Ï President of Turkmenistan receives Deputy Prime Minister of Russia

President of Turkmenistan receives Deputy Prime Minister of Russia

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and Chief of Staff of the Government Konstantin Chuychenko and Chairman of the Management Committee (CEO) of Russian Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom Alexey Miller.

Expressing gratitude for the opportunity of a personal meeting, the guests conveyed the warm greetings from President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev to the President of Turkmenistan and wished well-being and prosperity to the people of Turkmenistan. It was noted that Russia highly valued the friendly relations with Turkmenistan, paying particular importance to deepening the interstate cooperation.

Thanking for the kind words, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined that the foreign policy of our country prioritized the comprehensive development of diversified relations with the Russian Federation. Addressing the best wishes of the government of the Russian Federation, the head of Turkmenistan expressed satisfaction with the progressive, productive and long-term character of the interstate dialogue that meets the interests of the two neighboring peoples.

During the meeting, held in a businesslike, constructive atmosphere, the Turkmen leader and the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia exchanged their views on the current status and the prospects of cooperation, focusing on the huge potential for the further development of cooperation in the key areas, including trade and economy, agriculture, transport and communications, high-technology among others.

The meeting participants emphasized that regular contacts at the interstate, intergovernmental and other levels effectively contributed to the implementation of the potential and creation of the possibilities for developing the highly-demanded forms of cooperation, given modern realities and plans for the future.

Russia ranks among the largest foreign trade partners of our country, and RF business circles express keen interest in the Turkmen market with its favorable investment climate. Well-known Russian companies successfully work in Turkmenistan, implementing joint projects with Turkmen partners in various spheres. There are also good opportunities for enhancing and diversifying the bilateral cooperation.

The Interstate Turkmen-Russian Commission that has proved itself as an efficient mechanism for the implementation of the earlier achieved agreements and development of optimal approaches to partnership, plays a crucial role in this context.

Developing relations between Turkmenistan and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the Astrakhan Region, as well as other regions vividly exemplify the successful interstate cooperation.

The oil and gas sector – a strategically important area for the two countries, the world leading power-producing countries with enormous hydrocarbon reserves ranks among the key areas of bilateral cooperation.

In this regard, the meeting participants discussed the various aspects of the implementation of the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan on cooperation in the gas sector until 2028, including the renewal of Turkmen gas procurement starting from January 1, 2019. It was noted that at present, the Russian Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom and Turkmen partners held negotiations in this regard and the agreements would be achieved in the near future.

The representative of the Russian company expressed the interest in implementing joint projects in the fields of gas processing and chemical utilization of natural gas among others.

The parties paid particular attention to the intensification of the interstate relations in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, including science and education. Thus, A.S Pushkin Turkmen-Russian Secondary School and A.S Pushkin State Russian Drama Theater stand as a unique symbol of friendship between the two fraternal nations, bounded with historical and spiritual commonality.

The meeting participants also discussed the prospects for promoting the Turkmen-Russian cooperation in the sphere of sports.

In conclusion of the meeting President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Konstantin Chuychenko reaffirmed the commitment of the two countries in strengthening the traditional Turkmen-Russian relations, developing the bilateral cooperation on the basis of equity, mutual trust and respect for the interests. The Turkmen leader and his guests expressed the best wishes to the fraternal peoples of the countries.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Turkmenistan A. Blokhin attended the meeting.