Ï Markus Kornprobst holds seminar for young diplomats

Markus Kornprobst holds seminar for young diplomats

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Professor Markus Kornprobst (the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna) held the seminar for young diplomats at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

A representative of the Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria to Turkmenistan Gerhard Sailer opened the seminar, welcoming the training participants. The seminar included lectures and practical classes focused on the role of peace and trust in diplomacy.

The seminar agenda seems particularly important in the context of the initiative to declare the year of 2019 - the Year of Peace and Trust put forward by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly. Due to the priority importance of ensuring the universal, reliable and long-term security, Turkmenistan’s initiative envisages the development of specific measures aimed at reducing tensions, and ensuing the peaceful, politico-diplomatic resolution of disputes and contradictions, taking responsible and well-considered decisions in this regard with the UN leading and consolidating role.

In this regard, it should be noted that the peacemaking principles of the national diplomacy trace back to the centuries and the Turkmen people’s richest heritage, traditions and customs. Consistently implementing the constructive foreign policy, neutral Turkmenistan builds up its relations with the states and peoples of the world, as well as with authoritative international organizations based on the mutual respect and constructiveness, equal, mutually beneficial cooperation.

The main goal set to the diplomatic service of Turkmenistan is to implement the far-sighted strategy, initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. That requires the high level of professionalism, the use of the most advanced methods and approaches on a scientific basis from the diplomats in Turkmenistan.

Today, all the necessary conditions have been created in the country for young Turkmen diplomats to systematically improve their skills and study the best international experience. The fruitful relations with foreign partners, including leading international educational centers, are actively developing. Thus, the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna a prestigious and, at the same time, the oldest higher educational institution of this type in the world, has accumulated rich experience in training highly qualified, professional specialists.

Cooperation in the humanitarian sphere is one of the integral components of the traditionally friendly Turkmen-Austrian relations, which are successfully developing both in a bilateral and multilateral format, including through the dialogue with the countries of the European Union. A significant positive factor that contributes to the effectiveness of the interstate partnership is the fact that Turkmenistan and Austria adhere to a neutral foreign-policy course - this opens up additional opportunities for strengthening the mutual understanding and cooperation in various fields.

The constructive exchange of views took place between the participants during the seminar. Professor Markus Kornprobst also answered the questions of the seminar participants.