quality and safety of consumer goods. In addition, the Vice-premier received the instructions on rationalization and facilitation of export and import operations, improvement of competiveness of national goods in local and foreign markets.

The President also said that it is necessary to continue the practice of the forums, similar to transport and logistic conference in Avaza. Its success indicates the presence of big perspectives for international integration to the sphere of cargo transportation using the capabilities of ramified multimodal infrastructure of Turkmenistan.

Transport policy of our state is aimed at creation of economically beneficial continental corridors connecting Central Asia and Europe, Caspian, Black Sea and Baltic regions, Near and Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, the President noted. Special role in this is given to Turkmenbashy International Seaport, which is to become an important hub on the intersection of commercial routes of modern Silk Road. In this regard, the Head of the State ordered to think over and organize the series of business events of international format for promotion of Turkmenistan positions in the world market of transport services.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the preparation to international exhibition of motor transport. It was informed that vehicles of various modifications including light, passenger, cargo and specialized transport would be presented at the review.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that economic and financial potential is available in the country to organize the forum. Taking into account road conditions, it would give the opportunity to choose the vehicles comfortable for the population, the Head of the State said.

Having pointed out the necessity to test the vehicle in local climate conditions, Turkmen leader ordered the Vice-premier to invite different companies specialized in vehicle manufacturing for participation in the review and to organize the event on high level.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdieyva reported on the measures planned for October in honour of the holidays and opening of social and cultural facilities. The Vice-premier also reported on the preparation to International Exhibition and Conference Tourism and Travel in Avaza National tourist zone on October 9 – 10.

The Vice-premier presented the programme of International Exhibition and Conference Tourism and Travel to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Participation of foreign tourist companies as well as international travel agencies and companies specialized in hotel business, representatives of business circles, scientist and specialists expressing the interest in tourism and travelling is planned in the forum.

The conference will be held in the format three sectional sessions: the Role of historical and cultural heritage in the year “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, the Role of education and innovations in tourism and the main directions of ecological tourism in Turkmenistan.

It is planned to conduct the forum with the participation of tourist companies of the countries of the Silk Road during international exhibition and conference where issues related to efficient use of recreation potential of Avaza National tourist zone, development of modern international tourism and other would be discussed.

Information about preparation of the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Tajikistan was also presented in the report.

Speaking of international tourist forum traditionally organized on Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea, the President highlighted its role in demonstration of the potential of tourism industry, activation of beneficial relations of the country with foreign states, exchange of practice between the scientist and specialists in the sphere of development of the world tourism industry, latest achievements in health improving, recreational and entertainment spheres.

Creation of modern tourist infrastructure in Turkmenistan is one of the main directions of development of international cooperation, attraction of innovative technologies and integrated modernization of national economy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having requested to hold international forum on high level.

Having focused on the organization of the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Tajikistan, the Head of the State highlighted special importance of this action in further development of interstate dialog. In this regard, the necessity to include the representatives of all art to Turkmen delegation was noted.

Noting the role of coming forum in popularization of the heritage of Turkmen nation as well as modern achievements of Turkmenistan, the Head of the State ordered Vice-premier B. Abdiyeva and the Head of the Foreign Ministry R. Meredov to provide high level of organization of the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the situation in the spheres under his supervision and that Altyn Asyr football club entered the final of the AFC Cup for the first time, which became important event in the history of Turkmen football.

In addition, the Vice-premier informed about School cultural and sport festival of Caspian States in Avaza National tourist zone.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated Altyn Asyr team of the Ministry of Communication on the achievement and wished them new victories.

The President gave instructions on provision of the best conditions for the participants of School cultural and sport festival in Caspian Sea in order the children have the most excellent memories of Avaza.

After, addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the State focused that it is 70 years since Ashgabat Earthquake on October 6. Let the Almighty accept the prayers and food donations given in the mosques of the country for the memory of our compatriots lost in that natural disaster.

Other issues of the state life, on which relevant decisions were taken, have been reviewed at the session.