Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates Navy officers, seamen and cadets

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates Navy officers, seamen and cadets

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Let me congratulate you on the Day of Naval Forces of Turkmenistan, - the message of President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

Having favourable geographic location, our country turns into important transport centre and big international logistic hub. As is known from the history, Turkmen state, which had the main routes of the Silk Road, also occupied special positions in maritime connections.

We have successfully completed such large-scale project as construction of Turkmenbashy International Seaport. Having untied several facilities in its infrastructure, the port provides the capability for ship repair and building together with cargo and passenger transportation. In its turn, it makes positive effect on strengthening of the economy of the country, wealthy and prosperous life of people.

Great attention is paid to the objective related to Caspian Sea under our foreign policy. Playing important role in the subjects of regional and international cooperation, Turkmenistan makes colossal work for peace, stability and development of constructive partnership in Caspian region, improvement of friendly contacts between the nations of Caspian countries, which are united by centuries-old historical and cultural relations. This was visually indicated by the adoption of the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea at the V Summit with the participation of the heads of Caspian States, organization of the Summit of the Heads of the State-founders of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, which Turkmenistan chairs at present, as well as international rally Amul – Hazar 2018, mass cycling and field and track races along the Great Silk Road.

There is also your deserving contribution in great success and achievements of independent neutral Turkmenistan. Serving at sea borders, you provide reliable protection of Caspian Sea. Being faithful to military oath, you have to be descent continuers of traditions of patriotism, courage, bravery, heroism and humanity of our noble ancestors who defended native land and left everlasting trace in glorious history. I am confident that successfully serving your military duties, you will multiply naval art and provide integrity of sea borders, - the message says.

Together with other divisions of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, equipment and facilities base of Navy Forces is strengthened, the most advanced equipment and ships are procured and it would be continued in the future. We will continue paying special attention to improvement of qualification of seamen and to provision of security and integrity of our marine borders.

You have to do your military service according to the Military Doctrine of independent neutral Turkmenistan. You have to provide the peace and security of the borders at Caspian Sea and deservingly continue glorious traditions of Turkmen mariners! I am confident that you would deservingly fulfil your responsible and noble mission! – the message of the President highlighted.