Ï Turkmen leader addresses the greetings to the participants of International tourist forum

Turkmen leader addresses the greetings to the participants of International tourist forum

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Let me extend my gratitude on the beginning of work of International tourist exhibition and conference “Tourism and Travel” in Avaza National tourist zone. I am confident that the forum would be very important in popularization of tourist potential of the country, - greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Turkmenistan works on the formation of relevant infrastructure, legal, economic and social bases of tourist activity. Adoption of legal acts on regulation of tourism sphere, construction and opening of fashionable hotel complexes in free economic zone of Avaza, in Ashgabat and velayats, new health improving and entertainment centres cause the growth of potential of the country in the world tourist market.

International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, which was held recently, became not only big important competitions but also excellent event that revealed Turkmen land as attracting direction on the world map for tourists and travellers.

The rally brought together masters and amateurs of this captivating sport from different countries. This project was not only the sport event but also excellent opportunity for popularization of national cultural heritage, historical monuments, variety of bright traditions and rites of our nation in the world, - the message noted.

Formation of modern tourism industry in Turkmenistan as an important factor in development of international cooperation, attraction of innovative technologies to he country and integrated modernization of national economy.

I am confident that international forum on the coast of Caspian Sea would support the establishment and improvement of new partnership relations, successful implementation of innovative approaches to the practice of our country, improvement of Turkmenistan authority as perspective centre of international tourism industry, - the message of the President highlighted.