Ï The Head of the State inspects the readiness for coming World Weightlifting Championship

The Head of the State inspects the readiness for coming World Weightlifting Championship

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the Olympic village where he inspected the preparation to coming World Weightlifting Championship especially the decoration and functionality of infrastructural facilities, which would host the main events of the championship, creation of the conditions for sportsmen and organization of the competitions on high level.

…Upon arrival in the Olympic village, the Head of the State was met by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers supervising sport sphere, health protection, science and education P. Agamyradov, Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev, Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs D. Gulgeldiyev and other.

The President started the inspection of readiness of the facilities of the Olympic village for these big competitions from the mess hall for sportsmen.

Turkmen cooks mastered the methods and special features of cooking of the dishes of various world cuisines at special seminars and training held by famous foreign masters of restaurant business and chefs. Foreign guests will also try Turkmen dishes.

Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev reported about the conditions made for correct nutrition the sportsmen, coaches and other guests participating in the competitions, who would have an opportunity to learn Turkmen gastronomic traditions.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the session hall of the Olympic village. It has all conditions for meetings, sessions, sitting of coach teams and referee assemblies. It also has a capability to replay and watch certain moments of the competitions. Having expressed the interest in the provision of this hall, the Head of the State made some recommendations on organization of its working space and personally checked functional capabilities of the monitor for clarification of the information using video recording.

Having left the building, the President looked around the exterior of the hotel where sportsmen would live and gave relevant instructions to the leaders. At the same time, it was noted that it is necessary to pay special attention to planning of green zones on the territory of the Olympic village.

It is worth reminding that the President of Turkmenistan adopted the Resolution on hand over of living houses, which were built there, to the city population as well as ordered to build shopping centre for improvement of social and living infrastructure in this part of the capital. At present, two-storey shopping centre is ready for operation. The first floor is designated for food products while the first floor would be occupied by the shops with consumer and household goods.

Having expressed keen interest in provision of the centre, which production would be offered to the population, the Head of the State focused on the importance to arrange modern services of trade sphere in modern format.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that abundance of goods of daily needs and wide variety of food products, which have to meet quality control, safety requirements and international standards, have to be provided in the shopping centre.

It was highlighted that tenants who received new apartments in high comfort buildings had an opportunity to use the shopping centre during the competitions. Speaking of soonest opening of the shopping centre, the president of Turkmenistan addressed Sh. Durdiliyev with relevant assignments.

After, the Head of the State visited the complex of game sports, which arena with stands for 15,000 people will host opening ceremony of the World Weightlifting Championship. Having inspected the works, the Head of the State noted the necessity of provision of high organizational level of the events.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the preparation of the opening ceremony of the competitions. The Head of the State noted that our country would host world-scale competitions. Thousands of foreign guests, sport delegations, fans, journalists will come to Turkmen capital, therefore, it is necessary elaborate on all subjects in order to the competitions would become bright impressive events and would be remembered to all participants, it will also give opportunity to the world to discover Turkmenistan from different view.

The Head of the State noted that at the same time, it is important to organize working environment for numerous representative of mass media so the competitions would be highlighted on proper level. Efficiency, confidence, content and visibility of coverage in press, TV and radio reports, online broadcasting will mainly define the opinion of the spectators around the world about the level of organization of the championship and about Turkmenistan in general.

After, the Head of the State went to Martial Arts Complex of the Olympic village, which would host the competitions of the weightlifters. Projects and sample of the arena decoration have been presented to Turkmen leader for review. Having studied them in details, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made number of remarks about the design and made some corrections.

Martial Arts Complex is designated for 5,000 visitors. It can held the competitions in many sports like wrestling, boxing, taekwondo, weightlifting. The sizes of the main hall (52 by 30 meters) allow placing three tatami simultaneously. Project design and construction of this facility were carried out in full compliance with technical regulation of International Olympic Committee.

It has excellent press centre with high-speed internet line and conference hall for work of mass media. The sport complex has several medical stations provided with modern equipment necessary for specialized medical aid.

Strict compliance with international standards is mandatory term for organization of high-level competitions, the Head of the State highlighted, having ordered to provide all necessary conditions for the competitions according to relevant rules.

Having highlighted exterior decoration of the sport complex including banners, symbols of competitions and paid special attention to the sculpture of Velaplythe alabay, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that dog has always been loyal friend to people, therefore, Vepaly has to be the mascot of all big competitions in our country.

In this regard, the Head of the State said that the statuettes of Vepaly in the image of weightlifter has to be more realistic and to express the specifics of this sport. These souvenirs will be commemorative gifts to the participants and guests of the championship, that is why it is important that they will have attractive and creative look. The Head of the State gave several recommendations for banners and placards.

Giving assignments for organization of the World Weightlifting Championship on high level to Vice-premier P. Agamyradov and Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs D. Gulgeldiyev, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that these competitions will be important event is port life of our country and entire planet.

Speaking of the necessity to create the best conditions for training of Turkmen sportsmen, the Head of the State expressed the interest in the training of Altyn Asyr football club for the final match of the AFC Cup 2018. The President noted that our sportsmen, who would hoist the flag of our Motherland by their victories at international tournaments, win the prizes of the World Weightlifting Championship and final games of the AFC, would receive special honours.

Having again formulated the main objectives for provision of high level of the competitions that are very important in improvement of the status of Turkmenistan as sport country, the Head of the State addressed relative leaders with number of specific assignments on this account. The President highlighted the necessity of well-thought and detailed approach to their solution.

The President urged to put all efforts for outstanding world championship and having wished success to organizers of the competitions, left the place of event.