Ï The Foreign Ministry develops the Action Plan of realization of international initiatives of Turkmen leader

The Foreign Ministry develops the Action Plan of realization of international initiatives of Turkmen leader

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At the session of the Government on October 5, Vice-premier, Foreign Minister Rashid meredov reported on the elaboration of the Draft Programme of implementation of constructive initiatives voiced by the President of Turkmenistan at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly where the Head of the State made political statement.

The Programme provides the measures for fulfilment of the proposal about declaration of 2019 as the Year of Peace and Trust made by Head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. In particular, it is proposed to hold relevant meetings and talks as well as to organize number of international forums together with the UN including those dedicated to International Neutrality Day (December 12), the World Trust Day (September 21) the UN Day (October 24), International Sport Day for Development and Peace (April 6).

It is planned to carry out relevant work on such topical subjects of the agenda for Central Asian region as combating terrorism and drug trafficking, disarmament issue, comprehensive support of Afghanistan. It was informed that at present time, preparation to regional seminar on combating terrorism on October 15 is carried out together with the Regional Centre or Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (RCPDCA). In addition, it is planned to take relative measures for election of our country to the UN Commission for Narcotic Drugs in 2020 – 2023.

It is also planned to organize various event for activation of cooperation in the achievement of the SDGs. As is known, the Days of Sustainable Development are ongoing in Ashgabat on October 1 – 30. The work on the Draft Voluntary Review of Turkmenistan, which is planned to be presented at the UN High-level Political Forum on sustainable developed next July where our country would act as elected member of the ECOSOC in 2019 – 2021. In Addition, it is planned to hold Regional Conference of the SDGs on February 6 – 7 next year.

The above-mentioned Programme also provides number of events for implementation of the initiative aimed at the achievement of such global Goals as rational water management and provision of sanitary for all. Together with the UN agencies, it is planned to enforce the work for preparation of the documents for promotion of water diplomacy. In this regard, it is planned to hold international symposium on this subject together with the RCPDCA in 2019.

Important place in political statement of the President of Turkmenistan is given t provision of ecological safety. Development of special Resolution is envisaged for realization of the proposal on development of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea basin, further improvement of the partnership between the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea and the United Nations under the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. In this context, the measures for expansion of cooperation with the UN Environmental Programme are planned.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that while building the relations with the United Nations and specialized agencies and structures on the principles of trust and constructiveness, neutral Turkmenistan practically proves invariable commitment to wide fruitful partnership for common peace, security and prosperity, achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.