Ï President of Turkmenistan addresses participants of the XI Turkmentel-2018 International forum

President of Turkmenistan addresses participants of the XI Turkmentel-2018 International forum

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“I congratulate you on opening of the XI Turkmentel-2018 International Exhibition and Scientific Conference on Telecommunications, Telemetring and Information Technologies. I believe that the conference held in Ashgabat regularly will provide you with the efficient solutions to the important issues on the integration into the international system of communications, will help you to develop the new areas of cooperation in this industry”, says President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his Address.

“While introducing the high technologies and the most advanced achievements of the scientific-technological progress into the system of communications, as well as developing this system in compliance with the international standards, particular attention is paid to the partnership relations. Therefore, our goal is to widen cooperation with International companies and organisations.

“The government invests significant funds to build up the capacity of the national communications industry, to ensure the successful work to develop the space systems in 2018-2024, to offer high-quality communication services to the population. “All this create good opportunities for our country to use the modern technologies, improve the quality of internet-services provided to the population. The international fiber-optic communication systems laid on the territory of the country are systematically upgraded. They play an effective role in bringing peoples closer, ensuring the sustainable development of states and transforming our Fatherland into an important logistics center. These communications play a significant role not only in Central Asia, but are also the most important branch of the transit systems running to the East-West and North-South directions, and contribute to the further development of the national communication systems”, the President of Turkmenistan says.

“Expanding and dynamically developing the efficient relations, our neutral country ranks among the states with high rates of development in all spheres, thereby attracting the attention of the international community. As a political and business center, Turkmenistan is widely known in the world. The implementation of large-scale programmes, the development of the national economy set new tasks, including the modernization of communications and electronic communication systems. The demand for various services in the field of high information technologies steadily grows. Our country develops and implements programmes to meet the needs of the population in modern communications. In this context, one of the priorities is to ensure the availability of a wide range of communication services for the population.

“At present, the telephone stations are modernized in the country, fiber-optic communication systems are laid between the cities. The communication-satellite service and the national cellular communication system are developing. The number of Internet users is steadily increasing.

“Our country is always ready for mutually beneficial cooperation with all the states interested in the development of a transnational communication system. Such relations contribute to the realization of the region’s colossal transit potential, the establishment of modern communication services, and the provision of a high level of information technology. In turn, this will offer an impetus to the improvement of the economic potential of our country and the other states as well.

“I am sure that this specialized forum that provides a platform for discussions with the countries interested in cooperation in this field, will allow the world community to get acquainted with the achievements of our sovereign state in the field of communications”, emphasizes The President of Turkmenistan.